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    发表于 2009-11-26 00:13:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    1.comunication&control in power system 电力系统通讯与控制
      o8 z, y8 f6 R6 @  B% m2.electric power systems: analysis and control 电力系统: 分析与控制6 S, u6 b5 k3 u5 {9 ^
    3.Electrical Energy System 电能系统
    / N1 C/ T4 y2 N* k) D4.embedded generation 嵌入式发电
    5 @& f( F; k( d8 u5.fundamentals of power system economics 电力系统经济学基础
    ' b9 Q$ j! S+ D1 G' g  }. N6 I+ |6.Handbook of Electric Power Calculations 电力系统计算手册
    : x) {! f+ ]  Z( k0 F$ n' C7.market operations in electric power systems 电力系统市场运行
    6 k, R; i7 H9 k& {' j) E' _8.POWER QUALITY 电能质量
    3 v- _1 S! ^0 `9.Risk assessment of power systems 电力系统风险评估4 n+ D" y& l/ ]. V
    10.Switching Power Supply Design 开关供电设计3 K/ f+ B' B# _  t$ k6 F
    11.understanding electric power systems 电力系统学习
    ; [7 S9 \' g1 C2 x. \  L& F12.understanding Power Quality problems 电能质量问题学习" B5 a. w" I' l9 P: }. ?
    13.electric energy economic methods 电能经济方法
    + `3 |: D, j8 N0 j# O  {; G14.FACTS Modelling and Simulation in Power Networks 灵活交流输电: 在电网中的仿真与模拟8 y, l0 k4 d+ x7 B: G% h. |$ v
    15.HVDC.and.FACTS.Controllers.Applications.of.Static.Converters.in.Power.Systems 高压直流和灵活交流控制器在电力系统中应用$ h8 _4 A1 b0 y
    5 c* v7 _: J* d; q17.Operation of Market-oriented Power Systems 市场化电力系统运营
    0 _2 i/ }# M1 W/ Z18.Power Generation Operation and Control 发电 运行和控制7 G4 O! C, H6 a" K
    19.Power system economics 电力系统经济学
    . t8 K; R5 z, S$ [+ n. ^20.power system harmonics 电力系统谐波7 b2 ^7 g$ b0 e: x+ ?3 C6 W* u& P
    21.Power System Operations and Electricity Markets 电力系统运行和电力市场  N) |' P9 \( z% k5 `, f) A
    22.Power System Restructuring and Deregulation 电力系统改制和放松管制(即电力市场)
    + M7 n5 j) T  Y1 p; G23.voltage stability of electric power systems 电力系统电压稳定
    7 A8 R/ ~4 I) G5 h; f24.Transients in Power Systems 电力系统(电磁)暂态8 H% r$ S' g# d  V; y! x) m
    25.transient stability of power systems电力系统暂态稳定+ ]. \+ x) i9 w4 ?$ o( V. L  y# F
    26.Wind Energy Handbook 风电手册
    ) {! M. q" C' ^/ J; d. c27.distrbuted generation-the power paradigmfor the new millennium分布式发电2 ?3 K8 c. \4 j- N, e) s  F
    28.electric power distribution handbook 配电手册3 F& [6 k/ y  {9 X1 @# {0 d
    29.electric power engineering handbook 电力工程手册
    6 s% d& L5 M7 @: E4 w* z. t8 ?% `30.spatial load forecasting(空间)电力负荷预测
    % H1 c7 x0 r; K$ y6 G  X% \! N31.power transer-principles and applications 电力变压器-原理和应用
    1 C1 k& v9 c$ M9 i" Z2 l7 L32.electric power transer engineering 电力系统变压器工程
    : t0 Q! N1 s) Y5 s  L33.wind and solar power system 风电和太阳能发电
    7 G. \0 S& `, @. d34.Electric Power Distribution Reliability 配电网可靠性) @2 X+ v( s, c& _3 I
    35.Aging power delivery infrastrutures 送电结构% L7 r- Z4 w* O# z# Y
    36.Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems 可再生与高效电力系统) t& ~" ^  l% @; a
    37.probabilityconcepts in electric power systems 电力系统概率应用0 s  q" s/ e. F" t* }3 c4 Y( l
    38.Short Circuits in Power Systems 电力系统短路
    5 k# t0 J  d( g6 @39.VOLTAGE STABILITY ASSESSMENT,PROCEDURES AND GUIDES 电压稳定性评估,措施和导则! N5 i; ]8 R: C+ d4 d
    40.electric systems, dynamics and stability with AI application 电力系统动态和稳定性: 人工智能应用
