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    2005-12-14  08:21   (Articulo) Welcome to world of solar electric power.pdf8 E8 v4 V9 S& o/ n$ W0 w! }; `
    2007-10-25  09:58   (ebook - Electronica) Teach Yourself Electricity & Electronics - Mcgraw Hill.pdf: ~3 ~$ I# ]0 _) b0 F  D
    2007-12-22  09:02   (ebook) HVDC Systems and their Planning.pdf
    7 w, \( G5 p" Q) H, H. ~! I  n2007-12-11  15:52   (ebook) Wiley-Power Electronics. Converters, Applications and Design, 2nd Ed 1995 (Mohan, Undeland, Robbins)(photo).pdf; L" }* t" Y# g
    2007-10-25  10:50   (ebook-pdf) - Physics - 4_Electricity and Magnetism - B Crowell.pdf
    , @( n' Y+ ]$ F  d2007-12-26  14:02   (Electrical Engineering) Introduction To Electromagnetic Compatibility (1013S).pdf; _# T8 E' z- `" w' [6 w: h
    2007-11-25  10:13   (Electrical Engineering) Principles and Practice of Automatic Process Control [Smith & Corripio, Wiley 1997](782s).pdf
    % ?! X# K4 `, R( d- x# w" p2007-12-27  12:33   (Electrical Engineering) The Communications Handbook - 2 Ed [Gibson, CRC Press 2002](1526s).pdf
    " @3 m( q4 f4 {0 o* l2007-12-11  13:07   (free energy) wind power plans.pdf1 W# C* B$ h: f& E
    2006-11-07  14:25   04 - wind turbine power, energy and torque.pdf
    ! U  K" w! z5 \2 U: E8 ]2007-11-16  18:18   0417794 Tesla_Armature for Electric Machines.pdf
    0 t* ~7 k& d( G6 J5 |4 L2006-03-07  17:57   05 - Wind Turbine Connected to Electrical.pdf
    8 n; c! K! g+ z; O$ {2007-12-21  14:02   1050-1996 IEEE Guide for Instrumentation and Control Grounding in Generating Stations.pdf  ^. w2 W5 ~3 P1 K/ ~
    2007-12-11  16:00   1159-1995 (r2001) Ieee Recommended Practice For Monitoring Electric Power Quality.pdf6 D8 Y9 A6 r! Q+ C- {. c
    2007-11-12  10:29   1207-2004 IEEE Guide for the Application of Turbine Governing Systems for Hydroelectric Generating Units.pdf
    , b# V6 J- A; Z) l# F2007-12-11  15:15   1248-1998 IEEE Guide for the Commissioning of Electrical Systems in Hydroelectrical Power Plants.pdf
    $ L0 k8 l" V) [  x) D2007-12-26  13:38   1366-2003 IEEE Standard Guide for Power Distribution Reliability.pdf
    ! J" F0 j& k& n" _) h2007-10-07  15:55   421.5-1992 Ieee Recommended Practice For Excitation Systems For Power Stability Studies.pdf
    8 s8 h- |: p' L4 E/ N2007-12-21  13:49   524-2003 IEEE Guide to the Installation of Overhead Transmission Line Conductors.pdf' D/ J9 R2 q: B8 n8 ^! B0 n9 M
    2008-01-17  17:30   7504-DTIC-MATLAB-009Neural Network Control of a Parallel Hybrid-Electric Propulsion System for a.pdf
    0 U+ R& r6 {6 }$ T2007-12-26  14:06   Academic Press - The Electrical Engineering Handbook - 2004 - 1227s - YYePG.pdf
    2 N4 i# Q6 z' ]. w1 f8 k/ o6 Z2006-08-01  16:36   Access Database Design & Programming, 3rd Ed.pdf7 B: E( W# o' D0 p- i1 u
    2006-08-11  14:49   Adaptive Digital Filters(2nd Edition) .pdf3 H7 h3 K1 m, I( ], ~$ u3 H; I
    2006-02-21  09:44   Advanced.Gas.Turbine.Cycles.A.Brief.Review.of.Power.Generation.Thermodynamics.2003.J.Horlock.ISBN.0080442730.pdf
    & k% Z- _& W1 |) ~: u! S; ^2006-08-11  14:56   Aging Power Delivery Infrastructures .pdf
    5 U# l( P/ \- E; T+ l2007-12-21  13:54   Allen Bradley - SCADA System Guide.pdf0 d9 ^8 s8 K- s0 Z* h
    2006-02-23  18:43   An Introduction to Numerical Analysis for Electrical and Computer Engineers.pdf
    & }- z% s. P( ~2007-12-05  16:24   ANSI-IEEE 1010-1987 Guide for Control of Hydroelectric Power Plants.pdf
    + i" D& |8 ^& B) S# C2006-07-26  13:06   Applied Econometrics using MATLAB.pdf& x% J+ }5 M. e" F8 n0 }
    2006-08-22  05:04   Automatic Generation Control (AGC) Adapted to a Restructured Power Systems.pdf) `0 [, j! X6 z: |0 }9 l
    2006-06-28  15:24   Basic of Power System reliability.doc
    ! X3 T; v* j7 f" l; S% A5 Q( {2008-02-20  01:33   boiler and combustion systems.pdf
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    1 T2 P# x# {/ z2008-02-20  08:31   Boiler Settings - Combustion Systems and Auxiliary Equipment.pdf: m7 f! k+ }. K  P! e+ j/ n& \( \8 _
