发电机保护起源,附件为英文(含有精彩图片)。 Introduction In the beginning of electrical power supply (1880-1890) the importance of switching devices was minor. Small units for illumination of a house and commercial building had been put into operation. Knife switches, strip fuses and a simple bulb for supervision of voltage were sufficient for dynamos with a power of 15…25 kW. Edison,T.A. started running the first central station and first public electric utility in New York (Pearl Street) on September 4th, 1882. At first he used three and later six 150 kW, 110 VDC, 1200 rpm "Jumbo Generators" (due to their large size). He developed a complicated lighting system with lines, distribution boards, fuses, breakers and metering devices. The first public power station in Germany with six steam machines (150 HP each) and 12 dynamos with a total power of 540 kW (110 VDC with two-wire connection) was put into operation on May10th,1885 (Berlin, Markgrafenstrasse 44). The first switching devices were more or less provisional ones due to lack of experience and limited knowledge. They have were in an empirically-manual manner and were suitable for single tasks. Such an example was the "general interrupter" in the Berlin power station which would enable an emergency cutout of the whole grid. Figure 2 shows such a makeshift construction (nominal current approximately 2000 A and 2x110 VDC. Unlocking the four clamps lets the copper ear plate fall down and interrupt the circuit. At this time DC was mostly used. Due to this and the inductance of the machines the control and extinguishing of the lightning arc when switch off occurred, was difficult even at low voltages (65…110 VDC). Developing motors and generators was a challenging task anyway- so nobody was really interested in the so called "auxiliary devices" - low voltage circuit breakers. The initial switching devices originated from laboratories (mercury bowls) or from the telegraph industry (switches and push buttons). Because these devices did not meet heavy-current requirements, engineers avoided them or tried to reduce the breaking capacity with de-excitation of generators. At the time of introduction of alternating current, oil was estimated as the optimal extinguishing agent. The pioneer of alternating current, Ferranti, was the first at using oil for that purpose. He plunged the agile part of the Ferranti-oil-fuse (1894) into the oil after opening the contact. The first high-voltage device working completely in oil was developed by C.L.E. Brown (one of the founders of Brown, Boveri & Cie) in Baden/Switzerland in 1897. He proposed at the headquarters Porta Volta in Milan to put an air-circuit breaker (5 kV) in a barrel of oil for testing purposes. This was successful, and a new 16-kV-breaker was developed in the same year for Paderno (with an oil hutch made of glass). Later, steel plate hutches were used. One could now protect the generator by switching it off with a circuit breaker and de-exciting it in case of a certain smell, electrical arc, or loud noises. Previously, this was not possible due to the long reaction time (Figure 3). First Generator Protection Devices The first protection devices were fuses in series with knife switches. Before that, there were fuses at the generator only, so in case of a failure the whole grid (very small at this time) was without power. After a short time it became clear that not having a