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发表于 2011-10-23 10:09:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
标题: 西部继电保护会议论文(2011)
作者: Monkey T
所属专业方向: 继电保护
摘要: 西部继电保护会议论文
关键字: 西部 继电保护 会议 论文
来源: 会议


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西部继电保护会议论文-2011, A, E& C" m) A9 P$ t, x% X
5 l* p2 X7 W" H" @
WPRC_2011.rar (33.27 MB, 下载次数: 3)
帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-23 11:48:50 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 MonkeyTang 于 2011-10-23 11:52 编辑
. e, l- ]( @0 k" d* X. B: _2 R1 q: Z; C% ]0 G( O4 r
, o" \% L- g/ g0 ]
刚刚结束的2011 WPRC会议, 很新鲜. - t1 L) d! h5 Y$ c: m+ Y( B- \8 b

2 V0 ~1 U8 H  A. d6 t9 N/ k


SESSION I (General Session)
" c" m8 F8 C7 s: J7 N% @Fundamentals of Lightning and Lightning Arrester Protection Zone Determination for Protection Engineers

Seung Cho, Chelan County PUD

1 R* x9 V% t; U3 t$ ~

0 r3 Y! x4 V- U0 X% L
Polarizing Choices for Directional Ground Relays

Aaron Feathers, Pacific Gas & Electric Company

3 h- h8 q: N( Z  n6 n  K/ k+ G

! Y/ e+ p+ i9 w1 i2 ]& ^, v+ A+ GZero-Sequence Mutual Coupling and Relay Directionality – A Case Study

John Merrell and Ian Riensche, Tacoma Power

, G" u. ]9 Q% |Fundamentals of Short-Circuit Protection for Transformers

Normann Fischer, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

; ?: e/ i6 R5 T! U4 V: t

( n1 A9 G5 A! O0 R* Y, D- eDisturbance Analysis Enhances the Art and Science of Protective Relaying

Charles Henville, Henville Consulting Inc

( ]5 P$ x' u1 ]0 B

3 K" s+ K7 e; W2 E8 t: A1 ySESSION II (Concurrent with Session III)
4 N! \& _- u+ G4 Z& l3 o8 ITesting Considerations for Line Current Differential Schemes

Bogdan Kasztenny, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

! e* C) ^. h. s% |5 R0 n

1 d5 }, L. q+ ]- z7 p, U: Z! E, kSetting Out-of-Step Blocking or Tripping Using Dynamic Simulations

Yofre Jacome, COES

9 C1 I' {, l- t

6 s& ^4 \0 c: c& Z9 `$ Q
Realistic Testing of Power Swing Blocking and Out-of-Step Tripping Functions

Jun Verzosa, Doble Engineering

$ d7 [' |2 Q) R6 U; }3 D

; d% p  \- _  P7 lHigh-Current Qualification Testing of an Arc-Flash Detection System

Bob Hughes, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

1 t- X8 W) x, j/ s9 T1 H, ~. M

1 x3 z6 Y% O) N8 x0 m
Verify Performance and Safety of Arc-Flash Detection Systems

Mark Zeller, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

7 b. Z& a& Z+ L0 ]! d8 D# u( m' N* J- {; {* }

( h7 }- C& d- @) S4 JSESSION III (Concurrent with Session II)
- L1 J; N* P+ ~+ g0 D  S: cString Current Unbalance Protection and Faulted String Identification for Grounded-wye Shunt Capacitor Banks

Elmo Price, ABB Inc

  B2 o  T2 _. o

/ G" ~8 Q$ t6 @+ Z: {+ T5 ]0 Z
Capacitor Bank Protection for Simple and Complex Configurations

Roy Moxley, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

: N) o$ O) s4 O! Y% H/ ^

0 N. ?& T" F1 g3 U& Y0 I500 kV IPT Breaker Failure Protection

Vinh Duong, ABB Inc

2 Q. k2 \3 u2 l) R

Review of the Breaker Failure Protection Practices in Utilities

Yiyan Xue, AEP

# J: D8 X; z4 b# G- y0 }! P9 B/ w

, i+ a7 C+ B, r" h+ y
Distributed Generation and its Impact on Power Grids and Microgrids Protection

