本帖最后由 mikel_wang 于 2009-8-10 21:59 编辑 ( X/ D# C1 b0 z0 K. _; e ' M& n% x4 T" g: j电力术语详解6 H9 G# q. D8 X$ G
, q+ n2 S1 m- d9 Z. W2 H
? C d V \8 ?. c
+ } c) O; y7 `# o+ D3 Y2 iAC Alternating Current (AC) is electric current that alternates between a positive maximum value and a negative maximum value at a characteristic frequency, usually 50 or 60 cycles per second (Hertz).: x" ~; x( R" G U8 C
交流 交流是指电流在正负最大值之间以特定的频率变动,通常频率为50或60赫兹。, O' j5 o( i! k/ q8 G6 L0 A5 y6 `
ANSI American National Standards Institute. . {+ N5 P; l% ]- T
美国国家- W8 z9 O, S" q& O6 y, o" @8 X" ~
标准协会 美国国家标准协会, w V# q# m! J& v+ D
Acoustic Material Acoustic material is any material considered in terms of its acoustic properties, especially its properties of absorbing or deadening sound.; I8 H6 P2 M' e
声音材料 声音材料,特指有吸音或隔音特性的材料。 ( G. B! T" y! a' ~, lActive Power Active power is the real power (kW) supplied by the generator set to the electrical load. Active power creates a load on the generator set's engine and is limited by the horsepower of the engine. Active power does the work of heating, turning motor shafts, etc.8 r* ]% e# s: ^5 z! _& [
有功功率 有功功率(kW),是指发电机组实际供应给负载的功率,它由发电机组的发动机提供,受到发动机马力大小的限制。发热和驱动马达转动靠有功功率完成。2 w& D2 k9 _1 F5 ]7 R$ C6 J4 k
Air Circuit Breaker An air circuit breaker automatically interrupts the current flowing through it when the current exceeds the trip rating of the breaker. Air is the medium of electrical insulation between electrically live parts and grounded (earthed) metal parts. 0 D3 a+ c: U# S) z
空气线路断路器 空气线路断路器的功能是当电流大小超过断路器的过流跳脱设定值后自动断开。空气是带电零件和接地金属零件之间的绝缘介质。+ |; }: U2 G. v1 y
Alternator Alternator is another term for AC generator. 6 Z" q- @( W; w) A$ X: f6 {( H1 M) I交流发电机 交流发电机! M" K( H: l6 @
Amortisseur Windings The amortisseur windings of a synchronous AC generator are the conductors embedded in the pole faces of the rotor. They are connected together at both ends of the poles by end rings or end plates. Their function is to dampen waveform distortion during load changes.& L! l! D( b9 K: `) ]
阻尼线圈 同步交流发电机的阻尼线圈是指嵌绕在转子磁极间的导线,他们分别在两极用端环或端板相连接,主要功能是减弱因负载变化而引起的波形畸变。$ ~% r+ ^% {6 u) e/ f
Ampacity Ampacity is the safe current-carrying capacity of an electrical conductor in amperes as defined by code.; _8 f0 i! U) }3 M
载流容量 载流容量是以安培数来定义导线安全载流能力。2 @' B. B# u# X
Ampere The ampere is a unit of electric current flow. One ampere of current will flow when a potential of one volt is applied across a resistance of one ohm.9 x: x3 S0 U8 w; N( a/ I! c/ q% P
安培 安培是电流单位。1伏电压作用于1欧姆的电阻上就会产生1安培的电流。) h0 h( @& j' g4 ^: s/ T
Annunciator An annunciator is an accessory device used to give remote indication of the status of an operating component in a system. Annunciators are typically used in applications where the equipment monitored is not located in a portion of the facility that is normally attended. The NFPA has specific requirements for remote annunciators used in some applications, such as hospitals. & B0 R! S% k+ R: w& a指示器 指示器作为一个附属装置常用于远程显示系统的各个组成部分的运行状态。指示器通常使用在监测设备不在设备现场的应用。美国国家防火协会对指示器在某些行业的应用有特殊要求,例如医院等。4 d4 T1 L7 c1 g9 k" N
Apparent Power Apparent power is the product of current and voltage, expressed as kVA. It is real power (kW) divided by the power factor (PF). , Y. j1 S; P' x+ P9 o视在功率 视在功率是电流和电压共同作用的产物,用kVA表示。它等于有功功率(kW)除以功率因数。 4 F4 E; K/ d; O( c. D- NArmature The armature of an AC generator is the assembly of windings and metal core laminations in which the output voltage is induced. It is the stationary part (stator) in a revolving-field generator. 9 h% x) K5 f0 a电枢 交流发电机电枢的是金属芯和绕组的总成,产生感应电压。电枢是旋转磁场交流发电机的不动部分(定子)。 5 M4 F$ l- {4 O/ R4 y2 | 返回页首 0 @3 K2 j3 K! V2 _5 x! H1 W , B$ t, C) b( [, M8 MBackup Protection Backup protection consists of protective devices, which are intended to operate only after other protective devices have failed to operate or detect a fault. * D" ~* }/ i8 w* K后备保护装置 后备保护装置是在其他保护装置动作失败或发生故障时动作的保护装置。( p& N0 _- k" ?" B; J- P; r2 W9 [( s
