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[讨论] neplan5.3.5电力仿真软件,功能强大,有中文操作界面!!

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  • TA的每日心情
    2021-3-4 19:03
  • 签到天数: 820 天

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    发表于 2011-9-9 17:14:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    软件/程序名称: power system simulator
    软件/程序大小: 64Mb
    软件/程序语言: 英语
    运行平台: Windows XP/2003/Vista 
    功能简介: power system simulator
    授权方式: 注册版
    研究/处理: 原版


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    NeplanSetupV535.part1.rar (10 MB, 下载次数: 86) NeplanSetupV535.part2.rar (10 MB, 下载次数: 94) NeplanSetupV535.part3.rar (10 MB, 下载次数: 84) NeplanSetupV535.part4.rar (10 MB, 下载次数: 90) NeplanSetupV535.part5.rar (10 MB, 下载次数: 60) NeplanSetupV535.part6.rar (10 MB, 下载次数: 114) NeplanSetupV535.part7.rar (2.9 MB, 下载次数: 41)
    7 S7 L, f) n6 [, A9 |" i1 K应norika 斑竹的要求,将neplan5.35上传,希望大家喜欢!
    % ^3 x- D2 X/ t  T) i: K% p注册码在https://tech.cepsc.com/thread-69357-1-1.html里。


    参与人数 1威望 +5 学分 +5 收起 理由
    wolaikaoyan0 + 5 + 5 精品啊,谢谢分享


    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-3-4 19:03
  • 签到天数: 820 天

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     楼主| 发表于 2011-9-9 18:20:56 | 显示全部楼层
    NEPLAN News for Version 5.3.5
    9 i( ~" H2 x$ l6 z( g Major Improvements
    & n( A1 T* d" n8 E- ENEPLAN - All Modules, Graphical User Interface% k; M) p7 X$ z, @

    4 t% e9 r' l; ~3 ~5 uAll known bugs have been fixed. ( Z) T) A! ^8 O) L' r  l
    The graphical user interface has been further improved.
    6 M7 d1 n/ J( w: h' j) q& q6 Q
    NEPLAN - Water, Gas, District Heating
    . |) t& l5 G0 U* v7 {% A7 [8 D  y' F( x3 j: O
    Improvements in the calculation have been done.) O0 U, s& \% d0 u% Z9 F
    New models for valves and regulators." [; H  w% q- U; g

    # b* E/ m: u, t. P% R8 \5 C8 `3 zNEPLAN - Risk based planning and analysis( N$ h& I( J) Z; t0 @; D7 w, T2 Y
    : I" N4 Q; V2 q% U$ u
    Although NEPLAN is already the 1st choice and world leading 4 K- T) H( h4 O/ X  _
    risk based analysis tool on the market, we made a lot o effort to 6 @& ?& }9 c( l( a7 {+ {
    further improve the performance and stochastic models of our
    4 R, U8 D, F/ O9 D" b3 e"Reliability"-Module.9 [* v* `0 ?5 \- G* N$ ~- E
    The NEPLAN risk based tools have been successfully applied for: " y7 U3 _$ v3 Z) X% f2 k
    -        mid- and  long term network planning) m* S7 c; i  t) W; ]4 M5 t. l
    -        optimal reinvestment strategies% B& ^0 `4 u3 |* f7 u
    -        optimal reinforcement strategies
    4 P8 g- e; }5 V4 R" t-        optimal substation configurations 2 g* A, Y' I6 _
    -        penalty payments for different contracts) ~" h; X2 j6 ?7 ^0 Q( G
    -        scenario comparisons for automation in distribution networks& j" z% Z; G- _% m5 `& K: i
    -        strategies for asset allocations
    8 C1 a$ V1 Z/ }0 ~-        optimal maintenance scheduling, reliability centered maintenance (RCM)6 Y& m) P2 f! M" Y6 N# }: B
    -        development of new electrical equipment (like circuit breakers)% a. y6 }& }4 {1 W* U  H
    NEPLAN - Maintenance Module
    ) H6 r, M; L' n+ A7 W& AThe NEPLAN "Maintenance" Module for condition based and
    + ]* D) O- |& b! C: Y( yreliability centered maintenance (RCM) has been improved.
    * L2 R; h) W; E3 q2 w3 u# hNew functions for better integration with the NEPLAN reliability - w: j* l' R4 L% o- B% g3 i& r
    module have been developed.
    3 k: A! o0 v7 v: rFor more information see:) h; I( Y+ _9 j- A1 W
    http://www.neplan.ch/downloads/public/NEPLAN-Maintenance-Descr.pdf: Y, `3 I% {( J" S: S
    NEPLAN - Protection Modules
    ! S* k" o8 s; D# TMany enhancements have been included in the distance and 5 n4 R0 F+ l' ~- [1 u
    overcurrent protection modules. Arc impedances my be added in the short 6 T" W" Q% W2 S; n3 @8 b0 k
    circuit module.  J  m- r0 n4 r9 \7 }2 V. W
    NEPLAN - NPL (NEPLAN Programming Library)
    + h8 h6 R, V5 @$ f: NNew functions have been added to the NPL.
    ; L" t4 f' \* U- d3 ?3 sThe NPL (NEPLAN Programming Library) contains a set of  C/C++ ! x9 ]; T2 {+ o# h
    library functions which allows to access data   ^. R$ w' `1 t  H- b. [6 U) b
    stored in the NEPLAN project files (*.nepprj) through a user 2 [: ?' m9 |6 x' w4 q( K" d& M! q
    written C/C++ program. The NPL functions allow executing
    " g+ o1 Z. j! L) b+ E2 L, hany analysis function like load flow analysis, transient stability5 D! T+ M! q. w7 \; f  q
    analysis, short circuit analysis, etc. 4 W% F8 ~- b3 J) N+ U, D7 W! {7 H: Z
    More information may be found at: + E" ~4 Y- z0 o5 M& g9 {
    + M2 j" C  C3 E NEW Modules
    % p+ M+ W* b5 qNEPLAN - Module Restoration
    % n7 t0 E& p& d! UWe have developed the NEPLAN "Restoration" module. 0 H# w9 q6 f  e' P1 Q& [9 R) @+ s
    This module helps to find the optimal restoration strategy after a
    $ m# L5 G+ `) a. ~3 x2 T* G1 pfault has occurred. Different objective functions can be chosen * m$ Q1 z9 A/ M# V8 M- g: Y; j! o
    (minimize losses, minimize overloads, minimize loading or maximize voltages). 3 d: r1 j/ a/ o" Z$ ~
    More information may be found at:
    ' Q" v7 Y( C& G( y: K2 \www.neplan.ch/downloads/public/RestorationModule.pdf* a8 I; d4 B8 c5 C
    : k0 b4 b+ B+ Y4 p' K) S# ~
    NEPLAN - LV Module (Low Voltage Module)+ Q! A2 c# {& P2 _: h

