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p I' @6 {# LPowerWorld™ Simulator :
. U! U4 q# e9 z3 I6 [2 ^9 B' g/ t(12 bus version) solves the power flow and economic dispatch problems. It is an* q5 A; r) @9 l
interactive power system simulation package designed to simulate high voltage power system operation on a! S6 U$ q6 r& f8 M2 |
time frame ranging from several minutes to several days. Powerful visualization techniques are used on an
) x. Q% W% A5 c( \interactive basis, resulting in an extremely intuitive and easy to use graphical user interface (GUI). The GUI; l. `+ g* R: b1 b% w: p8 Y& h
includes animated one-line diagrams with support for panning, zooming and conditional display of objects. The6 f" L2 X2 |3 ~0 L3 D
software runs under Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT.
# K7 k/ l( a ?3 s: z; `http://www.powerworld.com/这个是UIUC开发的做电力系统可视化的软件
( S6 X# o; D$ }! g& Q, m9 x9 S' l, L: v, N- @. {4 U! l9 h/ k
Alternative Transients Program (ATP): 9 T. V! y% g4 r( q
is the most widely used Electromagnetic Transients Program in the6 ?' H% k6 s- t- r' y2 C! O
world! ATP is a universal program system for digital simulation of transient phenomena of electromagnetic as" J F P% F1 t+ P9 K$ p% U
well as electromechanical nature. With this digital program, complex networks and control systems of arbitrary
4 ?5 ]1 e% z, o# Z: e" a- Kstructure can be simulated. ATP has extensive modelling capabilities and additional important features besides
( a0 P% N# \+ |) d" J/ t0 w- |, }the computation of transients.
: D8 {5 c8 h+ z ?) i8 Z0 ~http://www.emtp.org/就是传说中的EMTP啦
# P9 g! b- m8 p$ J% n& c5 ?9 a7 D f4 q
UWPFLOW : / K$ s- K2 |7 J9 {2 \
a "commercial-grade" continuation power flow program, that can be used to research static
9 m4 ~3 z) Z ^5 Svoltage stability phenomena in detailed AC-HVDC-FACTS power system models. The program is written in C/ t5 P3 {( \8 o. `
and C++, and two versions for WINDOWS 95 and UNIX are available, including examples and a brief tutorial.* B, M2 O# w$ A- v }: d
PCFLO and PCFLOH PCFLO is a load flow program which also includes short circuit and harmonics, n: Q7 @7 ~7 e& I6 @3 w7 s
capabilities. PCFLOH is a harmonics-only version of PCFLO, with special user interface for harmonic studies.
9 [/ J q4 \6 a c' U2 R( [PCFLO contains some features not found in many load flow programs. For example, it lists the power loss on0 V) e% z$ T4 N2 q
each line and transformer. It allows the user to control the transition point from Gauss-Seidel to Newton-
" E$ Z, s/ q/ T; {; J" k, X9 VRaphson. Also, it lists the optimal bus order for selected method 1, 2, or 3 in a
" d7 K& K' z3 ]& o) Nseparate output file, which is helpful to students who are learning how to properly order busses. (for Windows: B F; V" c# E- ^2 s8 o
95/98/NT):0 |% a; G% U; l; M, p( F
这是Waterloo U开发的软件
' r# ^0 d4 k1 g' p7 C0 G9 l+ \$ ] A% X/ U/ T# D
PSAT, * p) G7 v* {8 o2 J( ^" y v+ \5 S- S
Power System Analysis Toolbox: The main features of PSAT are Power flow, Continuation power flow, Optimal power flow, Small signal stability analysis, Time domain simulation, Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) placement,Complete graphical user interface, CAD for network design (Simulink library), User defined models, Conversion of data files from several formats, Export results to EPS, plain text, MS Excel and LaTeX files, Interfaces to GAMS and UWPFLOW programs, Command line usage, GNU/Octave compatibility. 0 i+ m" w/ U, m2 y
一个用于潮流计算的MATLAB toolbox,加载非常方便
; a" T8 \2 k+ A2 I
(2.38 MB, 下载次数: 3)
7 m! e ^" ]8 }4 Z& w% T: A6 J8 i9 E! m2 `) [1 |
MATPOWER: ' i0 W1 G: N, q+ Q7 w
A MATLAB Power System Simulation Package. It is a package of Matlab M-files for solving2 B* M2 T- d' X. G q& y
power flow and optimal power flow problems. It is intended as a simulation tool for researchers and educators
9 w/ ]! d2 X9 ^that is easy to use and modify. MATPOWER is designed to give the best performance possible while keeping
- u0 Z' p/ D$ a; C6 @1 T4 Mthe code simple to understand and modify./ R; z$ T4 x6 u
这是Cornell几个大牛开发的matlab toolbox,加载非常方便
7 y. P/ G- ~% j
(2.98 MB, 下载次数: 1)
% z7 u0 \4 S2 e$ l% [2 \ 3 w3 D1 H# e M. ^/ j
Voltage Stability Toolbox : S" L9 N$ J3 z7 s( G1 y
The Voltage Stability Toolbox (VST), developed at the Center for Electric Power Engineering, Drexel University, combines proven computational and analytical capabilities of bifurcation theory and symbolic implementation and graphical representation capabilities of MATLAB and its Toolboxes. It can be used to analyze voltage stability problem and provide intuitive information for power system planning, operation, and control. To use VST you need : 1. MATLAB Version 5 (available from The MathWorks), 2. MATLAB Symbolic Toolbox (available from the MathWorks), 3. Voltage Stability Toolbox Files, 4. Windows 95 Windows, NT Workstation 4.0 or UNIX.