Galina Antonova, ABB Inc

4 S! Y3 E0 z: I) C( X( n

6 @4 X8 t% s: i+ ?) J- \- d
SESSION IV (Concurrent with Session V)% |" y0 L. H- f. d
Overall Differential Protection for Pump Storage Power Plant with Tapped-Delta Design of the Unit Transformer

Zoran Gajic, ABB SA Products

( i  [" C  S5 y  D$ q. V

1 G; U7 y0 J% y" u1 Q& N5 Z( s
CT Requirements for Generator Split-Phase Protection

Dale Finney, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

1 o7 A! u1 d. b  ^- v! @

Power System Instability – What Relay Engineers Need to Know

Charles Mozina, Beckwith Electric Company

  r4 g+ k$ ^4 }" K% E4 a7 C

$ k) v$ v: r9 ]/ M- e6 ?% PCoordinating Generation Protection with Transmission Protection and Generator Control – NERC Standards and Pending Requirements

Charles Mozina, Beckwith Electric Company

: P8 X" y2 D" U9 V/ A- I9 V" |

# p  R+ L! L5 N
Stability Studies for System Dependent Generator Protection Functions

Prem Kumar, Bechtel Power

+ ]! U9 X0 m& Z2 @

4 N# F( h( H& X
SESSION V (Concurrent with Session IV)# O8 \; y2 d* v# @: E, ?$ \& w
Practical Applications of Ethernet in Substations and Industrial Facilities

Craig Wester, GE Digital Energy Multilin

, o* @' h3 O' F; ^3 M

Ethernet-Based Protection and Control System for the Tabasco Potencia Substation: Design Concepts, Testing and Field Performance

Hector Altuve, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

( e; L! x! k' p) [5 n5 p

% S; n  `, u* V; m8 r6 vMerging SONET and Ethernet Communications for Power System Applications

Ken Fodero, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

& }! b* B: Z$ ^. E6 _0 N9 T/ j* B

# ]- F4 O/ B: Z7 ENetwork Errors and Their Influence on Current Differential Relaying

Solveig Ward, Quanta Technology

% U4 S0 ]# A* ~' b3 U

8 ?3 ^' |$ j3 k5 f7 n6 N. U6 u, V, jApplying Radio Communication in Distribution Generation Teleprotection Schemes

Venkat Mynam, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

  r; K8 `7 A/ x2 `5 l

* p9 s. [1 H  F) VSESSION VI (Concurrent with Session VII)
# S# r: s# t  f. cCCVT Transients Revisited

Roger Hedding, ABB Inc

& V( t" L/ S: d* Z: g- ^

7 F; S4 U; ?3 _, n8 D# N8 e
Considerations for Fault Protection of Wind Power Plant Collector Systems

George Tsai Li, S&C Electric Company

# |- Z0 @- V! e& C

. w* L/ d9 c2 B
Overview of the IEEE Standard Defining a Common Format for Event Data Exchange – COMFEDE-IEEE C37.239-2010

Mark Adamiak, GE Digital Energy Multilin

0 ^) X) v8 e$ d% X4 M9 J

. ]* w1 E6 O, P! s2 wCalculating Loadability Limits of Distance Relays
9 W/ M' {; s' H0 A3 ^Joe Perez, ERLPhase Power Technologies Ltd

Cesar Rincon, Entergy

. h& _  G. m+ \6 Z

6 c! P& D# y% [% c/ k; u
Weak Infeed Study and Protection Solution

Mark Wang, Hydro One

" J  F2 `0 A6 d! s$ d/ U

# K5 H% A! a  k& Q. u9 ^. u2 b* n) n. _
SESSION VII (Concurrent with Session VI): s8 o$ e7 x' N/ s
Tutorial on Operating Characteristics of Microprocessor-Based Multiterminal Line Current Differential Relays

Hector Altuve, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

7 I5 {; u7 z) w& T/ C# y3 H. m

$ @- s& d. m) o+ a+ v% P: TCommunications and Data Synchronization for Line Current Differential Schemes

Bogdan Kasztenny, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

* U; |, o$ p& [1 g

- E; i/ H# F) c% n! o0 y0 |Analysis of Mutual Coupling Effect on DCB Scheme Operation for an External Fault

Irene Lu, National Grid

( Q* I) y4 ^! S" ~5 e/ a$ c2 k

. {6 s3 J" D) W5 l4 W; F
Impacts of Shunt Reactors on Transmission Line Protection