three-phase trip was a disadvantage. That's why from 1885 to1890 the first automatic circuit breakers were developed. One of the first automatic circuit breakers in Germany was made by Hermann Meyer, S & H, 1886 with the "biggest machine circuit breaker at this time" (knife switch) combined with an electromagnetic undercurrent relay (startup at 10% of nominal or reverse current). This was a combination of minimum- and reverse-current-automats (early relays), used for parallel operating DC generators. After this the first "triumvirate"-automats were developed: minimum-automat; reverse-current-automat and maximum-automat (Figure 4) as fundamental components of the DC-generation and -distribution at this time together with batteries in power stations. The task of these devices was the switching-off during low currents, wrong direction of currents or overcurrents. The tripping was accomplished electromechanically. Several types were created. The first industrial transmission of current in Switzerland took place in 1887 with commissioning of the DC-interconnection Kriegstetten-Solothurn ( 8 km, 2500 V, 50 PS, = 70 %) by Oerlikon. Figure 5 shows the wooden switchboard, above the interface-device ( 3 wires with a diameter of 6 mm, one of them as spare). On the left and on the right the automatic short-circuiters are arranged; they are shorting the field magnets in case of a fault. They were used to replace the lead fuses. „Switchboards“ In the first years of high-current technology (1880- 1890) a "switchyard" consisted of a DC-dynamo connected to a switchboard. A board made of planks. Wood was considered a good insulator at this time. In Figure 6 you can see the planks and the attached instruments, main switch and four knife-switches with stripe fuse. The word "board" (in German "Brett") is still used for terminal boxes of generators and motors - “terminal board“ in English. A mock up circuit is sometimes called a "breadboard" ("Brettschaltung"). Automatic Overcurrent Devices In 1885 American engineers equipped the knife switches with overcurrent magnets (Figure 1). A click holds the knife in position "On"; replaceable-devices made of coal took the lightning arc, additional extinguishing possibilities were not prepared. C.E.L. Brown, OERLIKON, built a maximal automat as shown in Figure 7 (open position) in 1888. In case of a generator overcurrent condition, the automat starts up and shorts the excitation winding. The knife falls down and connects the moving contacts. This approach solves the challenge of interrupting high currents in case of high self-induction voltage. Later overcurrent automats had more force. The knife closed with a clamped spring (during switching on or with a weight). If the magnet tripping device operated it moved the switch into the Off-position. The smallest starting current possible was 130% of the nominal current, in normal case they have been set with a value of 150%. Automatic Undercurrent Devices The task of automatic undercurrent devices was to switch off parallel operating generators in case of a decreasing generator current to avoid a feedback current from the battery to the generator. The moment of switching off depends on the prior magnetizing current (magnetization). The higher the preload, the lower the startup value. The set point was 15% in 1882, later 5%. An unpleasant –even dangerous- behavior of some automatic undercurrent