6 z% E( V1 r) o. ~! x$ T; Y一个用于电压稳定计算的matlab toolbox,加载非常方便
8 ]. q' Y L: g) w, S5 h
Voltage Stability Toolbox (VST).rar
(3.95 MB, 下载次数: 0)
: R7 U X+ n3 Z0 k% m# F, l/ r
) H5 ]. Z, {) g还有就是
: f. f/ I" `! f; g* j: C6 I- V电力系统分析综合程序(Power System Analysis Software Package)简称PSASP。' d6 M/ H7 Q" J% c& G3 F
% U! Q! t8 J# c3 ^9 k9 \9 H1 F8 E4 l2 _1 U7 \8 ~+ `
# g1 S1 L. D% K% ?: X: _4 u# KPSASP的结构、功能及特点:4 E! B+ u5 R3 U% u* _2 R
, W8 v# f/ ~4 |; P9 x8 D7 z* z; a
6 u6 }' u8 Q4 P+ S$ | 基于公用数据和模型的三层体系结构
2 _6 R! p' Y& p2 n$ m; h2 v2 \* X' |9 M1 ]: G! u7 v4 j8 _) ~5 C8 _
! o, _8 ~' f" v4 b 第一层:公用数据和摸型的的资源库' Q2 p% ^! ?9 L# h' a
4 P/ ~! e! o* l- T+ H1 H! Z% `+ z: l, G. X- C
2 G* w8 D @: u0 d0 X
2 E0 ]1 v& i# G2 `9 N" A5 D& O+ x! s6 ^# V0 R; d6 j
# S+ H( ?' S$ j. x8 ^
3 n4 d5 L8 z+ M1 [( I3 x4 D& W- b5 ~
% m5 h& {0 G0 ], l+ [ X# t6 Y4 d5 O' }0 b+ u( o( E1 @, e5 J
) E; f& C0 `& ]7 Z5 @
是支持 PSASP 各种计算的公用数据
; \8 O* i( O6 }$ F2 M' {
% [* {) r: a9 b' Q8 {1 Z
0 x6 x' x' H7 Q& H( d0 E 包含发电机、变压器、交流线、负荷、直流线、静止无功补偿器等电网基本元件6 H: \0 o5 W# K. [) M# c1 v* o
2 P! T" `) `; P* ?8 O
) N( W! a: G( T8 ^! i5 R 有文本和图形两种数据录入编辑方式6 @% x1 E+ D# b/ }9 l) w9 W: N
& V, g, W& w3 t. J9 L9 J5 W& L- C
" H, ]8 n1 ^- b& S 可提供各种分析计算的基本数据支持
" x3 T9 @ J" y. z: a6 @- r4 a9 z. L. P
, j1 T% n& q9 q 可按地区、年度、运行方式从中抽取计算的基本数据3 ?8 f# Z, V! X7 n
% [- C* w9 f2 u8 N, c4 `# r5 j' \
2 q7 F! A, J" x9 u" S0 s7 C
6 K" Y! m; Z5 C) U& C1 h9 A8 h1 Y! b: A3 \! L3 g U( |. y& ?0 X
7 ]+ ~, T& u" ^
PSASP 设计了功能强大的用户自定义(UD)建模方法,提供了自行建模来研究电力系统新设备、新装置的得力工具。近年来国内多所大学和科研单位应用PSASP 的UD功能做了大量的研究工作。
2 E2 |( j! k8 h/ h+ s# [) T2 W8 F
" ~( H+ y3 ^ a U
8 a: p. y; [ P* B" G, h" f 所谓用户自定义建模方法是在无须了解程序内部结构和编程设计的条件下,用户可按自己计算分析的需要,用工程技术人员熟悉的概念和容易掌握的方法,设计各种模型,使其在原则上可以灵活模拟任何系统元件、自动装置和控制功能。为扩充PSASP的功能,向用户开放提供非常有力的工具。; _! ]( A# f; e4 d; x# g
4 H7 G9 ~5 u: a0 ]; h; U
# \8 D( p9 |& P 可自由建立任何元件的模型(电源、负荷、各种控制保护装置、FACTS元件等),作为各种计算的模型库 ; k- h) T* }# L# X+ ~
0 O' V7 [# R% d' {. {7 r. K# I
8 k) z" x6 b$ X, M& Q/ H3 `: a 直观方便的文本和图形两种模型编辑方式' c6 J9 y# `5 q% u4 J
2 Q# r; k( e- m$ y* q6 u; R
0 b/ [: L( a$ j
调用简单,计算快速' o, _0 b$ W' v" R
9 F$ Q& k7 ~) C8 s4 u* }! g