    * x1 {7 H2 r( ~6 g  M+ \- d$ P41.electric power system application of optimiztion 电力系统优化应用
    1 B9 T7 j3 ^9 r4 f9 k3 I/ j; {42.protective relaying theory and application 继电保护理论与应用
    + `0 R0 @' C- u! Y4 P6 @! k43.vehicular electric power systems 车辆电力系统
    0 e  t! O* D( @) @) _44.electric power quality control techniques 电能质量控制技术
    4 |7 F, J# w- f0 @1 k5 j; U6 _45.reliability assessment of electric power systems using monte carlo methods 利用蒙特卡罗方法进行电力系统可靠性评估
    / w( S! T/ j  X; D3 o2 m' H9 z46.Competitive Electricity Markets 竞争性电力市场3 X: G5 N$ T9 v* M; ^* y1 \
    47.power quality enhancement using customer power devices 用户电力设备与电能质量提高
    : a  F+ o0 I: Y$ B) B48.power system harmonics: computer modelling and analysis 电力系统谐波:计算机仿真与分析
    1 P" w1 L" E" I49.Analysis of Faulted Power Systems 故障电力系统分析
    : b4 ]% h0 X; a  E50.Dynamic and control of large power system 大电力系统动态与控制. i4 E9 e; @) H0 G) l5 S( w& Z" f
    51.Distributed power generation: planning and evaluation分布式发电(规划与评估)& d: \- U- ~) W: F- ^" X) p
    52.AC-DC power system analysis 交直流电力系统分析
    & _  ]0 s' P3 s53.FACTS (flexible AC transmission system) 灵活交流输电系统
    . A( |- v7 s' Q1 ]# y54.Power system in emergencies 紧急状态下的电力系统, ?. ~8 |4 V5 ^' X( e1 ?6 ]
    55.Power system restoration 电力系统恢复
    ; i! @8 Q: v, V) J: x56.Electric power system quality 电能质量
    ) Y  T9 @/ U: G- E" d57.Energy Management Systems (EMS) 能量管理系统3 L; ?" Q2 X5 D+ K' p  o
    58.Automatic learning techniques in power systems 自学习技术在电力系统中的应用
    # r9 L* @/ W) g5 D3 h59.Power system protection 1-4 电力系统保护1-4册 (electricity association 培训教程)  H* c" ?: Q/ ?# X/ L* D
    60 electrical power system protection 电力系统保护
    ) ]$ k# B7 y$ n5 `  l; G3 ?61.elements of power system analysis 电力系统分析基础
    / g0 @- G3 N2 K& R1 T- m62.AC power system handbook 交流电力系统手册: L+ k1 p/ K& J' {5 r* @' ?
    63. Wind turbine operation in electric power systems: advanced modelling 风力发电(机)在电力系统运行2 i1 K$ s9 n6 Q0 S- G
    64. Power system control and stability 电力系统控制与稳定性( 不是那本stability and control)
    ) {2 {" ?1 d7 L  q) m/ B' C65. Analysis of subsynchronous resonance in power system 电力系统次同步谐振分析- P* Z5 n7 q6 Z
    66.Computationalmethods for large sparse power systems: a object orientedapproach 大稀疏电力系统计算方法: 面向对象的途径
    + c4 x& q; a  K; q1 Y; h. l8 R67. Power system oscillation 电力系统振荡: w( [7 }& D3 }" X) x
    68. Power system restructuring: engineering and economics 电力系统市场化: 工程和经济
    4 g& T, K0 d6 i$ V7 i- B: x! h3 m69. Distribution system modelling and analysis 配电系统建模与分析) |4 e& u! a7 X8 L: a' i5 C
    70. Electric power engineering 电力工程* Q7 f7 X9 p- A3 {
    71. Subsynchronous resonance in power systems 电力系统中的次同步谐振& S  F: r( Y* Q9 d" E( L
    72. Computer modelling of electrical power system 电力系统计算机建模
    5 P; R" {$ _9 m  j+ R73. High Voltage Direct Current Transmission 高压直流输电) B) U; Y* M4 S( ^
    74. Electricitydistribution network design (2nd)配电网规划设计
      e$ {8 W) B4 t, l8 ~75. Industrial power distribution 工业配电
    + a$ A1 n" F6 U) b: d9 x3 A76. Protection ofelectricity distribution networks 配电网保护
    , L+ Q& T) \. a( t77. Energy function analysis for power system stability 电力系统稳定性的能量函数分析, K. _" j* c  Y+ _
    78. Power system commission and maintenance practice电力系统试验(调试)与检修(维护)实践
