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  • TA的每日心情
    2019-5-20 11:02
  • 签到天数: 18 天

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    连续签到:1 天
    发表于 2015-6-11 11:54:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    The etap Generator Start-Up module is a special feature of the ETAP Transient Stability
    ! }: u+ i% }) |$ A* `/ Y) f1 ~program. The type of analysis provided by this module is particularly necessary for special, U5 p8 V; ~7 K8 e6 }8 [8 A% M
    conditions such as when the connection to a power grid is lost and recovery of the power supply/ ^- k4 W0 t: e, f$ @6 s  ^% f
    to critical loads is mandatory. Under these conditions, a cold stand-by generator is started up as5 \3 {) @% q& _/ w
    an emergency power source and progresses through acceleration and load acceptance stages( }, K$ K% @( H
    before reaching its final state.
    : v4 \1 y9 q; [9 P% E7 x; {: d" M7 v0 wThis module will allow you to study the dynamic behavior of the starting generator (generator
    ' H3 z4 V8 c7 t. w6 o9 Dfrequency, speed, mechanical power, voltage, etc.) as loads are added during the start-up
    * y) |/ D5 y3 E; stransient. It also allows you to observe dynamic behaviors of accelerating motors (both induction
    8 o( {" F5 y) ^! ?. w; D" nand synchronous motors) as they are energized by the starting generator.0 ^; Q: [$ X& C1 f' F0 x$ `; `, b
    The following is a list of requirements and conditions that apply to the Generator Start-Up6 F  z5 e* h  d& @3 s/ J
    module:# Y5 |$ f& O) R, U6 X
    1) This module is designed for the simulation of a single starting generator, which initially is
    % b: ?; Y) R/ i) m5 _! kconnected to a de-energized network. The starting generator should be the only source* F+ i% G1 Q/ V* B' r8 Z- y" d
    in the network that is studied.
    . j, c, y- `- V3 q& Y4 S2) Only Subtransient Salient Pole model is supported for the Generator Start-Up module.9 I; M( ~% E! j" Y) T. }
    Thus, the starting generator needs to be modeled as a salient pole machine.1 N# [, m, F0 b. w" U9 C. x  e
    3) The exciter and governor models of the starting generator need to be modeled with
    + n6 e+ p$ |' L, Yspecial capabilities and control mechanisms for the start-up process, including fuel flow
    ; S) w4 M3 X+ Lat reduced speeds, exciter field flashing, etc. Note that standard exciter and governor
    . m: ?5 _3 ^0 S) Ymodels are suitable to represent generator operations starting from the steady state,
    6 ~0 |! r- N2 }thus they do not have these special capabilities.$ D% n; K" q# @0 V7 z7 V
    4) Currently, ETAP includes only two control models in its standard generator control model/ a+ p% R2 h4 {" ?$ j7 k
    library (exciter type ST1D and governor type HYDR) that can be used to simulate the
    + G8 u: r( W3 [# R" Oeffects of generator start-up process. To simulate other types of exciter and governor
    # e1 X  N% y+ Zmodels for generator start-up simulation, the User Defined Models (UDM) module needs
      f% [0 y- y  ito be used.
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