    + |/ }  b! E2 Z" _' k. _+ VA new module "LV Module" has been developed, which automates/ H3 `* r9 ~/ |. j. \  d
    The simulation of low voltage networks (e.g. voltage drop calculations, $ q* N$ Z  h% {
    Short circuit calculation, checking of the protection and their selectivity)
    " m8 J! F  B( V: F NEW Product
    # D. c" M4 U6 b, l- C# f- ]NEPLAN - Grounding Design
    ) t5 H& v2 v- [7 ]1 Q) yA new grounding design module is available now.
    : r; E* s* H, g4 @
    , \- o( y/ r$ d! ]More information may be found at:
    ! I6 M9 o' t: g9 l% ~+ cwww.neplan.ch/downloads/public/GSA_EarthingDesign.pdf$ e6 j- q0 o6 Z

    1 s! T# v. r" |6 ?& {% MNEPLAN - DACH-CZ 0 ], d( m4 L# _5 u

    $ D5 j2 a- X* S# ~: S0 D+ SBCP has been selected by the Swiss, German, Austrian and Czech $ j- t$ o5 p8 r6 {/ Q
    electrcical organizations (VSE, VDN, VS? CSRES) to develop a new software,
    5 q* e- ~- \* bwhich allows on a simple way to calculate the new standard for
    - A# ~$ W' @4 Kconnecting electrical equipment to LV and MV networks ("Technical Rules, m2 g/ h: ]3 P7 ^8 s& o; f6 q  O
    for the Assessment of Network Disturbances"). Included in this new product
    ( e& Z) t: v2 W  w( V! q"NEPLAN-DACH" are: flicker analysis, load flow and short circuit analysis.
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-12-8 11:59
  • 签到天数: 105 天

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    发表于 2011-9-9 18:49:31 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
  • TA的每日心情
    2020-12-8 11:59
  • 签到天数: 105 天

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    发表于 2011-9-9 19:37:33 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2011-9-9 19:59:50 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
  • TA的每日心情
    2021-3-4 19:03
  • 签到天数: 820 天

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     楼主| 发表于 2011-9-9 22:59:37 | 显示全部楼层
    Tutorial_e.rar (2.37 MB, 下载次数: 2) 应laoshouren 斑竹要求,上传neplan5的NEPLAN® User's Guide(Tutorial)
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2011-9-13 09:45:59 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2011-9-13 10:53:32 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2011-9-15 22:55:55 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2011-11-11 16:36:35 | 显示全部楼层
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
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