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[原创] 量子引力如何帮助解释宇宙的起源




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量子引力如何帮助解释宇宙的起源; {3 {- D7 q8 ^: Y  l
电仪公司  云维集团  云南  中国  黄兆荣# ^; p" s7 o% x& I/ `8 `
摘要:本文简述了作者利用量子引力和时空理论解释宇宙起源和灭亡之因3 p2 f$ \) s. z. b/ E* I! g5 _
关键词:引力  电磁力  时空膨胀   时空收缩 + |6 i  e7 }% b+ c! M4 [& P
一、        概述:
! R+ |+ x8 s7 G; F* |* _! D: g现代物理学的两大理论是标准模型和广义相对论。前者利用量子力学来描述亚原子粒子以及它们所服从的作用力,而后者是有关引力的理论。很久以来,物理学家希望合二为一,得到一种“万物至理”--即量子引力论,以便更深入地了解宇宙,包括宇宙是如何随着大爆炸自然地诞生的。实现这种融合的首要候选理论是超弦理论,或者叫M理论--这是其名称的最新“升级版”,M代表“魔法”(magic)、“神秘”(mystery)或“所有理论之母”(mother of all theories)。$ F, D, U8 e2 d' s- r( Z
9 U9 {0 |7 G* G! S  D4 k* ^碳元素是自然界最稳定的元素之一,我在焦化厂工作,办公室在炼焦炉、各种堆积场地的上风口、距离在200米左右,白天随时随地都有四至六级的风在刮,我在办公室坐上两小时左右就会发现自己手变黑了,用水一洗,洗手的水变成了黑色的,这说明碳元素会变成肉眼看不见、且会被风吹走的徵粒。
8 @/ e7 z" E. a  ^7 G" Y2 c- H2 o5 I将一间表光滑的屋子密封起来,并打扫干净,放一张桌子放在屋内,时间一长,桌面上也会有一层灰尘。6 ]# P4 f, r2 L4 m3 N9 V
, c, s. n. x  p" b6 Q( q' {2 g三、宇宙中存在的力
3 w- z2 P* T  Q" C+ k目前,宇宙中存在着各种各样的力,是它们把散沙般的基本粒子结合在一起,组成了各种各样的物质,这些力从本质上都可归结为四种基本力:引力、电磁力、强力和弱力。这四种强弱悬殊、性质各异的基本力,分别控制了的宇宙。
+ L# a& D, |, ?5 I四种力的相对强度以及作用范围都有着巨大的区别。从相对强度上来说,假定以电磁力的强度为一个单位强度,则强力要比这个单位大出100倍,弱力只有 1/1000,引力小到几乎是可以忽略不计的:在微观世界中,它只有电磁力的1040分之一!% K) i. D9 `$ |5 [+ \
引力:弱力:电磁力:强核力:= 1 :1030 :10:37:1040$ M/ L9 ^2 b8 `3 ?
