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    发表于 2006-12-21 18:07:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    2 K& b( ^9 Q9 I" k1 v: B( Y
    * d, f) x: `2 \具体方法如下:
    5 F+ s2 i( N7 k! X首先进入google学术搜索主页,点击“学术搜索使用偏好”;* B5 i  M% \" c# {) d+ y( s& h9 [
    然后将滚动条拉到最下面,在“文献管理软件”那里,选择“显示导入EndNote”的链接;  Q3 g% l$ W+ r1 K5 x0 s; O
    / G" [& ]' y& n! {* P: @8 Q# B; U3 o5 F- A; R6 {( r
    3 H; q, U9 b; zGo to Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.com/
    4 |& z2 f4 V4 r9 K- c0 jClick Scholar Preferences and scroll to the bottom of the screen
    $ x+ B* t$ L" |' ~- H. dAt Bibliography Manager, select Show links to import citations into
    : w# j* l' _2 }& y! LUse the drop-down list to select EndNote 5 ~% n9 K, |2 O
    Click Save Preferences
    . _/ `1 j8 |. P9 d4 y) D( M1 v) p% s' F0 X; i4 ?
    : C) h0 m+ `2 V* R5 {
    Downloading references using Internet Explorer
    6 j) t: g5 |2 N; B; t
    % |& X1 i0 ]  c, T2 p( T# ~/ _4 HSearch for the item you wish to add to EndNote - X* T! x" O% \6 p
    Choose an item and click Import into EndNote % t9 T0 F! |7 ^; D1 O! P
    Click Save
    ( }. j: A6 l2 @0 JWhen prompted to Save As, choose the required disk location in the Save in drop-down list : X2 l0 E& E) D5 A9 C+ c* q- s
    Enter a name in the File Name box
    , `8 x. G1 c9 [" OSave as type: EndNote Import File and click Save
    ' U( ~5 [  i" w- P$ U7 c3 GWhen the ‘Download complete’ box appears, click Open & ?8 h$ G5 A2 \
    Select an EndNote Reference Library and click Open 4 E* [1 G) ^- H7 W: O
    The selected reference will import directly into your EndNote Library
    ( T$ [9 h  I. v* L8 s" b
    8 l  S& X: R% S  A, [& |* b9 Y8 s  B& R1 I  F" S4 _' T
    Downloading References using Mozilla Firefox
    8 @. F& U5 |; G7 b; b
    ; l0 Q& f4 z: p* q, T  E" Q! w: H$ ESearch for the item you wish to add to EndNote
    ( a/ u; X% l4 M4 v! a, H) T# l* \; e6 a+ CChoose an item and click Import into EndNote
    ' H, F: Y; J( Z3 r4 M) EIn the box ‘Opening scholar.enw’, select Open with
    ' C- Z6 \! B5 aEnsure the drop-down list is displaying EndNote and click OK , `; x9 ?9 d4 y' x) c! ~7 h" S
    Select an EndNote Reference Library and click Open 5 ?0 R! i$ J& `. O0 d: s# R3 P
    The selected reference will import directly into your EndNote Library-%-75777-%-
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2008-6-9 14:26:55 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2009-1-7 11:13:58 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
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