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[原创] 第二届IEEE数据库技术与应用国际会议-DBTA2010(DBTA2009已全部EI Compendex检索)




发表于 2010-5-4 22:25:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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abbr_319e1d4bad0ac813b4ae9db0f9767e2f.rar (38.66 KB, 下载次数: 0) 9 U% l* E- ?/ o$ Y+ U/ X
The 2nd International Workshop on Database Technology and Applications (DBTA2010)! g3 Q* G2 }. ~+ t/ K: `# b* O

' ~7 i& k: D. D$ f0 T第二届IEEE数据库技术与应用国际会议-DBTA2010(DBTA2009已全部EI Compendex检索)2 _" n2 G  f' r9 @2 d1 Y
" @. _) }8 U/ @: `$ r7 C
11月27-28,2010,武汉,中国   N; [9 F: @% V5 J' Z7 l/ N

* @2 h8 ]0 L' L& [2 ]8 yhttp://www.icdbta.org/
7 r8 q% O- d8 B  u$ {2 M7 A* ^" y1 m+ b/ ~1 D4 X

' y! f2 H7 i, S# K" W5 D$ `. g# N# P, a0 ]
论文提交日期: 2010年8月18日
$ ~5 X& _2 x5 Q7 ^: Y0 a* @' z6 d4 z# k
3 ]. e' q% h2 o3 e( V, T9 J1 C$ C论文录用通知日期: 2010年9月 16 日5 l- _1 r* }; v
8 v) T& Q; R+ D) u( A
论文修订版本提交日期: 2010年9月22日- a) x8 M+ v) g! b$ b
0 [# n# w* l: V- T" b
论文注册日期: 2010年9月28日
+ H3 L3 V0 c( M3 B: {6 Y% R& L7 ?9 h2 o- W9 d- J( i5 z( k7 H6 }) v
论文提交系统: http://www.icdbta.org/dbta2010/submission/. G+ r) |' ^; E# U* K
( L4 A' x! M% L* M: a9 V1 t
会议论文模版: http://www.icdbta.org/dbta2010/instruct8.5x11.doc(只接受英文稿件)% ?( j9 ^6 I) w: U9 J

- O$ p$ X1 Q& E) A: S! \, HIEEE会议论文版权表: http://www.icdbta.org/dbta2010/IEEECopyrightForm.doc (录用注册后提交)
  G/ d: o) T) N( l1 g
# M- Z, w+ ^# _7 l- ^# N" G
" S! x/ P. i" M9 r. h: \6 J1 N
; r" N8 D6 C$ s$ H( N0 z' y: h, O第二届IEEE数据库技术与应用国际会议(DBTA2010)将于2010年11月27-28日在中国-武汉召开。5 K* ?8 k9 h% Y! Z; N
( i- T- E# I: o' D# |- x+ b- u
第一届IEEE数据库技术与应用国际会议(DBTA2009)全部收录的论文已经被EI Compendex检索。
( `# ]" W8 f/ X: R7 z# m7 t( U9 I8 Q8 a/ H5 @+ Z) i* E
DBTA2010将由美国IEEE出版社出版,收录的论文将全部被ISTP和EI Compendex检索。会议
$ v# {  K* ~3 y6 M
4 `# k8 E. q5 d优秀论文将被推荐选入EI或SCI国际期刊专刊发表。
  ~# G. @* q4 ^# g  x8 @
  N  v4 p) h  ~$ K+ g& w+ w$ ]! d& R! w. v
  B2 s: k$ s. s  {$ T
& h) N  c: h7 S, H( Z# j. P9 x# N4 f
3 V0 w0 r' {7 i. n5 T+ ?- ^3 Q; k- G" H+ t$ R1 m5 B

6 D/ o* |# Y0 x$ Z+ ~, y/ H& W) q# |1. Database and Related Issue
7 W# V0 W& p5 b" j9 C% z) v+ B/ O; G) n
Temporal Data) J) ^  m/ T0 ?& I/ Y. Q7 S

# v& U* ^( ?2 Y1 _* YScientific Databases
7 ?8 M& Z: S% K) R5 i# \* T" h% {1 p- u; h+ |3 H
Business database software# o- u7 s  {& c% K

$ o4 E) u) G' A7 mComputer data processing ) r! q  _2 I9 H& ~+ ^- o6 {

' z! o& i# {8 C4 Y: P( _Data processing services
  V. E, P# b1 i( x, b, J3 t$ v9 Z% u% O/ U! l
Data processing supplies $ v+ a( A5 }' A+ A
# a; v8 A. f5 O9 c' p
Data processing systems* h7 e* J' F$ y2 _. L4 ]