    2 N* G9 J* s# Q) p0 }2 y79. Statistical techniques for high-voltage engineering 高电压工程中的统计技术7 b- @" e2 a7 q
    80. Digital protection for power system电力系统数字保护
    : l, k% G0 K! n9 I. b81. Power system protection 电力系统(继电)保护; m4 D% @+ l; J- A
    82. Voltage quality in electrical power systems 电力系统电压质量
    5 ?$ C+ N8 e# @) U; @. e) b: I83.Electric power applications of fuzzy systems 模糊系统的电力应用
    ) L+ y6 ^! p) Z84. Artificial intelligence techniques in power system 电力系统中的人工智能技术
    2 [9 G& L/ {$ Z# t0 f5 w85. Insulators in high voltages 高压绝缘体
    ' g: [1 N1 ?+ C1 C- O86. Electrical safety供电安全  t! [, C* w+ Q4 X9 Q2 U
    87. High voltageengineering and testing 高电压工程与试验6 T0 ?( r1 A. r, d4 M
    88. Reactive power control in electric systems 电力系统无功(功率)控制
    % E1 a+ d" J3 b2 G5 h89. Electical distribution engineering配电网工程2 T9 F  e! k( q! ^# ]# L
    90. Power systemplanning电力系统规划
    ' E; s' \1 N5 _( p91. Uniquepower system problems 电力系统问题% w7 W9 M. U6 e2 _: W3 }( K2 L6 \
    92. Tranmission and Distribution ofElectrical Energy 电力系统输配电
    : [! C% |% m/ d8 w) C93. Electric power system电力系统教程  P# c* k% U9 N- `% n& o( ]) J0 Y2 l
    94. Computer-Aided Power systems analysis 计算机辅助电力系统分析0 R3 ^, W' x# N+ B! E
    95. Electric powertransmission system 输电系统$ v# r( t9 ~- _, ]' ]# F
    96. Reliability Modelling in Electric power systems电力系统可靠性建模% Z* c5 H& }, i. Y$ S
    97. High voltage engineering in power system 电力系统高电压工程
      \, s( D4 S% b6 z9 V  y0 M98. Extra High voltage AC transmission engineering 超高压交流输电工程6 ~% u3 z% z3 J& Y
    99. Reliability evaluation of power system 电力系统可靠性评估
    # f( y. Q% d$ C! I100. Computation of power system transients 电力系统暂态计算
    4 Y" M% J6 ]4 s$ w2 {9 i: G/ ~101.Piecewise methods and application to power systems 分段法及其在电力系统中应用' X5 I4 i& t) M; D: E/ ^
    103. Analysis and protection of electrical power systems 电力系统分析与保护  u# r: P- C3 s8 p
    104. Power systems engineering and mathematicas电力系统工程与数学/ j* b3 K. D8 o- o
    105. Stability of large power systems 大电力系统稳定性
    ' J* |! A% b0 W) F7 z106. Power system stability handbook 电力系统稳定性手册; B/ Y$ ?" o& w! i. R1 B4 g
    107. Power system reliability evaluation电力系统可靠性评估
    5 L  T& Z9 B/ o, u# z108.Electric power system dynamics 电力系统动态
    & \$ g( S7 q7 r% v& L109. Reliability assessment of large electric power systems 大电力系统可靠性评估; G- k$ V" M8 Z
    110. Power system analysis and planning 电力系统分析与规划
    % n* j. S6 w4 t+ E+ K111. Electric transmission line fundamental 输电线(工程)基础$ w- q: ^  y/ R" D' ~  X
    112. HVDC power transmission systems 高压直流输电系统# |6 r$ S5 P, H: B" ~: y( _
    113. Transient Processes in electrical power systems 电力系统暂态过程
    # n4 G2 X+ w+ n114.Discrete Fourier transation and its applications to power system 离散傅立叶变换及其在电力系统中的应用& F* F4 _+ M0 [  k# {' o
    115. Electrical Transients inpower system 电力系统暂态/ V7 E& Z: g6 R
    116. Optimal economic operation of electric power system 电力系统优化经济调度运行
    8 j, V5 n8 B& @. Q6 U, f8 r117.High power switching 大功率开关
    ! I  S2 @/ D) Z( R+ h6 \: z118. power plant engineering 电厂工程
    $ Y2 C4 n# b. {1 `% I119. power plant system design 电厂系统设计
    & F3 y3 J' @* b" t7 o2 Y120. power plant evaluation and design reference guide 电厂评估和设计参考导则