Normann Fischer, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

7 T4 l; g; \" ?* e$ }3 N7 A+ J

( U' b+ c; f4 z/ D& o, VAdaptive HV Transmission Line Reclosing

Mital Kanabar, GE Digital Energy Multilin

0 a( v4 |8 S2 R# y+ a+ X. O) }  `

' _, k5 y& J+ E6 C8 {8 |9 I: r
SESSION VIII (Concurrent with Session IX)
# b& B( j0 N( d: l' m$ l# _, C8 nConsequences of Out-of-Phase Reclosing on Feeders with Distributed Generators

Dale Finney, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

8 t; R5 W+ k+ Y. m7 {/ ?

0 Z; K$ q9 }+ {6 ^) |' G
& J7 l/ I! |1 @- g0 l+ K6 \7 i* C

+ ]) r% j4 R* R$ }2 ?+ ]! S
Alternative to Conventional Automatic Reclosing: Application of PulseClosing™ Technology to Looped Distribution Feeder Protection

George Tsai Li, S&C Electric Company

, L; h6 m3 ?* ?% f$ [; @

1 l4 r* ^* {+ }( \8 q/ R  nDistance Protection in Distribution Systems: How it Assists with Integrating Distributed Resources

Amy Sinclair, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

5 N- L' \, y, i% u. L+ t/ C, U

# y4 Q5 @# o# j8 c. S6 E
Wind Farm Collector Protection Using Directional Overcurrent Elements

Doug Jones, POWER Engineers Inc

- v- w6 B( X* X, d

4 [% S+ h) C0 @" y" U3 H8 \7 o! \Achieving Optimum Capacitor Bank Protection and Control/ x: M* Y1 L. u! C
Robert Frye,
Tennessee& B) u: O3 L' K# h) w
Valley Authority. B) Z# O4 d1 B, t9 c3 h
$ Q) l# w. m  l1 ^# ~( N

% v9 D8 ^1 K- \' Z  M1 I
SESSION IX (Concurrent with Session VIII)) d! Y& v0 A/ r+ |# }" b" w+ ?0 |; k
Differential Protection for Power Transformers with Non-Standard Phase Shifts

Ilia Voloh, GE Digital Energy Multilin

8 U0 A3 G# {6 I- O" d; Z

# D. \3 @" R& x+ ]- f; S
Improving Breaker Failure Protection for Generator Applications

Michael Thompson, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

! E6 j5 k1 D# H6 L

0 F3 G9 t5 D- CUnderstanding Differences in Harmonic Restraint and Harmonic Blocking in Transformer Differential Protection

John Wang, Xcel Energy

6 _) u: u& b9 U$ D9 F$ W5 Y$ J/ g, Z4 [

7 K/ ~1 M, t& z( c
Fundamentals and Advancements in generator Synchronizing Systems

Michael Thompson, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

0 A0 g" D- y2 v. a+ z6 Y

5 Y4 c% `# p" V
Three-Winding Autotransformer Fault Study and Impact on Protection Application

Xudong Zhang, New York Power Authority

2 ?5 ?; M& H) y, I  b7 D( x/ |. d

( T* C6 K+ b; P$ s5 X! T
SESSION X (General Session)
& I. J9 V$ w) y& \5 |& V5 J; w; p8 @: ?Operation and Maintenance Considerations for Underfrequency Relaying Design

Edsel Atienza, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

4 E* I' H, r9 O% V4 A0 D

& C( N$ o6 f6 R2 kIdentifying the Proper Impedance Plane and Fault Trajectories in Distance Protection Analysis

Fernando Calero, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

' h8 V( V8 k: p% z4 t% H3 f

- z% ]8 r7 J' n* i+ j) z% p
Stray Flux and its Influence on Protection Relays

Zoran Gajic, ABB SA Products

6 a5 n4 F7 Z6 M1 H

4 @' O& R9 p1 d8 ^. K3 |+ d
Fully Monitoring Protection and Control Systems

Terrence Smith, GE Digital Energy Multilin

/ O1 s$ U/ Y) o8 K# L1 B

7 e( Z+ f& _. y0 T' hDetecting Broken Rotor Bars with Zero-Setting Protection

Marcos Donolo, Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc

& }, J2 ?7 S$ |: U

帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
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    发表于 2011-10-23 14:00:29 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
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