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Reliability theory and applications to risk analysis

  • TA的每日心情
    2018-2-24 13:38
  • 签到天数: 23 天

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    发表于 2011-11-14 14:16:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    标题: Reliability theory and applications to risk analysis
    作者: Ricardo O. Foschi
    所属专业方向: 电力系统及其自动化
    摘要: Abstract
    The performance of engineering systems is not deterministic but rather controlled by the uncertainties in the variables affecting that performance. The evaluation of the probability of non-performance can be carried out implementing methods of reliability theory. This work presents a brief discussion of these methods and their applications to four problems relevant to risk analysis of power components and systems: transmission towers, pole distribution lines, the calibration of factored equations for performance-based design, and the reliability updating of existing structures under change of service conditions.
    关键字: Keywords: Design; Performance; Probability; Reliability; Safety


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    《Reliability theory and applications to risk analysis of power components and systems》
    * _+ C( ^, J( RRicardo O. Foschi6 f' S. P$ O( t, m- M! P7 D

    2 }, B' Z" G! T2 `/ x4 n! Z" QAbstract
    5 q; C7 e- u2 h# n0 PThe performance of engineering systems is not deterministic but rather controlled by the uncertainties in the variables affecting that performance. The evaluation of the probability of non-performance can be carried out implementing methods of reliability theory. This work presents a brief discussion of these methods and their applications to four problems relevant to risk analysis of power components and systems: transmission towers, pole distribution lines, the calibration of factored equations for performance-based design, and the reliability updating of existing structures under change of service conditions.

    Reliability theory and applications to risk analysis of power components and systems.rar

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