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[原创] Ei&ISTP检索的亚太电力与能源工程(APPEEC2011)国际会议征文




发表于 2010-6-28 15:22:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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The 3rd Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC2011)6 [1 e7 N& A9 N
第三届亚太电力与能源工程国际会议/ O9 B0 D5 Z8 Q5 c* ^. p7 }5 x9 a
Submission Deadline: Sept. 24, 20105 e* P2 P, h7 g% s
http://www.appeecconf.org/2011 ' R) {" M7 \% e
Wuhan, China     March 25-28, 2011
+ D2 o$ L& c9 m==================================================================# f8 I  V1 H9 X) W, V& b6 k9 ]
The 3rd Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC2011) will be  held from March 25 to 28, 2011 in Wuhan, China. The conference proceedings will be published
$ Z, P8 [# a. h2 z( b; Q) F# C/ a$ Oby IEEE, all papers accepted will be indexed by Ei Compendex and ISTP.  
' e# d) G9 L3 J9 u: D9 y$ j# D  ' W4 m1 S% B" ]: W0 j8 q
The technical areas to be covered in this conference include:
" ~" n4 f( v3 P* A: y' jPower Generation - Conventional and Renewable 9 G' W: G1 m; F/ t' o; L
Hydropower technologies and applications 8 V3 K" V. f8 \7 u( Y
Thermal power technologies and applications
" G; @) l7 d4 G+ H) f7 |3 XSafe nuclear energy generation and utilization   c% c' q. e9 k; [. {0 i- ^
Wind power generation and utilization $ p! `; m% Y5 j6 M
Bio-energy technologies, process and utilization
# [& Y3 Z/ j1 v2 T( `9 c& VNew technologies and design for energy efficiency
: C/ `. `8 N+ U! L1 Q( S4 A( SNew technologies for minimizing CO2 generation
! K- z8 c* I0 f6 \Environmental-friendly technologies for power generation   h6 p8 X$ y# W$ |
Geothermal and tidal wave energy ; |: Q! t1 b5 e' {& g0 }& T0 }
Photovoltaic for solar power applications 7 \1 p2 K/ D$ H5 S* ]! Z/ A# U
Waste products as fuel
% f% W+ f  U( R0 kOther sustainable energy
2 I* G* e* t5 e6 ?- D; r' O9 z% `- APower System Management
* u' F- \, n! E. V  e. m) k1 E/ l1 zPower system management technologies 5 F* f( B( p6 L; ?- S
Integrated substation automation technologies
- x- p0 X# p. M/ l' N; r0 FPower system monitoring and mitigation technologies 7 a4 C! R8 ?% b! `. \4 E! z
Online monitoring and fault diagnosis system
& y8 p: N$ j6 k6 w( y# o1 BControl strategies for modern power system stability
3 Z( a! t" S  j8 E, iModeling and simulation of large power systems & I) T; h" P( V/ R, ^$ O4 H5 c6 c
Application of wide area measurement system
9 I. i- |5 p$ X* Z/ xPower system analysis and optimization
  h$ a4 \- j2 [3 L- ZLoad modeling, estimation and forecast % z/ T0 o( }, }
Power system planning and operation
8 k0 H$ c" `8 d1 \7 T$ DPower Transmission and Distribution
7 u- \; u2 S! d% y* IUltra High Voltage (UHV) technologies ! F9 J3 }% F" \- k8 o; ~
HVDC and flexible AC transmission system
' U, a! y: W& D( b- _Over-voltage, lightning protection and grounding ; L! _% A6 m  f3 P9 R
Electromagnetic transient in high voltage power systems
7 c( U3 c8 c( ~% P, qInsulation condition monitoring in power systems 8 l+ k) t* A0 X/ N8 t
Advanced distribution and SCADA technologies
% W* F, y) Y/ u! ]. |8 ^Electromagnetic compatibility in power systems
2 }/ J+ C, b3 Z. S/ V% zPlasma physics and the pulsed power technology
8 c( B4 V5 Y3 D4 n1 D" U1 O' c4 rElectromagnetic analysis in power systems  L7 z; H1 H' j* O  J  ]. Z

. X2 n8 V# w/ O3 }4 GSmart Grid Technologies " @+ Y3 x' B/ F0 S$ s
Modeling of Grid environments   Q2 B6 \- R1 q7 J$ v/ I
Agent-based mechanisms for Grid markets 7 s9 a2 _/ H, \* ~- H9 I
Resource allocation in Grid scenarios ( L3 N+ D( ~( S% b3 s
Automated negotiation for Grid resource allocation
! A. L- l' z$ ~* |* t" U3 x7 LAgent-based simulation of Grid environments and markets
3 K9 [2 u, p+ u- `+ h$ iAgent-based Computational Economics for Grid ' f+ t, k( i2 @7 u
Engineering of Grid markets and Grid architectures 0 r- ]6 w; Y6 A4 c
Technical research on future application domains! ?* a8 E# |+ K: w! h. Y, ~4 ^

) l+ y0 f9 B7 m6 ~& `# \  
- H3 p, ^* u7 w" }. {: IFor more information about this conference,
# s1 b# m8 H! splease contact: appeec@scirp.org.
帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



发表于 2011-9-24 10:58:03 | 显示全部楼层
帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
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