各种物体都存在着一种即具有吸引、电特性、磁特性的粒子,还具有电、磁所沒有的特性。这种粒子(叫吸粒子)做某种形式的波动运动,当绝缘棒与毛皮摩擦时,是给波动的粒子加能,波动更快。就象有些金属具有光电现象一样,某种物体与另一物体摩擦会产生最大化的能量,而与其它的物质摩擦产生的能量少。摩擦不是产生静电,而是给比静电更强的粒子、具有电、磁所沒有的特性的粒子增加能量。这种粒子(吸粒子)遍布整个宇宙,只是密度不同而矣,地球内部、外部的物质互相摩擦也是给吸粒子增加能量,波速增加,带动更多的吸粒子运动,离地球越近吸粒子波动越快,单位体积内吸粒子含量就越多,离地面由近及远吸粒子的波动速度降低,单位体积内吸粒子含量也减少,吸收力也就降低。实验还表明,不论什么物质,在相同的高度,单位质量含有吸粒子数是相等,是-个不变的常数。  ?7 j2 s' ]) E2 l, r6 J7 {% h
' o( Q. \6 y" `9 d, j; S   上述实验表明,电磁力与吸引力可以相互转换,转换的条件就是摩擦。6 P# X" o$ Z7 I6 N
4 I( c7 ^" l# \* Z爱因斯坦建立了时空观念,并且说时空可以弯曲可以产生引力。空间本身是没有形状的,当没有任何物质或能量存在时,空间应该是平直光滑的,当一个大质量物体进入空间后,平直的空间就发生了弯曲凹陷,这就像一条拉得很平很直的床单上,当放进一个保龄球时,床单就凹陷下去,所谓引力就是因为这样的空间弯曲而导致的。6 L- _: F0 z- m5 Y6 k% r  Z
作者根据爱因斯坦时空并加以发挥扩展,是时空不但能弯曲,还能膨胀和收缩。时空膨胀产生斥力,时空收缩产生引力,当时空膨胀与收缩平衡时,物体的形状和密度就已确定。时空具有唯一性连续性,越临近性质越相似。以任一点为对称点,就象180度两端的点的性质相似,离对称点越近,两端点的性质越相似,性质相差越小。相反,离对称点越远,两个端点的点的性质相差越大。! y0 {3 Q5 V$ }- W* @
9 ^, j6 l% G1 W- I时空膨胀要消耗能量,时空收缩是贮存能量。对于整个宇宙来说,质能是守恒的,当宇宙中发光星球向外放射能量,使宇宙中的能量粒子增加,向外辐射粒子使星球质量减少,最后消失。或者由于质量减少,偏离原来运动轨迹,与其它星球碰撞合并,释放巨大能量。如果是一群星球与一个质量非常大相碰撞,这个大质量的星球在一群星球碰撞之下就会形成黑洞,或者几群星球分时段与同一个星球在同凹处碰撞,也能形成一个黑洞。摩擦能使引力变成电磁力,使引力转变成斥力,使宇宙加速膨胀。宇宙膨胀使空间中的粒子减少,促使星球加速向外辐射粒子。摩擦力保持不变,排斥不变,根据牛顿第二定律:& I. S  ]/ m) z) J3 J: ~0 ^2 F
F = m a
; }3 a! N" i9 e6 n* ^使宇宙膨胀加剧  加速度为a 8 K* _8 q6 r: N7 B
当大部份物体星球挥发变成无限小的粒子时,或变成一定小物体时,宇宙停止膨胀,开始收缩,即时空收缩。6 C$ `9 E& E% d7 T
9 H+ [* g( p3 j8 I; c发光的星球、大星球衰减到一定程度时,如遇到一个黑洞时,星球被黑洞吸引与之碰撞,产生高温、高压,使星球气化至最小微粒,这些最小微粒被高压推出口,离出口-定距离物质被冷却,实行物质物体重组。重组时如果是同-种物质、或同一种占大多数,而其它物质占极少数,那么在堆积时就燃烧。
, s& x5 V0 }" `" C沒有被黑洞吸收的颗粒,由于引力的作用使颗粒相吸引而堆积在一起,越堆越大,由于压力的作用,使堆积起来球内部发生变化,有的因物质不同,变得会发光,有的不发光。随着堆积体积加大,球体自转,有些粒子与大球摩擦,由引力变成电磁力,排斥外来粒子,加上空间颗粒减少,使球体体积增加速度放慢。空间粒子减少由排斥力变成引力,时间一长使宇宙收缩,即时空收缩。5 a! v1 G' L) K) `- a/ T( g
收缩到一定程度,又开始膨胀,宇宙就是一个轮回又一个轮回地运动着,膨胀、粒子离开星球进入空中、电磁力、再膨胀、…粒子离开星球再进入空中、循环下去,到极限,引力、堆积、宇宙收缩…引力、再堆积、宇宙再收缩、循环下去,到极限。# H3 [5 q# ?2 X  W. p+ z8 e5 ?8 y
. P4 E( T. |! F3 h& u+ D7 h  物体表面的粒子克服其引力,离开物体进入空中,使宇宙膨胀,由于粒子间的引力作用,使粒子堆积小物体,由小物体堆积成大物体。  
3 R" b6 A+ H6 }+ s八、感谢全班全体同事和儿子的支持: \/ I& e6 d3 g2 w
九、参考文献:3 k  y9 O, _6 p8 f, T( w0 J
1, [美]J、C、斯莱特著。扬朝黃译<原子结构的量子理论> 1981年出版。上海科技出版社。
! O2 M6 n/ H" N0 x0 z7 `2,[法]J、萨尔蒙;A、日瓦特著、顾世杰译。《量子力学》1981年出版。科学出版社出版。
* O; _$ ?: w* f* g3,[苏]福里斯、A、B、季莫列娃著、梁宝洪译。《普通物理学》1979年出版发行,人民教育出版社。
: B9 e) }' a2 V& l# N4,J、I、朗道;E、M 粟费席兹著;任朗;袁炳南译《场论》1978年出版发行,人民教育出版社。1 x  e5 o& O% _& q* Q- u+ ^- s/ v
* r! ~2 B% q2 {6,[美]E、威切曼著;复旦大学物理系译。《量子物理学》科学出版社出版。4 [4 W* f1 h# a- B
