Dynamic Behavior of the Doubly Fed Induction Generator During Three-Phase Voltage Dips
Jes′us L ′opez , Member, IEEE , Pablo Sanchis, Member, IEEE , Xavier Roboam , Member, IEEE , and Luis Marroyo, Member, IEEE
Abstract—The use of d oubly f ed induction generators (DFIGs)
in large wind t urbines h as become quite common over t he last
few years. T hese machines provide variable s peed and are driven
with a p ower converter which i s s ized for a small p ercentage of the
turbine-rated p ower. A drawback of the DFIG is t hat it is very sen-sitive to grid disturbances, especially to voltage dips. However, t he
operation of the m achine in these s ituations h as only been studied
in the literature by means of s imulations. T his p aper develops a t he-oretical analysis of the d ynamic behavior of the induction machine
during t hree-phase voltage dips. T he proposed analysis contribu tes
to understanding the causes of t he problem and represents a very
useful tool to improve the existing s olutions and propose new al-tern atives. E xperimental results are in good agreement with t hose
obtained theoretically and validate t he proposed analysis.
Index Terms—Doubly fed induction generator ( DFIG), protec-tion, wind power generation.