Contingency Analysis and Risk Assessment of Small Signal Instability
Robinson Arrieta, Mario A. Ríos, IEEE Member, Alvaro Torres, IEEE Senior Member
Small Signal Instability
Abstract—Power system operating planning must determine
adverse conditions that could affect the normal performance of
the system. Load variations and contingencies could provoke
these adverse conditions, which produce angular instability
problems or voltage stability problems, among others. In
addition, the short-term operating planning must evaluate risk of
instability conditions for angular and voltage instability. This
paper proposes a methodology to assess the angular instability
risk due to load uncertainty based on modal analysis of the small
signal analysis for short-term planning purposes. In addition, the
risk assessment of angular instability is done for selected
contingencies based on an eigenvalue variation contingency
ranking proposed in this paper. The methodology is tested in the
New England 39 nodes system.