Application Guide for Distributed Generation Interconnection
IEEE 1547
Resource Dynamics Corporation
Over the last 5 to 7 years, there has been a significant increase in the number of interconnected distributed
generation (DG) units. The increasing penetration of DG was driven by improving cost and performance
of both old-line and new technologies, and by customers and third parties seeking to reduce costs,
increase local control of the energy resource, and increasing awareness of the important role of power
system reliability.
New guidelines and requirements for interconnection are being adopted by many states, and the impact of
the IEEE 1547 interconnection standard, approved by the IEEE in 2003, is clearly being felt. While the
technical requirements for interconnection continue to be the focus of this Application Guide, some
business and tariff issues are having significant impacts on ultimate project feasibility. This Guide briefly
examines the key business and tariff issues, referencing the NRECA Business and Contract Guide and
other elements of the DG Toolkit. Business issues receiving a lot of attention include net metering and
net billing, liability insurance and utility rights of termination and disconnection.
When interconnecting DG to the electric utility system, the DG unit must meet a series of technical
requirements designed to ensure the safety of personnel and the stability of the power system. To meet
these technical requirements, the DER unit must include protection, control and communication
components enabling safe operation and interaction with the utility system. If the DG manufacturer must
meet differing technical requirements for each installation, then a customized protection, control and
communication package must be designed and assembled for each unit. However, if the technical
requirements for DG interconnection can be standardized, the DG unit will reflect lower costs due to the
standard (rather than customized) protection, control and communication package offered with each unit.
This is the intent of IEEE Standard 1547.
IEEE P1547.2, Draft Application Guide for IEEE Std 1547, Standard for Interconnecting Distributed
Resources with Electric Power Systems was being developed when this update was published. Draft
version 3.1 of the IEEE document was published in February, 2006, and this document draws heavily
from that preliminary, unapproved version. Like with the IEEE document, use information contained