devices was a malfunction caused by rapidly decreasing currents with fast change of direction of currents due to the magnetic inertia. Reverse Current Automatic Devices Due to the uncertainty of some automatic undercurrent devices reverse current automats were used instead of them. In 1892 they could start with 20% of the nominal value. The tripping magnet was equipped with a current-and a voltage-coil. During normal operation both coils are working against each other ("differential coil"), in case of reverse current the switch trips (Figure 9). Under Voltage Tripping Device Breakdown and recovery of voltage, a daily event in early times, required the usage of devices with under voltage tripping elements. At first "automatic circuit-breakers" (Figure 17) were used. Later the devices were combined with other functions for switches. A solution for two-phase short-circuit protection with undervoltage trip was presented by V&H in the 1920's (Figure 8). Primary tripping devices, were mounted on the breaker operate mechanism with a lever. The voltage tripping device is supplied by an external voltage transformer (Figure 12). When the voltage transformer operates in the direction of infeed it is guaranteed that the circuit breaker could be switched on only in case of existing voltage. The company Dr. Paul Meyer introduced a three phase zero voltage tripping device in 1912 - Z4 D: f* |$ U/ W! q) X
"Trip Free Mechanism" The trip free mechanism, developed in 1900 was the main progress for automatic circuit-breakers. This was a special design of the switch, ensuring that it fully opened before it was enabled to be to closed again. Figure 10 shows such a trip free mechanism. It required a current in coil 1 before the switch could be operated. If these devices were not available, the approach was to avoid disabling of the automatic circuit-breakers in case of a trip (e.g. switch onto fault): Then, the automatic circuit-breaker and the lever switch are connected in series. When switching, the automatic circuit-breaker was first operated and then the lever switch was opened. This caused some failures due to wrong order of operation, this was reported for instance from the United States. That's why Sharpstein, S.H. required "a trip free mechanism" in 1899, realized by Emmett and Hewlett, GEC. Use of Measurement Transformers Increase in demand on power and transmission of energy over long distances was the reason to build bigger generators or to operate generators and grids in parallel. This required the use of measuring transformers. It seems that the first voltage transformer had been used in the "Californian Light Company" in San Francisco in 1879. The current transformer was invented by Benischke,G. in 1898. And since 1900 relays were designed to use current transformers. Emmet,W.L.R. und Hewlett,H.E., GEC, built in 1901 oil circuit breakers with two tripping coils, directly connected to the current transformers to open the locking mechanism. Figure 16 shows an "automatic machine tripping device" with an overcurrent relay supplied by current transformers (used by AEG in power stations in 1905). The figure shows the solution with auxiliary power supply. But this breaker was manufactured with tripping coils supplied by two parallel operating current transformers. It was a logical conclusion to change the measuring devices in such a manner that the indicator also operates