# Z' p) R8 l( j: V8、再谈引力与电磁力的统一      黄兆荣
4 Q4 r+ j* g' i, `( dHow does the quantum attraction help the explanation universe the origin, k; h# g5 V6 S; s# q0 J
Electricity meter company cloud Uygur group Yunnan China Huang Zhaorong) R0 x* w% y9 ]+ G4 V
Abstract: This article has summarized the author using the quantum attraction and the space and time theory explained that the universe origins and perishes it because of the
* Y8 g* b% Q/ f' c5 y/ lkey word: Attraction electromagnetic force space and time inflation Space and time contraction
) e/ R% y3 n! N$ XFirst, Outline: modern physics' two Dali discusses is the standard model and the general theory of relativity. The former describes the action which using the quantum mechanics the subatom granule as well as they obey, but the latter is the related attraction theory. Since long, the physicist hopes to combine, obtains one kind “the myriad things highest good”--Namely quantum attraction theory, with the aim of understanding the universe thoroughly, how is to be born naturally including the universe along with the large explosion. Realizes this kind of fusion most important candidate theory is the ultra string theory, or is called the M theory--This is its name newest “the promotion version”, M represents “the black magic” (magic), “mystical” (mystery) or “mother of all theory” (mother of all theories).9 F. F: u4 K! o% x9 N" L
Second, phenomenon the carbon element is one of nature stablest elements, I in the coking plant work, the office in the coke furnace, each kind of stack location's uptake, the distance about 200 meters, daytime anytime and anywhere have four to six levels of winds am blowing, I will sit about two hours in the office to discover oneself hand nigrescence, as soon as the water used washed, the water which washed the hands turned the black, this explained that the carbon element could turn the naked eye not to be able to see, and will be walked by the breeze blow drafts the grain. seals a table smooth room, and cleans cleanly, puts a table to place in the room, as soon as the time is long, on the tabletop will also have a dust. the above two kind of phenomena showed that the dust is because it has overcome the big object surface attraction, thus disperses airborne. Also because the attraction function will disperse in the airborne dust particle attracts in -, forms the finely ground particles, also piles by the small object becomes the big object.