    . E; j4 f8 ~! j4 v' \& Q121. planning engineering, and construction of electric power generationfacilities发电设备的规划和建设工程- [  B1 W- v" ~5 ^1 P
    122. Elements electrical power station design 电站设计基础
    4 ^$ q/ R( u7 q+ I4 ~123.Optimal control applications in electric power systems 电力系统最优控制应用
    ' \/ B8 |" t5 H& C124. applied protected relaying应用继电保护2 d7 G- h, e9 e! g
    125. power station and substation maintenance 电厂与变电站维修8 A# l. K; y2 W/ f8 r
    126. Power system operation 电力系统运行8 u" @$ g/ ~; W4 G
    127. power system reliability,safety and management 电力系统可靠性,安全与管理
    + ^# e( E5 s  c128. Electric Machinery and power system fundamentals 电机与电力系统基础(MATLAB辅助)" K. N5 Q( r6 ?  y* M$ k3 ^
    129. Intelligent system applications in power engineering (EP and ANN) 智能系统在电力工程中应用(进化计算和神经网)2 ?) H% x" S- @! ]( C' W
    130. Thyristor-based FACTS controllers for electrical transmission systems 基于晶闸管的灵活交流输电系统控制器5 x' h9 {" m# D& m: T2 j1 P
    131. The economics of power system reliability and planning 电力系统可靠性与规划的经济学4 M0 M3 K3 y8 K( d/ W* R
    132. Computational Intelligence Applications to Power systems 计算智能在电力系统中的应用8 ]2 ^& @) U5 x7 E
    133. Environmental Impact of Power Generation 发电的环境影响
    5 @( O3 b) n- i* b4 |134. Operation and Maintenance of Large Turbo-Generators 大型涡轮发电机组运行与检修; |, W! k% ?' m0 m3 z( L5 q9 _8 ~
    135. Power system simulation 电力系统仿真
    . X& {7 I- b+ h9 w# m$ P9 }136. Advanced load dispatch for power systems 电力系统高级调度
    " C% F/ S2 R( {4 O3 x( E/ B137. The development of electric power transmission 电力传输进展0 u5 j- e! o; j
    138. Renewable Energy Sources 可再生发电源8 c* r* n( ]1 J) c0 x4 S" T0 g
    139. Power system dynamics andstablity 电力系统动态与稳定性5 S; a# O9 @$ M1 o& G& Z$ j
    140. Practical electrical network automation and communication systems 电力系统自动化与通信系统实践8 g; g" \+ O3 s3 o3 ?- x' }- [
    141. Electrical power and controls 电力与控制, D) l% ^( W, ?+ n
    142. Deregulation of Electric Utilities 电力企业放松管制(市场改革)
    # |; T, s" J8 ]: V" O' q. C5 j0 k143. Computational Auction Mechanisms for restructured power industry operation 电力市场运行的(计算)投标机理
    ( S) _' Q0 H3 W144. Finanicial and economic evaluation of projects in the electricity supply industry 电力工程项目的金融与经济评价
    3 B0 F) I: S+ n4 f145. Electricity economics and planning 电力经济与规划
    + b4 C" f$ l) k# E* n146. Computational Methods for electric power systems 电力系统计算方法
    5 p5 \4 ~. I% d' u9 w147. Power system relaying 电力系统继电保护
    ( i0 A& y/ {7 k0 _9 b* a148. Computer relaying for power systems 电力系统计算机保护
    $ D- D/ T! Y/ ^0 `2 N149. Modern power system planning 现代电力系统规划
    7 Q) s5 m+ W# @% c150. High Voltage Engineering (2nd) 高电压工程$ R8 {* E, g% H3 K$ K5 L
    151. Operation of restructured power systems 市场化电力系统运行0 n& v+ x- `& Q! w& l" r4 V8 Z  ]
    152. Transer and Inductor Design Handbook变压器和电感设计手册(04增强版)( Y3 Q( q  c: z5 I. l- [! R1 u
    153. Modern power system analysis (matlab supported) 现代电力系统分析(03年含MATLAB版); k, c0 w, r3 N
    154. Power distribution planning reference book 配电规划参考手册
    . m% o; [) u5 w# r$ T$ H. {155. Understanding FACTS 理解灵活交流输电系统
    ( S1 M( U+ i. }" r: C0 K156. Power system analysis :short-circuit load flow and harmonics 电力系统分析: 短路潮流和谐波2 k2 Q% A9 l# Y+ C2 l5 q
    157. Power systems electromagnetic transients simulation 电力系统电磁暂态仿真
