对国外杂志投稿的时候,一般都是使用email投递,除了正文文章作为附件发送以外,还需要写一封信,叫cover letter,一封好的cover letter可以起到很好的作用,就好比你求职的时候的自荐信,要吸引住编辑的眼球,你就成功一半了。国外杂志编辑的权利很大,基本决定你的生死。 , ?4 G7 S7 S! L5 k$ z: A" Bcover letter的内容主要需要想编辑详细的介绍你的文章的主要内容,突出文章的创新性,价值,还有你为什么要发表这篇文章,还可以简要指出目前该领域的发展方向,最好你的文章就是朝向这个方向的。其他就是常规要求了,用语恰当,格式规范等。# n+ ?' h0 W9 \' X
Dear Dr.:$ z+ H3 q1 {! H% X1 _, H$ i
Enclosed are three copies of a manuscript by Rose N .Dipaola,Donna A.Gallo,and Tom N.Roberts titled“Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Long-Term Transfusion Patients”.It is submitted to be considered for publication as a“Original Article" in your journal.This paper is~•Neither the entire paper nor any part of its content has been published or has been accepted elsewhere .It is not being submitted to any other journal. 5 B/ D+ E; p: G6 y8 HWe believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal because the study it reports stated the HCV infection rate among long-term transfusion patients is higher than that of the general population and of short-term transfusion patients.: X$ c5 K' z; R, \! R, _4 a
Correspondence and phone calls about the paper should be directed to Rose N.Dipaola at the following address,phone and fax number,and e-mail address:6 D$ f1 ?- [5 m4 A% k2 e
Rose N .Dipaola,MD - u5 L" [: E: j3 s/ qInstitute of Internal Medicine * r) g0 V9 l0 v) hCleveland Clinic Foundation$ ^; o5 i) L4 E! h
9500 Euclid Ave.) m" f: `& F, E7 C# v3 X7 H
Cleveland,OH44195,USA ! n+ M6 W. y* [' O- }) p% t+ YTel:1-216-444-5360) c* B) s& q9 Z O
Fax:1-216-444-9580! ?, {( L8 I, `' R% D. Z; v! r: M3 L% T
E-mail:dipao@cesmtp .ccf. Org3 y+ F+ Y5 D% D! X' C6 g- A
Thanks very much for your attention to our paper.% V/ i" }: ]" m# w* x
Sincerely yours, 6 G1 j. p/ l5 v$ |. F; n& w: eRose N.Dipaola