the contact. Nevertheless this solution was unsatisfying. The breaking capacity was poor (6 VA at 220 V) and the electric arc held the contacts together. Since the same measuring principles have been used the first relays have been quite similar to measuring devices (especially the round form Figure 19). The Swedish Company ASEA delivered the first induction relay for a water station of the Swedish Rail (16 2/3 Hz) in 1912. To cut one's own path was the decision of Voigt & Haeffner (V&H). Vogelsang, M. developed an overvoltage relay with timing element in 1902. They decided to do it like that because they did not produce current transformers themselves. Additionally Vogelsang developed an "oil circuit breaker with fuse". To change the fuse it was at first necessary to switch off the breaker before opening the cap. The history of measuring transformers will be covered in a later issue of PACWorld. Overcurrent Protection The main element of generator protection was overcurrent protection from the beginning. It protected the generator of inner damages, and was also the backup protection for all further assets such as transformers and lines. Smaller machines were equipped with direct overcurrent release, connected with a lever (Figure 13; Figure 15). The first stand-alone electromechanical relay was designed in1904. Figure 18 shows the first time-overcurrent relay made by ASEA, type TCB, manufactured in 1905. ASEA's (now ABB) first relay of induction type was delivered in 1912 to a hydropower station in the north of Sweden, built to deliver power at 16 2/3 Hz to the railway from Kiruna to Luleå, which was built to transport iron ore. This was the first electrified railway in Sweden. Overload Protection The use of thermal relays for protection of generators was introduced exclusively by BBC in Europe and was very successful. German recommendations required generators with a nominal power of more than 5000 kVA to use six resistance the rmometers or thermo elements in the stator to supervise the temperature of winding. Once they were installed it was very difficult to reach them again- that's why they very often were not changed after damage. So it was the decision to supervise the temperature with thermal relays. These devices are equipped with thermo elements (heating relays with current proportional to main current delivered an image of temperature of the machine- Figure 14. The outer insulating mat "O", was working as a protection against thermal radiation. It encloses the source of heat, the measuring element and the heat storage "P". The heating element – a band made from a resistive material- heated the measuring column and the heat material storage, consisting of changeable measuring boards. The thermal time constant of the relays could be changed with the numbers of boards in 6 stages between 20 and 110 minutes. The upper scale was a display of the temperature to allow a later estimation of temperature. Additionally the relays were equipped with a tripping device. Later single pole overcurrent relays with a setting of 1.1 In and 10 s have been used for indicating overload. Short Circuit Protection To use overcurrent relays between generator and busbar in case of failures inside the generator was active only if other machines were able to deliver short circuit currents. The power of another machine had to be as big as the power of the machine to be