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分布式电源接入标准IEEE 1547

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发表于 2010-7-14 10:43:32 | 显示全部楼层
帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
  • TA的每日心情
    2019-9-25 20:46
  • 签到天数: 7 天

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    发表于 2010-7-17 19:56:13 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2010-9-16 10:59:22 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2010-10-19 23:38:47 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2011-6-15 15:25:30 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2011-8-15 16:53:35 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
  • TA的每日心情
    2017-2-26 11:53
  • 签到天数: 7 天

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    发表于 2011-9-27 11:28:04 | 显示全部楼层
    封面是这样的。这是个2006年版,最新的是不是2008年版的啊?$ T+ [0 _- ^3 c& v5 s* v- O
    8 [8 w8 I0 C5 m
    Application Guide for Distributed
    / u) B4 M/ }+ kGeneration Interconnection: 2006 Update# e: J, ?! c+ N
    The NRECA Guide to IEEE 15474 w& n- E6 ^2 x  j) `; p' Q
    Resource Dynamics Corporation
    8 h2 I* N2 _8 E! W, OMarch 2006, k/ G7 [& u& k6 i3 i

    - c- d2 t: f, g3 s  B* Q& @7 O- `8 y, W7 ^
    IEEE 1547 Series of Standards
    8 y; `+ `" G! B% z) @9 JIEEE 1547, “Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems,” is the
    + e) x: m$ E. u4 V1 ~first of a series of standards documents being developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic" k7 B5 Q: W3 M/ W2 s4 t& {
    Engineers (IEEE) concerning distributed resources interconnection. A number of related standards
    5 c% A4 }4 F( r* ~+ ?projects are currently underway, including 1547.1, P1547.2, P1547.3, P1547.4, P1547.5, and P1547.6.8 T) p; s- b$ {3 c
    IEEE 1547 Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power# @8 Y6 [8 k- K6 N* X4 b4 K# u7 A
    " _0 ]! S+ P8 s( b1 h. jScope. This standard establishes criteria and requirements for interconnection of DR with
    4 W0 @; p4 }7 X6 C% ?% q7 h9 `electric power systems (EPS).! W; {9 {$ ~) b! u: w' n$ h9 `
    Purpose. This document provides a uniform standard for interconnection of distributed
      [; r' l+ f9 Presources with electric power systems. It provides requirements relevant to the3 q8 a( C- E# {/ E! f( B& q
    performance, operation, testing, safety considerations, and maintenance of the
    6 N# {4 W# i' P" @8 \interconnection.
      m' n4 M8 W  L$ EIEEE P1547.1 Draft Standard for Conformance Tests Procedures for Equipment- S3 R# F* k9 p9 [% X
    Interconnecting Distributed Resources with Electric Power Systems, P) Y' @/ o3 l" n
    Scope. This standard specifies the type, production, and commissioning tests that shall be
    & r" \" B0 C9 F. Fperformed to demonstrate that the interconnection functions and equipment of a DR7 [0 A) E: Z; C
    conform to IEEE Standard P1547.
    % O. D4 ?7 d7 F0 f4 F" GPurpose. Interconnection equipment that connects DR to an electric power system (EPS)
    ; \7 J% T  N9 r4 W9 Omust meet the requirements specified in IEEE Standard P1547. Standardized test/ V' R9 E- A- Q
    procedures are necessary to establish and verify compliance with those requirements.
    ; C& Q- a; R( ?These test procedures must provide both repeatable results, independent of test location,
    % C( q" x, [3 @% o7 u3 Q" Jand flexibility to accommodate a variety of DR technologies.
    " f* R$ _9 V* q& nIEEE P1547.2 Draft Application Guide for IEEE 1547 Standard for Interconnecting
    + o7 T$ h+ Z/ i; SDistributed Resources with Electric Power Systems) z8 `; n, p7 c; h
    Scope. This guide provides technical background and application details to support the
    4 t3 `7 b5 y% M* B; ^3 @understanding of IEEE 1547 Standard for Interconnecting Distributed Resources with0 |: s& e0 y) i8 j1 Z) o3 W
    Electric Power Systems.
    ( X' T# J7 [: E+ ?- j/ G0 APurpose. This document facilitates the use of IEEE 1547 by characterizing the various9 A3 N2 B# \' e' N
    forms of distributed resource technologies and the associated interconnection issues.! |/ I3 b" B' F" i, {) D- M/ S7 _: s
    Additionally, the background and rationale of the technical requirements are discussed in
    0 Z% a. r2 ?- r6 Q6 ~terms of the operation of the distributed resource interconnection with the electric power
    1 Q; H1 h) a8 h9 K8 nsystem. Presented in the document are technical descriptions and schematics, applications
    3 ~# m; n# g; p% xguidance, and interconnection examples to enhance the use of IEEE 1547.5 T+ [$ y7 w7 Y" N, u
    IEEE P1547.3 Draft Guide For Monitoring, Information Exchange, and Control of
    8 ~8 n7 |5 T. W" d; U. s" R6 U/ J+ sDistributed Resources Interconnected with Electric Power Systems
    * a9 ?/ F; _3 z) O8 OScope. This document provides guidelines for monitoring, information exchange, and
    8 E% X. X7 S( h  w( M# p; h2 L. B9 D" xcontrol for DR interconnected with EPS." q2 s, m7 r2 v" W/ ?" {. F
    Purpose. This document facilitates the interoperability of one or more distributed
    ' }; @+ ]  ^4 W/ n6 _resources interconnected with electric power systems. It describes functionality,+ w7 D& {" J! y0 Q5 S# Z, i7 N
    parameters and methodologies for monitoring, information exchange and control for the