& s( ~/ H5 D1 rMetadata Management; y* ?% v  Q, M

, L0 F+ z3 J. C, l! X5 ]. k" kMobile Data and Information. R! [" G  n( m6 ~0 w9 S
' w1 r8 E$ Y1 e$ G
Multimedia Databases
) T$ u2 i5 k4 y* S' F& W5 z$ c; e- y/ L, K# I  K5 j, m
WWW and Databases
* [( U" h7 I% N( c2 O8 h2 _0 i
# [: z, o$ T6 R+ O' [# RWorkflow Management and Databases  J" p7 c' Z6 J, S2 C/ p5 i6 b
0 L5 E9 f+ a% A4 Q- K5 I
XML and Databases
- r/ l3 U# W) I* O
2 P! ~- `8 a& Y! W' GMultimedia Databases2 i8 ?. n) V6 s  z6 `. |% {  A

) i. T) i$ |2 {! Z$ R( AData modeling and architectures
  k( l' \: T5 C' g7 m% l: Z. p' W6 D6 \* H. g0 }0 t$ B$ G$ `5 U3 E  X( C
Data streaming, data provenance and data quality2 W/ O" u% n8 j8 O9 G' v* H  W

* Z/ @9 P8 S$ K0 M5 zData Security, privacy, and data integrity
) \+ Q, z/ |: A8 }! T  p) F! K
3 T0 {. R+ E4 m% u/ kWeb Data and the Internet& \- `3 _% }% N

7 K( v" r( {! L6 N; O' {9 tXML and databases, web services- n, {  u  V9 C

0 D/ H+ x0 N( ~- d; A9 ySemi-structured data, metadata' K' d0 y1 d/ t  p7 V+ h- |% m
9 C8 g% H- m4 b$ m6 K3 {2 ?( t6 k* ^
# B: T* y& [# U! H
: e3 g  q, h, D' W$ e; n$ `
- n' P4 ^, {( Y
- V% |# b. Q4 k& o# z! V7 N2. Data warehouse and Data mining. \% w; q. J& s
& q' ~, ?/ Y% ~- A  z, N7 S
Grid/Parallel/distributed data warehousing
- I" {4 M  B7 b1 B0 X7 p1 u' T, w( p; n% K
Web/multimedia data warehouses
1 x& {6 q( Q, Z0 T+ r" r7 D4 h0 Z5 R) G& F& R
Data warehousing and the semantic web% E+ ]8 h& Y  F. Z# z
# J* N' @; D2 J- j; `$ L
Data warehousing with unstructured data& D7 Y/ V0 m3 b2 |5 D$ L& Y: U  ?
  n' t6 R& B1 t( x5 d4 [$ @
Integration of Data Warehousing
  l; G; f, z. g' P( v
$ T9 f3 {1 L, l3 ?9 ?/ l* ^Data and knowledge representation1 H9 A" {3 h" {) @) ~
+ d! h& T9 D( `; S' P0 X& j
Languages and interfaces for data mining" [- O- C) P+ x7 q

: l7 y7 D2 H+ ZData integration and interoperability
. H8 N# g- y5 U9 U* p
) l% E4 S5 M! N/ d# E$ P7 W: h; HData extraction, cleansing, transforming and loading  a& ?8 ]& G' ]* D2 D* H* C

5 _$ l7 [. |' o+ oData mining and information extraction
! M, [2 W* E2 P! E$ e7 X" k3 T
7 O) t7 A! f* J6 I' QKDD Process and Human Interaction3 |  e: _( x7 v, I8 T: i! g2 D

5 D# u# w! a2 f' o- v9 qOLAP and Data Mining( w2 M$ ]+ \& l9 Z. @. M4 V9 b  `8 G

' z( F3 w9 B" ^! G; L+ YParallel and Distributed Data Mining
1 q# c+ F/ }! Y' t7 ?: k% l+ F4 o
' L$ ]& ^: U  {0 lPhysical database design and performance evaluation* b" N: m! ~/ g% k
5 C9 z. d* H3 Y* z& ~7 @
Query processing and optimization
- g9 S# D* H9 {. @4 o) N: m/ M7 w
" G! J) r# I* b& x' J& C4 z- R2 `Reliability and Robustness Issues
  l+ J* u" b/ x) a, B
; D+ L" P/ _# A! ]" p$ oSemantic web and ontology; G& k, K0 }* j) c* i
7 v; h$ E& h* ]2 [4 ?9 v- n! M. Y# R5 g
Software Warehouse and Software Mining) R' {$ ~' i4 G4 j4 \4 x
9 ?9 n+ i( x" A9 i1 F
Social and mathematical statistics
8 f! b! ^. Y% N3 h2 G4 U# o! [( T3 j. h/ }, `0 g% k! N" p' ]
Novel data mining algorithms in traditional areas (such as classification, regression, clustering, probabilistic modeling, and association analysis) / W' M9 x3 L( l! o
9 \" z9 r% Z' O" F& ]
Developing a unifying theory of data mining 0 U& H% z5 |8 S
$ Q( p7 D0 T8 x8 U4 ~
Mining sequences and sequential data8 ~  A* d4 G$ f' v7 z' w8 c, ]: m
& j7 H- l9 w  ~) R" G' V
Data pre-processing, data reduction, feature selection, and feature transformation
# ~0 R4 e( [  s& ^
8 ^  ^( X( {/ l6 {9 ~4 E3 oQuality assessment, interestingness analysis, and post-processing % X4 L, m3 Z( f