, Q. S/ I+ i, M) rThird, in the universe exists strength present, in the universe has various strength, is they the loose sand fundamental particle unifies in together, has composed various materials, these strength from may sum up essentially are four kind of fundamental forces: Attraction, electromagnetic force, force and weak strength. These four kind of strongs and the weaks are disparate, the nature varies the fundamental force, has controlled separately universe. the four strength's relative strengths as well as the sphere of action have the huge difference. From the relative strength, supposes take the electromagnetic force intensity as a unit strength, then the force must be bigger than 100 times this unit, the weak strength only then 1/1000, the attraction slightly to nearly is may ignore: In microcosm, it only then electromagnetic force 1/1040! attraction: Weak strength: Electromagnetic force: Strong nuclear potential: = 1: 1030: 10:37:1040 each kind of object has one kind namely to have the attraction, the electricity characteristic, the magnetism characteristic granule, but also has the characteristic which the electricity, magnetism do not have. This kind of granule (calls to attract granule) to make some form the fluctuation movement, when insulation rod and fur friction, is adds for the fluctuation granule energy, the fluctuation is quicker. Looks like some metals to have the electroopical phenomenon to be the same, some kind of object can have the maximized energy with another object friction, but produces with other material friction the energy are few. The friction produces the static electricity, but gives compared to a static electricity stronger granule, has the characteristic granule which the electricity, magnetism do not have to increase the energy. This kind of granule (attracts granule) to proliferate the entire universe, is only the density is different, but, the earth interior, the exterior material rub are also mutually for attract the granule to increase the energy, the wave velocity increases, leads much attracts the granule movement, is nearer to the Earth attracts the granule fluctuation to be quicker, in the unit volume attracts the granule content to be more, by near and attracts the granule to the ground the fluctuation speed to reduce far, in the unit volume attracts the granule content also to reduce, the absorbing power also reduces. The experiment also indicated that no matter any material, in the same altitude, the unit mass includes attracts the granule number is equal, is - an invariable constant. between object mutual attraction, when an object after another object friction, the attraction object's strength enhancement, starts to attract the small object, after the small object (not charged) attracts, then again when is close with the small object, by the attraction turned the repelling force. The above experiment indicated that the electromagnetic force and the attraction may the interconversion, the transformation condition be rub.
8 u% o8 D6 y$ B* k2 Q5 n# EFourth, space and time Einstein has established the space and time idea, and said that the space and time may curving be possible to have the attraction. The space itself does not have the shape, when does not have any material or the energy existence, the space should be straight smooth, when after a big quality object enters the space, the straight space has occurred curving hollow, this looks like one to pull on the very much even very straight bed sheet, when admits a bowling, the bed sheet hollowly gets down, the so-called attraction is curving causes because of such space. the author and displays according to the Einstein space and time expands, is not only the space and time can be curving, but can also inflate and the contraction. The space and time inflation produces the repulsion, the space and time contraction has the attraction, when the space and time inflation and the contraction are balanced, the object shape and the density had determined. The space and time has the unique continuity, more approaches the nature to be more similar. Take any spot as symmetrical points, looks like 180 degree both sides the spot nature to be similar, is nearer to the symmetrical points, two vertex's nature are more similar, the nature difference is smaller. On the contrary, is farther to the symmetrical points, two vertex's spot nature difference is bigger.
2 x0 U( l3 Y) z$ zFifth, because the cosmic expansion the space and time inflates must the expended energy, the space and time contraction stores the energy. Regarding the entire universe, the mass energy is the conservation, when in the universe shines the star to emit the energy outward, makes in the universe the energy granule to increase, radiates the granule to cause the star quality outward to reduce, finally vanishes. Or because the quality reduces, deviation original path, with other star collision merge, release huge energy. If is crowd of stars collides very greatly with a quality, this big quality's star will form the black hole under a crowd of star collision, or several crowd of star time sharing sections with identical star in with recessed collision, can also form a black hole. The friction can cause the attraction to turn the electromagnetic force, causes the attraction to transform the repulsion, causes the universe to accelerate to inflate. The cosmic expansion causes in spatial the granule reduction, urges the star acceleration to radiate the granule outward. The friction force maintains invariable, the repel is invariable, according to the Newton second law:. z- S7 O$ D  p6 S
F = m a
# b' Z6 e: z* C. {! I+ `, xCauses the cosmic expansion aggravating acceleration is a , when the major part object star ball volatility turns the infinitesimal the granule, when or turns the certainly small object, the universe stop inflates, starts to contract, namely space and time contraction.