    6 ~! [* ~& [/ f: f8 k7 \+ B8 sinterconnected distributed resources with or associated with electric power systems.: \/ @7 [) f, b6 T! i3 g0 H
    Application Guide for Distributed Generation Interconnection: 2006 Update
    4 Q  v4 D  l; y2 IThe NRECA Guide to IEEE 1547 March 2006
    ) u% S  [# k) v4 \1 ^% Z0 G% G% h8
    / I) H8 [) p9 K4 l( F1 RDistributed resources include systems in the areas of fuel cells, photovoltaics, wind3 l( ^' I0 }9 S5 S
    turbines, microturbines, other distributed generators, and distributed energy storage  H: c! Y: f. `% l* j5 F" R! F
    7 l4 l' W2 f3 O, {) [IEEE P1547.4 Draft Guide for Design, Operation, and Integration of Distributed Resource  ~# w6 a8 L4 V$ n
    Island Systems with Electric Power Systems
    - y/ A: k4 j5 r6 _) t% ^Scope. This document provides alternative approaches and good practices for the design,; ]! a+ ?5 o' H) t
    operation, and integration of DR island systems with EPS. This includes the ability to* \7 _7 R0 r8 ^5 z$ k/ ]% G1 _
    separate from and reconnect to part of the area EPS while providing power to the4 `' b# L9 Z0 w; p
    islanded local EPSs. This guide includes the distributed resources, interconnection
    % G" k6 h4 Q8 X$ {# t6 |systems, and participating electric power systems.
    0 S6 E" m6 v* G- T" zPurpose. This guide is intended to be used by EPS designers, operators, system
    ( y! g  ~' Y* \& D; }% Nintegrators, and equipment manufacturers. The document is intended to provide an
    7 w2 r1 o  z; }  Ointroduction, overview and address engineering concerns of DR island systems. It is
    ( {5 [8 J. r, V' U4 R) hrelevant to the design, operation, and integration of DR island systems. Implementation
    $ o/ p1 l$ e) O" k, sof this guide will expand the benefits of using DR by targeting improved electric power* V+ M. ?! i$ o% a9 L/ R
    system reliability and build upon the interconnection requirements of IEEE 1547.% t( n" N1 H- ~% u# B; u# i
    IEEE P1547.5 Draft Technical Guidelines for Interconnection of Electric Power Sources- m; u9 F) z  U/ n1 }, v
    Greater than 10MVA to the Power Transmission Grid
    4 B" e% H. e9 y$ x8 @Scope. This document provides guidelines regarding the technical requirements,
    ; i2 k3 }! t$ Q0 I0 K) Oincluding design, construction, commissioning acceptance testing and
    # p9 W' {$ [/ ^7 Wmaintenance/performance requirements, for interconnecting dispatchable electric power8 v8 v! ~4 r) o9 {! P
    sources with a capacity of more than 10 MVA to a bulk power transmission grid.
    " T: u0 g. Y0 I3 @: Z1 b. tPurpose. The purpose of this project is to provide technical information and guidance to
    $ @) ]* O8 g: Y# c4 Vall parties involved in the interconnection of dispatchable electric power sources to a
    ( W& r3 w9 i( Y5 S' A* q& Ltransmission grid about the various considerations needed to be evaluated for establishing
    7 }( P; N' G4 Q2 @acceptable parameters such that the interconnection is technically correct.' w: E& P5 @% ^9 K/ y7 s
    IEEE P1547.6 Draft Recommended Practice For Interconnecting Distributed Resources
    ' k3 {& l7 Y1 O" Q2 V% `With Electric Power Systems Distribution Secondary Networks6 b  k8 l6 J& \$ @( B% c2 Q
    Scope. This standard builds upon IEEE Standard 1547 for the interconnection of DR to
    # J6 R$ O% p+ f4 s3 {3 f- e6 ^8 `distribution secondary network systems. This standard establishes recommended criteria,
    ! O9 Y$ x: I( D5 r7 B" }, crequirements and tests, and provides guidance for interconnection of distribution
    9 ?. u9 f" s) f+ jsecondary network system types of Area EPS with DR providing electric power
    8 H6 R$ Y; s/ T# Q0 A  F. }! o/ ngeneration in Local EPS.& Z$ c0 o) x; M3 `
    Purpose. This standard focuses on the technical issues associated with the: B  X) V8 @, }7 A
    interconnection of Area EPS distribution secondary networks with a Local EPS having
    ! ?0 b3 G- J/ W% H7 d- YDR generation. The standard provides recommendations relevant to the performance,
    . Q  H6 v3 r! H* w) ]/ D' Poperation, testing, safety considerations, and maintenance of the interconnection. In this9 r. ]8 G5 G& m1 F; H% ]
    standard consideration is given to the needs of the Local EPS to be able to provide' S4 r/ l2 l* E* I; w0 L
    enhanced service to the DR owner loads as well as to other loads served by the network.' V8 X, h& D" L& ]5 \9 C
    Equally, the standard addresses the technical concerns and issues of the Area EPS.
    . e% Z4 H. a0 q& X3 |+ p! O$ j/ fFurther, this standard identifies communication and control recommendations and
    1 G, g- r) N0 G- f, pprovides guidance on considerations that will have to be addressed for such DR: u2 J1 @6 }9 E6 v( W2 h
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2011-11-26 15:30:35 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2011-12-7 19:12:35 | 显示全部楼层
    哥啊 你这太大了3 I  G4 v0 l& P
    我表示自己的流量压力很大啊~! K: ?2 P) _  N0 F7 X
    大虾 我知道您是好人~! z% N* N0 Q# M, [' F; Z
    308387958@qq.com4 R; u5 ]$ Y# f' T" R: `, _" b; u
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2011-12-21 15:34:51 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
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