) U3 Q( y: |- a" q. C; fMining unstructured, semi-structured, and structured data
- q- U) U$ K* L; }9 S
6 a2 |- c  h4 x8 t; K9 jMining temporal, spatial, spatio-temporal data1 U' J) _& K) H# B
3 c, d8 L( S! Z  G. r' g6 c* e* r4 O
Mining data streams and sensor data
8 H1 r3 h+ m2 i2 D! a0 x' f5 ^/ u, |% \- W: [3 ?1 W
Mining multimedia data
2 j2 _; D  Q. v+ m# [; U' ]2 X0 L( h+ [+ G7 i8 J8 I8 J4 u
Mining social network data. ~" {, N7 _1 ?# ?
% s+ M7 L; M' ]6 Q
Human-machine interaction and visual data mining
8 ]5 i+ q8 G4 O7 c- j0 J3 i) G) r# k* U3 v, G# t
Data mining applications (bioinformatics, E-commerce, Web, intrusion/fraud detection, finance, healthcare, marketing, telecommunications, etc)
- z: t2 r8 I/ j. h, w. M7 p8 Y. D7 u- I
Knowledge Acquisition & Management+ j/ f+ c1 V3 v8 x7 d
* h% t& C) w& W. m! L% w
Knowledge Modeling
  q, Z* P# o3 m: B# O& g# `
: P$ a/ X! K$ E0 Q* I2 {Knowledge Processing
) [6 n6 Y5 y8 E$ B  N( o6 K! A; N* V3 R+ _8 y0 ?" {
Integrated KDD applications and systems
9 R! G# ?5 ~. q* i
- C# m$ x+ d2 Z0 I, V4 |Business Process Intelligence
, y" V( `0 P' N( l
4 x- V$ x# H. O' \6 W% [( e  HCluster Analysis and Knowledge Base system
& l' d* v2 c( x: F1 X, l& R. M9 G
' F, n: Z: s% I, p6 m4 HInformation systems technology
/ x) P, E9 S' r. i; v# d7 n
0 e7 t1 |1 o4 C* x6 K, qOther related technology about data mining, u3 d7 K9 j- p+ I

) B1 x7 n- u) s! x& z) I5 C1 k+ O
4 s5 K5 ]7 H" V+ m
+ Q( D1 k6 m2 c& S! C; e; }0 H5 I3. Computer Science and Related Technology 1 f3 U3 E2 v1 V
5 a+ [& U( I1 B0 h
Image and signal processing
3 b( x1 T9 ?4 q+ o, [2 V1 y; D. _- F% x  n: M# m( b- i; z
Artificial Intelligence
6 Q- @; Z2 u# I
- y/ o# y7 H$ Y, d/ uSoftware engineering
6 F- d% {8 l- z% C
: {* N* T. a' e- NSystems Engineering
; r, y: Z0 ~9 F4 T9 t+ V2 C  v( z+ U# s: r: M# S
Computer Graphics
- l0 Y* R0 A3 E4 \* z3 X5 U" c+ O6 c+ y; n9 z7 b, ?& N1 c
Computer Application
1 d: c7 B5 e5 p' J  n7 o8 p
: f7 u/ x& K: B+ l$ ?9 {8 a5 NControl Technology
; E4 ~$ V3 J# G, L  B& c$ P8 l+ \" ]
: d9 D9 @2 |) }; cNetwork Technology 6 I3 b1 ^/ p: D
  [* a: j  @9 I" k6 n. Z2 b
Network security / p0 I1 F% D- [$ R2 l! r

  ]. i; ^( U% E( {: N, M. ANumerical and symbolic computation  ?) @/ c; U( k6 P+ ?* B6 [

$ e- q( f8 \- X& f8 x* G) F& rComputer Modeling and Simulation
" a7 D! k0 S9 Q5 V' C- O1 L
2 o" w5 a2 ~9 f: D: GCommunication Technology
/ E* n% k/ P5 O9 w, K, W9 r& z& ~% ]4 c3 p; q( t2 |
Algorithms and data structures
* ~" K4 `6 a2 K( x0 E4 [' X6 x: P# Q, y! H+ ^
Computer Education' C8 f, ~  p6 U5 T5 ^! g4 H: N
- Q3 C$ ~" F+ O& |# P
Other Advanced Technology
9 M. C( X* s6 Q8 g: i
: `9 o# g4 A  M8 G% Y$ T
6 n/ K- X( X/ [" g, U, I
& S* g5 ~( r  X0 w======================================( e: B4 q' c4 d  A- O6 ~2 R

0 }8 ]: t, C3 }) N' R- MDBTA2010会议联系秘书处  L2 \" V% U1 @/ X4 c

; l) i) _# W1 k" V8 m6 f- R% i8 [: ^. G# q
& R# a% m7 v% X. i
邮件: dbta2010@vip.sina.com, info@icdbta.org
. F3 f/ h( k6 H# @& H9 ^6 Q2 C3 @9 ~7 t; R* q4 L0 H, [
电话: +86-15102769170
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