Protection of Electricity Distribution Networks (scanned copy)
Gers, Juan M.
Title: Protection of Electricity Distribution Networks
Author: Gers, Juan M.
Publisher: IEE London, UK, 2004
Editorial Review from
Book Description
Written by two practicing electrical engineers, this second edition of the bestselling Protection of Electricity Distribution Networks offers both practical and theoretical coverage of the technologies, from the classical electromechanical relays to the new numerical types, which protect equipment on networks and in electrical plants.
A properly coordinated protection system is vital to ensure that an electricity distribution network can operate within preset requirements for safety for individual items of equipment, staff and public, and the network overall. Suitable and reliable equipment should be installed on all circuits and electrical equipment and to do this, protective relays are used to initiate the isolation of faulted sections of a network in order to maintain supplies elsewhere on the system. This then leads to an improved electricity service with better continuity and quality of supply
About the author:
Dr. Juan Gers has been Vice-Minister for Mines and Energy for Colombia, and has also cooperated with Basler Electric as applications engineer for the Latin American region. A Member of the IEE and a Chartered Engineer, he has been a lecturer at the University of Valle since 1981, and the author/co-author of over 30 technical papers.
Ted Holmes joined the Central Electricity Generating Board, first commissioning power stations and 132 kV substations in eastern England, and then coordinating protection in substations and power stations in southern England. He then moved to the Midlands Electricity Board, where he took responsibility for the planning of the Board’s primary networks. He is currently a freelance consultant and lectures on power distribution systems all over the world. He is a Fellow of the IEE and a Chartered Engineer, and co-author of the IEE book Electricity Distribution Network Design.
I also have a scanned version of the "protective relaying principles and applications" by Lewis Blackbarn. It is an earlier 2nd edition published in 1997. The latest third edition has been published last year. 9 N8 h7 {: u$ A5 F- N2 J8 [8 v2 D , v( o% H. E% d: RIf there is demand for it, I'll post it up.