The availability of high power gate-turn-off(GTO) thyristors has led to the development of controllable reactive power sources, using electronic switching converters, for use in power transmission systems. This new technology has resulted in an equipment that is fundamentally different from the conventional thyristor-controlled Static Condenser (STATCON) because its steady state output characteristics similar to those of the rotating synchronous condenser.The paper describes the fundamental operating principles, functional characteristics, and basic control approach of the STACON, with particular reference to a ±100Mvar prototype planned to be installed at the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Sullivan Substation. This installation will be the first demonstration of a STATCON under the EPRI Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) program, and will be the largest installation of this type in the world.
ac transmission, FACTS, static condenser, STATCON, thyristor, power converter, inverter, static var conpensator
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,Vol.10,No.3,July1995