% t; R. H# Y5 W+ Z* lSixth, when the universe contraction the illumination's star, the big star weaken to the certain extent, when like meets a black hole, the star by the black hole attraction with it collision, is produced the high temperature, the high pressure, causes the star gasification to the smallest particle, these smallest particle is pushed by the high pressure the export, - decides to the export from the material is cooled, implements the material object reorganization. When reorganization, if with - a material, or the identical kind occupies the majority, but other materials occupy few, then in stack time burns. not by black hole absorption pellet, because the attraction function causes the pellet mutual attraction to direct to pile up in together, more piles is bigger, as a result of the pressure function, causes to pile up the ball interior to change, because some material will be different, becomes will shine, some will be nonluminous. Enlarges along with the stack volume, the spheroid rotation, some granules and the big ball friction, turn the electromagnetic force by the attraction, repels the external granule, in addition the spatial pellet reduces, makes spheroid volume gain the speed to slow down. The spatial granule reduces by the repelling force turns the attraction long, the time one causes the universe contraction, namely space and time contraction. contracts the certain extent, also starts to inflate, the universe is a samsara another samsara movement, the inflation, the granule leave the star to enter airborne, the electromagnetic force, to inflate again,…The granule leaves the star to enter airborne, the circulation to get down again, to limit, attraction, stack, universe contraction…The attraction, piles up, the universe to contract, the circulation again to get down again, to limit.
& |' w) `8 a3 e/ U) PSeventh, conclusion: the object surface's granule overcomes its attraction, leaves the object to enter airborne, causes the cosmic expansion, because gravitation between the granule, causes the granule to pile up the small object, piles up the big object by the small object.
8 g3 i! X9 B. X4 fEighth, thanks all personnel to work together and son's support" U8 i7 h$ }, R, R- A; e
Ninth, reference:9 P% g, E' b5 O. s- s0 R
1, [US] J, C, Sleight. Raised faces yellow translates in 1981 to publish. Shanghai Science and technology Publishing house. ; L" P4 W6 b' n% C4 o/ W
2, [law] J, Saar Mongolia; A, the date watt, Gu Shijie is translating. "Quantum mechanics" in 1981 published. Scientific Publishing house publication. ( m: l0 i* s3 B5 M8 s/ u- P
3, [Soviet] Forres, A, B, the season not arrange in order the baby, Liang Baohong to translate. "Ordinary Physics" in 1979 published, popular education publishing house. " J, L0 e2 T- S8 Z; c
4, J, I, bright road; E, M millet Fei Xizi; No matter what bright; Yuan Bingna translated "Field theory" in 1978 publishes, popular education publishing house.# L9 s+ d" Y7 Q  ~* d( @
5, Fudan University chemistry department arranges, "Physical chemistry" in 1978 published, popular education publishing house.0 V# y3 f' ?: ?" Z" t
6, [US] E, the prestige cut are being graceful; Fudan University physics department translates. "Quantum physics" Scientific Publishing house publication.
9 y9 o2 U: P( P- B, s3 a" t: R. V; D' \7, [US] A, Einstein are waiting. Zhao Zhitian, Liu translate all along. "Relativity principle" in 1980 published, Scientific Publishing house publication.
3 n% n  c7 k* u) U6 L8th, discusses the attraction and the electromagnetic force unification again
$ A. {, v9 @  a- m% x: EHuang  Zhao  rong
帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



发表于 2011-3-8 08:59:43 | 显示全部楼层

" [+ U2 Y2 [+ C) T7 ~如果这个循环是稳定的,可持续的,那么何谈极限呢?还是这循环可能失衡,出现可能的发展方向,向着极限终结或者新生呢?
帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



发表于 2012-2-28 09:34:18 | 显示全部楼层
帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
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