protected. In case of its own failure the generator delivered a huge short circuit current but this could not be detected with such a setup. That's why overcurrent relays have been installed in the neutral point of the generator. This setup was the only possibility if the generator was the single source in the grid. Figure 21 shows a three-phase overcurrent protection "S", manufactured by SIEMENS in 1936. Connecting generators and grids in parallel increased the reliability of power supply but on the other hand created unmanageable short-circuit currents in case of failure. Sometimes the unreasonable guaranties for small voltage drops in the machine required the use of coils for the limitation of the current from generators with high short circuit power (hard machines). Later "soft" generators were used, equipped with a huge short-circuit reactance. The Swiss grid reported good experiences with the usage of a cutback of excitation to achieve a limitation of a sustained short-circuit current. All big power stations have been equipped with such devices. The automatic decrease of excitation could limit the steady-state short-circuit current to a certain value (as 1.4*Inom). After switching off the short circuit the voltages recovers. Out of step machines could be "catched". The current level in case of a short circuit sometimes reached the level of overload current. Nevertheless, in case of a malfunction of the line protection the generator overcurrent protection should trip. Solowjew,L.E., USSR, proposed in 1932 to use "undervoltage supervision". This allowed a more sensitive setup of the overcurrent startup. An overcurrent relay produced by BBC in the 1960's is shown in Figure 22. The overcurrent setting must be over the highest possible operating current. Since these devices started up with a fault in the grid already the operating time must be the biggest in the grid. If several generators are working in parallel all overcurrent relays had the same operating time. In case of terminal short-circuit of a generator there was no selectivity anymore. This was only possible if the faulty generator could be tripped faster than the other ones. Further solutions such as reverse power protection, differential protection, interwinding fault protection and earthfault protection will be covered in a later issue of this magazine. & o0 \ o1 q& N
在电力系统发展初期(1880—1890年间),开关设备的重要性比较小。为一幢房子或一座商业大楼设计的小型设备当时已经投入运行。对发电容量在15-25kW的发电机来说,闸刀开关、熔断器和一盏用来监控电压的灯泡就已经足够了。 1882年9月4日,Edison T.A开始在纽约的珍珠街运行第一座中心电站和第一台公共用电设备。一开始他用了三台150kW,额定电压110V,额定转速1200rpm的“巨型发电机”,后来增加到6台用于发电。同时他构造了一个含有线路、配电屏、熔断器、刀闸和测量仪表的复杂照明系统。真正意义上的第一座公用电站于1885年5月10日在德国柏林投入运行,装设有6台150马力的蒸汽机和12台额定电压110V,总容量540kW的发电机。 由于知识和经验的缺乏,一开始的开关设备是暂时性的。他们以手动经验为主的方式工作于单任务系统。柏林电站一次普通的电力中断将导致整个电网瘫痪就是一个典型的例子。 这个时期直流电被广泛应用。正由于这个原因及机器电感的存在,即使是很低的电压(65-110V直流)下,开关断开时产生的电弧也是难以控制和熄灭的。研发电动机和发电机已经是一项相当艰巨的任务以至于没有人对“低电压断路器”这样的所谓的辅助设备真正感兴趣。最初的开关设备起源于实验室里的水银开关或是电报行业的开关按钮。但这些设备不能满足大电流的需求,因此工程师们常常避免使用他们,或是通过降低发电机励磁来减小开关容量。 当交流电应用的时候,油被认为是最佳的灭弧介质。“交流电先驱”法拉第首先利用油作为灭弧介质。他使熔断器的活动部分再断开电路时浸入油中。第一台完全工作在油中的高压设备由C.L.E Brown于1897年在瑞士巴登发明。他向米兰总部提交了将5kV开关放在一桶试验用油中的设想。成功之后,在同一年,一个置于玻璃箱装油中的16kV开关被发明了出来。此后,钢制箱代替了玻璃箱。 现在人们可以在有异常气味、电弧和异常响声时用断路器切断发电机运行或进行灭磁。由于设备反应时间较长,这在以前是无法实现的。 第一台发电机保护装置 第一台保护装置是一些与刀开关相连的熔断器。在这之前,只有发电机上有熔断器,因此一旦发生故障整个电网就将瘫痪。在很短一段时间之后,没有三相脱扣器所带来的缺陷变的很明显。这就是为什么自动断路器在1885到1890年间被发明了出来。第一台自动断路装置于1886年在德国被Hermann Meyer, S & H发明出来,由一个电磁型低电流继电器组成(当电流减至10%正常值或流过反向电流时动作),是当时体积最大的机械断路器。