    ; H6 a. P" z! V" L. V% y158. Power electronic control in electrical systems 电力系统中的电力电子控制
    ! D$ l& `; a8 X. r- p2 Z0 x159. Protection devices and systems for high-voltage applications保护装置和系统的高压应用
    & f! [/ P5 D# ]: [& r+ k160. Small signal analysis of power systems 电力系统小信号分析
    1 C2 }+ V7 u: {! g+ a6 _161. Electrical power cable engineering 电力线缆工程) L1 r5 O3 {8 p9 Q, W5 o# q+ o3 [
    162. Power System State Estimation: Theory and Implementation 电力系统状态估计: 理论和实现  b8 o. ^, w; G8 q6 G2 w
    163. Dielectrics in Electric Fields 电场中的电介质(绝缘体)
    $ \9 @% S. ]/ a5 Q0 I) Z164. spacecraft power system 航天器电力系统
    7 ~8 O- e; f5 x1 I- w165. Grid integration of wind energy conversion systems 风能转换系统的电网整合(接入)
    / {3 ~4 Y- u: {8 Y; I! X166. Power loss: the origins of deregulation and restructuring in the American electricutility system网损:美国电力系统放松管制和市场化的根源( e5 p7 R7 a- c# z; ?( D  q
    167. High Voltage Circuit Breakers: Design and Applications 高压断路器:设计与应用
    + Q, x7 j" K1 c) x# E( e  R168. Power system capacitors 电力系统电容器% E- A. m! n) @7 c3 i* m* }
    169. Energy Management Systems & Direct Digitial Control 能量管理系统(EMS)及直接数字控制/ D- a' A' @+ c) u% s
    170. Pricing in Competitive Electricity Market 电力市场电价
    9 B0 l0 X6 |$ X2 R171. Designing Competitive Electricity Markets 电力市场设计
    * T! q0 |7 N  m/ M172. Power system dynamics and stability 电力系统动态与稳定性(美国)( j1 I: u& b6 z7 r
    173. Theory and problems of electric power systems 电力系统的理论和问题
    & M% [* j7 h! @& w' z1 |  N; W, ~174. Insulation coordinationfor power systems 电力系统绝缘配合
    9 ]% ^# S- l7 ^# i% ]. F5 H9 B/ B175. Modal analysis of large interconnected power systems 大互联电力系统的模式分析4 @+ o& v4 r1 l0 ~2 N3 U
    176. Making competition work in electricity 电力市场竞争& @$ _" w; C# ~( v# I
    177. Power system operation 电力系统运行$ D  e2 _) ]& @9 n0 u
    178. Transmission line reliability and security 输电线路安全可靠性


    参与人数 1威望 +6 金币 +4 收起 理由
    norika + 6 + 4 斑竹辛苦


    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2009-11-26 01:04:50 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-7-12 08:29
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     楼主| 发表于 2009-11-27 14:13:34 | 显示全部楼层
    本帖最后由 晓夜寒风 于 2009-11-27 14:26 编辑 0 ~" h6 ]' S* [+ C0 U
    . z6 a( U4 m! ^0 C8 j3 m1 r6 _
    抛砖引玉,发一本我找到的Computer Analysis of Power System
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2009-11-28 17:40:08 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-7-12 08:29
  • 签到天数: 7 天

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     楼主| 发表于 2009-11-28 20:52:55 | 显示全部楼层
    & |2 Z- m) c  B
    ! z3 Q/ l8 F4 T+ u9 f3 S  }这可都是经典书籍
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-7-2 20:18
  • 签到天数: 98 天

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    发表于 2009-11-29 09:19:24 | 显示全部楼层

    : k! t/ @7 V5 {, S8 l
    9 R2 Q& w. S+ S- G4 e5 m恩,等都找到之后做个汇总贴,然后置顶...
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2009-12-2 13:33:21 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2010-2-28 11:10:39 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2010-4-21 19:20:18 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2010-5-9 00:12:23 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
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