: f# s' k" k/ E( L/ e' M 基于公用资源的交直流电力系统分析程序包,有以下应用功能:8 n1 F& d3 v k& H" I) [& i; g6 L
. B) M; |5 V% j! n
* V. V( w9 z3 f- W' N 潮流计算7 s" d% T4 [8 _2 V2 d0 R
/ X2 r4 O; Y" T) d- U+ J
' z( T5 z* Q k* } 暂态稳定
) S! e$ l% k* J7 s; v
3 K4 c7 @& y* a w2 S8 D \. i* K3 {2 @+ \
短路电流% q0 z5 J3 h, F# `9 \" \
' H6 V7 z5 {: [+ [5 X6 t/ c/ v: T& p* P% A/ i4 \' U
网损分析% ~, u- b: I. C3 B% ^* L
5 G; U. Q4 F9 `# Y2 w& }$ @
; ^9 l: C: y+ b h$ e! s) } 电压稳定% W6 r( E: s6 d+ u0 P" y
3 ?3 g* @/ Z T, z7 i. F# _- Y0 {7 b" G* B6 n/ n, v U
' k& ~2 L" N' @8 P; B8 g' A
6 K0 W/ k4 D% p: c/ ]& I5 n4 p! J2 R& C) J$ ~. h5 K- X
静态和动态等值! s7 w3 h$ N6 j ], m! B
& l; d% I" F' l: M0 Q" p- A
( Z. x) |- X! F' G1 _9 @- e 直接法暂态稳定
, b1 g0 e: n; j. m g" \
2 F) a, I# u1 t
1 h% a2 N) w: | 小干扰稳定8 W* ~, ?! W3 v- v- A2 f
. Q. I3 v& w, C9 A: T7 b0 R
5 G% |, M1 g, F/ W% i# o% Q5 M 最优潮流和无功优化' G5 R! i0 v' F# d) ]/ A7 F; j6 e5 H
4 r3 o D# r/ v+ a4 ~( `
) z3 D6 S( O: B& @$ H* q/ e% ]1 ^ 参数优化协调
" T/ [2 j9 l1 W' H, n) A. n& |2 r) @1 @* a, [
0 _# T) G( @$ C0 [- h+ v 继电保护整定与仿真) S& `2 U; P( s; `& C7 H1 e
4 J1 z1 u8 z; M- ~! U
) c3 b: O! j5 k n6 K: V# p8 b/ D4 B 主要特点:) f# g+ w# e4 _" `4 s
2 y, |! T% u9 w, M& Y% y1 {
! L4 K5 Y, y9 h5 W/ m, T 交直流混合电力系统0 e: [* Z8 {8 N8 G( }5 z
7 C; P& x# C; o8 A* ]6 }1 m- U/ M$ X- T/ r) M( q
固定模型库和用户自定义模型库支持8 y" ]% m+ `6 x" N$ v
; f0 e) B( @' n/ v9 r7 w/ Z
& R, U8 Q# u! Y! V' y 提供用户程序接口,实现与用户程序联合运行 9 G" p. d" i9 m' E( j
3 @' p& \# M# T6 S$ {; Y
% U, A6 }4 P3 k. {3 w0 ]. F" ` 文本和图形两种运行模式及多种形式的结果输出
7 G0 @2 X# o; j" H" I- s2 J) {* S' A) r6 q# k9 i
+ J5 ~6 P3 s3 L! ?$ i 开放友好的用户程序接口环境 * e' n8 w* e* w, c6 j
1 d" y) S9 X3 F/ {! }7 `# F
5 M4 S8 v7 X$ S, q/ d; r PSASP提供用户程序接口(UPI)环境,使PSASP模块和用户程序模块联合运行,共同完成某一计 算任务
2 g' K; C5 |5 ~3 T. k& J% u+ n% i7 U l8 D( B. a
) X5 A( r' ^: {, }2 e$ p
UPI为用户提供了更加自由,更加开放的环境,即通过编程(语言工具不限 如FORTRAN,C++等) " l2 p/ E- n' f2 X% m
* S. Q- g. O/ M( g3 \
) e! O) k# c, Z, R) T7 Z+ v/ L5 @ 利用PSASP的资源和实现PSASP的功能扩充 + d& g9 r4 L$ `* i; \0 M& ?
6 v; k% O% P. O% ?- K$ I( Y$ ?
& [8 a/ `2 h' t+ K4 x1 `
利用Windows操作系统提供的动态连接库(DLL)支持,可以使UPI方式与PSASP内部的固定模型方式,在计算精度和时间上达到同样的效果 。近年来,不少单位(如清华大学、浙江中试等)应用UPI做了很多富有成效的科研工作 。 H7 \1 Z. a9 d, t