    2007-10-25  15:29   Book 4 - Electricity and Magnetism.pdf9 y: f  N* S. Q# v
    2007-12-12  09:17   Casazza, J. - Understanding Electric Power Systems.pdf% j+ k. h- n" O( A
    2007-12-26  16:12   Charles.Proteus.Steinmetz.-.General.Lectures.on.Electrical.Engineering.-(1908).pdf
    , D8 h7 o6 r; `2006-04-16  00:58   CIGRE-C4.1.04 Final Report-POWER QUALITY INDICES & OBJECTIVES - MUY BUENO.pdf% C9 |) u; z& ~3 T9 t7 c  d9 o9 ?
    2006-07-30  21:54   Classification,Parameter Estimation and State Estimation.pdf
    " W, s& a. V' \2007-04-23  12:05   Computational Methods In Structural Dynamics.pdf/ b) ]' U8 F6 R( k# L0 W3 N5 h8 }* J/ R
    2006-08-12  17:47   Computer-Aided Power System Analysis .pdf
    3 P. t& S! n% P0 h5 |. X' j2007-11-11  17:40   Contreras - Phd Thesis - A Cooperative Game Theory Approach To Transmission Planning In Power Systems.pdf/ w! Z* x, b. b1 _. H6 A# _
    2006-04-12  15:52   Controlling Electrical Hazards.pdf# M9 t; Z. c# o/ z
    2007-12-11  12:36   Coordinated Voltage Control in Electric Power Systems.pdf) i- x# S6 z' f
    2007-12-13  09:03   Crc Press - Power Quality.pdf
    : {" d; q* h% f, d' ^. W! w2007-12-26  15:21   Curso Ingles Oxford English For Electrical And Mechanical Engineering.pdf
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    2006-08-11  15:21   Design for Reliability.pdf
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    3 s! ?0 U+ j# t1 g2006-03-07  16:52   DOE - Fundamentals Handbook - Electrical Safety.pdf
    4 T% Y' W* I- Y: L2 ?2006-03-07  11:58   DOE Fundamentals Handbook - Electrical Science.pdf
    6 c# W. d6 w% U$ [, M. Q' o2006-03-27  18:08   Dynamic Control of Electric Power Systems.pdf
    , U- A7 z) b  T) p# e2008-02-14  16:07   Dynamic Simulation of Electric Machinery Using Matlab Simulink (Chee-Mun Ong)(PRENTICE HALL, 1984).pdf- V9 m; \3 x" w4 u% E) ^2 W/ G
    2005-12-14  17:10   Ebook - Welcome to the Wolrd of Solar Electric Power + Plans.pdf/ |3 q$ D; X. E
    2006-01-23  17:22   ee Notes For An Introductory Course On Electrical Machines And Drives.pdf+ g: o0 z3 O- _" I- T3 N
    2006-05-18  18:27   Electric circuits (VII edition).pdf0 V6 t: j) H0 T- o6 _
    2006-05-18  18:28   Electric Circuits - Answers (6th Ed).pdf
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    2007-11-16  18:31   Electric Machinery And Transformers.pdf
    6 k9 w$ M2 G: O1 y" @2007-11-16  18:22   Electric Machinery Fundamentals (Solutions Manual).doc% a7 D* q. {, G' u& N
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    2005-12-14  08:33   Electric Power Distribution Handbook.pdf
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    2006-08-11  15:38   Electric Power Substations Engineering.pdf
    4 M3 q! @5 a$ h. w! L2007-12-11  13:07   Electric Power Systems - Analysis and Control - F. Saccomanno (Wiley-IEEE, 2003) WW.pdf
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    2006-02-14  19:09   Electrical Engineering Dictionary (Crc Press, 2000).pdf3 Y7 E9 q3 n1 W1 z7 i3 s8 n
    2007-12-26  16:04   Electrical Engineering Training.pdf
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    2007-12-10  15:10   Electrical Insulation for Rotating Machines - Design, Evaluation, Aging, Testing, and Repair.pdf
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    2006-04-14  22:56   IEEE 1459-2000 Definitions for the Measurement of Electric Power Quantities Under Sinusoidal, Nonsinusoidal, Balanced or Unbalanced Conditions.pdf
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    2007-11-12  12:01   IEEE Recommended Practice for Functional and Performance Characteristics of Control Systems for Steam Turbine-Generator Units.pdf) s4 S& o/ h( P/ J+ S# C$ ~
    2006-02-16  17:22   IEEE SCADA Practice.pdf) X$ B, O6 E, b# D' b: y! R3 L
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    0 q, L/ I- L# R& |314 个文件