这是最小电流和反电流自动装置的组合,用于并联运行的直流发电机。 在这之后,一种三功能合一的自动装置被发明了出来,同时可以进行最小电流、反向电流和最大电流的自动控制,和蓄电池一起成为了当时电站中直流发电和输电的最基本组成部分。这些装置的任务就是在欠电流、反电流和过电流的时候能够切断线路。 跳闸动作由机电行为完成,许多种类型被发明出来。由Oerlikon创建的第一条直流输电线路于1887年在瑞士试运行,连接了Kriegstetten和Solothurn两个地方(8公里,2500伏) 配电板 在大电流技术的初期(1880年至1890年),由连接到配电板上的一台直流发电机组成了户外配电装置。这种配电板由厚木板制成,木头在当时被认为是一种很好的绝缘体。 自动过电流保护装置 1885年,美国的工程师将刀开关和过电流磁铁组合起来。用一个挡板将开关固定在打开的位置上,利用可装配的煤粉来带走电弧,除此以外并没有额外的灭弧措施。一旦发电机处于过流状态,自动装置将会动作,将装置励磁线圈短路,开关就会落下,动静触头闭合。这种办法能够解决由于自感高电压所造成的瞬时大电流带来的威胁。 以后的过电流自动装置的闭合利用了外力,开关利用夹紧弹簧的弹力闭合。最小的动作电流可以设定在正常值的130%,正常情况下被设定在正常值的150%。 自动欠电流保护装置 欠电流保护装置的任务是在发电机电流减小时及时将并联运行的发电机组切除,以防止蓄电池向发电机倒送电。切除时机根据超前的磁化电流确定,超前负荷越多,整定值就越低。 1882年这个值设定在15%正常值,后来降低到5%。一种自动欠电流装置不正确甚至有危险性的动作是由于电流骤减造成的故障,这种电流的骤减是由磁场惯性造成的电流方向瞬变所引起的。 自动反向电流保护装置 由于一些自动欠电流装置的不确定性,自动反向电流保护装置逐步取代了它们。1892年的时候,它们可以在正常值的20%就开始动作。电磁部分由一个电流和一个电压线圈组成。正常情况下,两线圈极性是相反的,当流过反向电流时,极性颠倒,装置动作。 欠电压跳闸装置 早期经常发生的电压崩溃和电压恢复要求设备具有欠电压跳闸装置。一开始自动断路器被广泛使用。 后来除了开关电路这种装置又结合了其他的功能。20世纪20年代V&H提出了带欠电压跳闸的两相短路保护方案。 主要跳闸部分被通过一个连杆安装在断路器的操动机构上。这种电压跳闸装置由一台额外的变压器供能。当变压器运行时保证了断路器只有在电压存在的时候才能合上。 Dr. Paul Meyer公司在1912年提出了三相零电压跳闸装置。 自由跳闸机构 自由跳闸机构的发明是20世纪在自动断路器领域的一大进步。这是一种经过特殊设计的开关,能够确保在动作闭合前可以处于完全打开状态。 如果装置拒动,那么解决的途径是避免自动断路器由于误跳闸导致失效。这时自动断路器和连杆开关会相串联起来。 当动作时,自动断路器先动作,然后连杆开关被打开。来自于美国的一些报告称,这样有时由于错误的操作顺序会导致一些故障。这也就是为什么Sharpstein, S.H.要在1899年提出“三相自由跳闸机构”,这一观点后来被美国通用公司的Emmett and Hewlett所意识到。 测量变压器的使用 长距离输送更多电能的需求使得我们需要制造更大容量的发电机,或者让多台发电机和电网并联运行。这时就需要用到测量变压器。似乎在1879年旧金山的加利福尼亚照明公司就使用了第一台电压互感器。第一台电流互感器是在1898年由Benischke,G.发明。从二十世纪起继电保护装置就被设计成使用电流互感器。 美国通用电气公司的Emmet,W.L.R. und Hewlett,H.E.在1901年制造出含有两个跳闸线圈的油断路器,直接和电流互感器相连来打开锁定的机构。 图16展示了一个自动跳闸装置,与过电流保护装置相配合,由电流互感器提供测量量。数字显示了辅助电源方案。但是这种断路器由与两路并联运行的电流互感器相连的跳闸线圈制成。 通过一些操作接触指标来改变测量设备从而改变测量装置是一种合乎逻辑的方法。不过这个解决方案是让人不满意的。因为开关容量太小(6 VA/220v)不足以灭弧。使用相同的测量原理,第一个继电器已经相当类似于一种测量设备形式(特别是图19的圆式)。 瑞典公司ASEA将第一台感应式继电保护装置用于为瑞典一条16 2/3hz电气化铁路供电的水电厂。Voigt &Haeffner (V&H).决定打破自己原有的规划,Vogelsang, M.在1902年发明了一个带有时间元件的过电压继电保护装置。他们之所以那样决定是因为他们自己并不生产电流互感器。Vogelsang还额外发明了带有熔断器的油断路器。一开始更换熔断器时必须在打开外盖之前跳开开关。关于测量变压器的历史将在PACWORLD的后续文章中提及。 过电流保护 一开始过电流保护是发电机保护的主要组成部分。它主要保护发电机内部的故障,同时作为一些更远端的保护装置,例如输电线路保护和变压器保护的后备。设备由通过杠杆连接在一起的过电流释放装置构成。第一台独立工作的机电型继电器在1904年发明。ASEA的第一台感应式继电装置于1912年交付给瑞典北部的一个水力发电厂使用,这个水电厂当时用于给一条输送铁矿石的铁路提供频率为16 2/3赫兹的交流电。这是瑞典的第一条电气化铁路。 过负荷保护 为发电机保护设计的热继电器由欧洲的BBC公司专门引进,并且取得了极大成功。 德国的电气标准要求额定容量在5000kVA以上的发电机,都必须在定子上安装六个电阻温度计或类似热电装置来监控绕组的温度。但是它们一旦安装上去,就很难再接触到,所以一旦发生故障就无法更换。因此人们决定用热继电器来监控温度。这些装置由许多热元件构成。 外部的O形绝缘垫,能够对热辐射起到保护作用。它能将封住热源,并且测出热量并锁存。加热元件——一个由电阻性材料做成的小片,为测量部分和热量锁存部分提供热量,共同构成了可变测量元件。继电保护装置的热量时间常数可以有20到110分钟六段的调整。上面刻度显示的当前温度可以作为器件温度的估算。这种继电设备同时又额外地装设有跳闸装置。 此后单级型过电流继电保护装置动作电流整定在1.1倍额定电流,时间延时整定在10秒,用来监控过负荷。 短路保护 这种装设于发电机和母线之间的,当发电机内部故障时动作的继电保护装置只有在其他设备能够导通短路电流的时候才能正确动作。其他设备的容量至少要和被保护设备的容量一样大。设备自身故障时会流经发电机一股强大的短路电流,但有可能无法被保护装置监测出来。这也就是为什么过电流保护装置需要安装在发电机的中性点处。当发电机处在单电源网络中时这种装置就是唯一能够起到作用的保护。 将发电机并网可以增加供电可靠性,但另一方面也在故障时产生了不可控制的短路电流。有时不合理地保证电压小幅降落会用线圈来阻止发电机的电流上升为短路电流(硬装置)。后来投入使用的“柔性”发电机装设有一个很大的短路电抗器。瑞士电网就有这样一个好的应用经验:利用减小励磁来限制持续性的短路电流。所有大型的电站都装设有这样的装置。这种自动减小励磁的装置可以将稳态短路电流限制在一个定值,例如1.4倍的正常电流值。切除短路回路后电压就可以得到恢复。失步运行的设备可以被“拉入同步”。这时短路电流的级别有时很接近于过负荷电流值。 然而,当输电线路保护装置发生故障的时候,发电机的过电流保护装置也应能动作于跳闸。来自前苏联的Solowjew,L.E.在1932年提出利用“欠电压监测装置”。这就允许了过电流装置的启动可以设定得更加灵敏。这样的一台过电流继电保护装置于20世纪60年代由BBC公司生产。 过电流保护的整定值必须大于可能的最大运行电流。由于这些装置在电网已经发生故障的时候要动作,因此运行时间肯定是电网中最大的。如果几台发电机并联运行,那么所有的过电流继电保护装置拥有相同的动作时限。一旦终端的发电机发生短路故障,那么装置将失去选择性。这只有在故障发电机比其他发电机更快被切除时才是可行的。 更多解决方案例如功率方向保护,微分保护,内部绕组故障保护和接地保护将在这本杂志的后续文章中提及。 |