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    2006-02-16 17:22 IEEE SCADA Practice.pdf* z. h1 M) {7 D+ c& i
    2006-04-27 02:30 IEEE short circuit protection.pdf'  
    ) N1 c* Z& H/ |; x2006-04-27 20:24 Short Circuit Protection Plan.pdf8 Q$ L, x3 `: B! o* Q
    2006-01-04 07:09 Short Circuits in Power Systems (Wiley).pdf' 7 n! n( P* K1 G( c; ?5 `4 P# |
    2003-09-04 10:33 ShortCircuit_Basic_Principles.pdf! w8 O4 q; `0 f0 T8 Y6 l; K  R7 u
    3 J: t+ k3 D% N6 y
    不知道LZ能发到我邮箱吗.....感激不尽~~~~~!!3 C% d9 b0 A8 {

    - g8 {, g+ _) W+ g我的邮箱是  yingyue0025@163.com
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2008-4-11 23:15:25 | 显示全部楼层

    * y  M' m0 `2 B& w; }我正在做翻译,有没有大面积停电的资料啊?
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2008-4-18 12:09:23 | 显示全部楼层
    2006-06-08 13:10 Power System Analysis - John J. Grainger- McGraw Hill (Solution Manual).pdf9 P7 l+ ~5 q/ I7 R2 q, D. f
    能发到我邮箱么,万分感激!万分感激!!4 O9 z6 A/ o  I/ S4 g/ O/ d7 ]

    / e4 P# C6 s6 i* b4 _% }% d' Oivyscar@hotmail.com
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2008-4-18 18:47:34 | 显示全部楼层


    摆出这样多的外文书籍名,想做什麽啊 ?
    : o3 d. r0 R9 m# J   请问可以共享否?
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
  • TA的每日心情
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    发表于 2008-4-21 17:21:48 | 显示全部楼层
    能发 Allen Bradley - SCADA System Guide.pdf 和 IEEE SCADA Practice.pdf 吗? llqqrr@126.com- M! c0 v! {5 S1 [; I# Y# a, \; ?

    + T" N: Z- F; a1 F先谢谢啦!
    : X0 ~3 ^8 s0 m8 W0 t
    2 {  W8 y  |1 z( B0 J[ 本帖最后由 liuqingrui 于 2008-4-21 17:24 编辑 ]
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
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