Bandwidth The amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time. For digital devices, it is expressed as bits per second, or bytes per second. For analog devices, it is usually expressed as cycles per second, or Hertz. $ B/ w' j, H& Q6 ^: w带宽 在固定时间内可传输的数据量。在数字化设备中以位/秒或字/秒表示,在模拟(数字)设备中以周/秒或者赫兹表示。 7 G* \5 C {/ Y: u" I+ V! c" f9 RBase Load Base load is that portion of a building load demand which is constant. It is the "base" of the building demand curve.4 n& V1 B5 S# y% F" ]4 c0 }
基本负荷 基本负荷是指建筑负荷需求量中不变的那一部分, 是构成负荷需求曲线的基数。# I/ E0 N! y* Y9 ]2 N9 Z' H2 {
Baud Rate The speed of data transmission in serial data communications approximately equal to the number of code elements (bits) per second (BPS). Bits per second are also termed BPS, with the prefix (k) denoting thousands.2 ~, l# H/ E% a& p+ M1 X5 |
波特率 串行数据传输速率,约等于每秒钟传输的比特数。比特/秒也可以用BPS表示,kBPS表示千比特/秒。2 F3 a0 U! c* O& Z1 I `
Binding The process of making the logical connections to the network (also called connecting). This involves connecting network variable outputs to network variable inputs using LonWorks software. 1 _/ f- W) M9 x5 F4 x4 Y1 l: v1 @绑定 与网络进行逻辑连接的过程(也可以叫做连接),包括把输出变量与输入变量用LonWorks软件绑定。 ) u: o6 B4 o% E0 h$ E1 [( CBit Binary Digit.8 f& V* V1 h6 p; B. L
位 2进制数字. r8 s0 i/ s2 }% {4 t3 E
Black Start Black Start refers to the starting of a power system with its own power sources, without the assistance from external power supplies. 9 Z6 w9 c C0 ~7 m$ ]- U5 b黑启动 黑启动是指依靠系统内部的电源,而不借助外部的电力进行的启动。- T) m, z+ v4 Z! v0 q: w
0 E7 t$ ?* { H6 Z( d
- y& b+ e4 C+ c3 |
Boolean A logical system used to express one of two states, such as on or off (yes or no, 1 or 0, etc.)" o: c0 a) Z7 A- P- m
布尔类型 用于表示2种状态之一的逻辑系统,例如开或关(是或否,1或0等)。/ I; Y1 `+ f$ {: z
Bus Capacity Bus capacity is the maximum load that can be carried on a system without causing degradation of the generator frequency to less than a prescribed level (usually 59 Hz in a 60 Hz system). ) G5 Q/ L) k! q5 j# ~, X0 m8 x) H母排容量 母排容量是指在发电机频率不被压低的情况下,系统所能带动的最大负载。3 ?2 i, K! O( T+ Q. ^! ~4 ]3 K
CT (Current Transformer) Current transformers are instrument transformers used in conjunction with ammeters, control circuits and protective relaying. They usually have 5 ampere secondaries. " A# q) j8 s0 L2 N, ^" x. A4 y2 x电流互感器 电流互感器是一种仪表变压器,通常与电流表、控制电路、保护继电器配套使用。 2 A, B: _/ v2 a' f6 v/ `8 bCircuit A circuit is a path for an electric current across a potential (voltage).4 y ]' _* e3 a: y# G- Q, e
电路 电路是电流通过电势(电压)的路径。 " Q$ z* h2 O$ A$ Y2 OCircuit Breaker A circuit breaker is a protective device that automatically interrupts the current flowing through it when that current exceeds a certain value for a specified period of time. See Air Circuit Breaker, Main Breaker, Molded Case Circuit Breaker and Power Circuit Breaker.1 [( l( S; X3 _% o; F
线路断路器 线路断路器是一个保护装置,当通过它的电流超过某个安全设定值一定时间后,它就能够自动切断电流。(见空气线路断路器、主开关、塑壳线路断路器等)。 ( E( W T- ~- yCirculating Harmonic Currents Circulating Harmonic Currents are currents that flow because of differences in voltage waveforms between paralleled power sources, or induced by operation of non-linear loads. / R, s0 F# H, o0 Y2 p/ e1 _+ c: A
谐波环流 谐波环流是由并联电源间不同的电压波形或者非线性负荷运转而产生的电流。9 h! Y6 V' Y8 n& Z
Continuous Load A continuous load is a load where the maximum current is expected to continue for three hours or more (as defined by the NEC for design calculations). & Z* h' J6 G5 J( _9 g, Q持续负荷 持续负荷是指使电流在3个小时或更长时间(根据NEC的定义)内需保持最大值的负荷。 , D1 l% \; j* k& Z9 e6 L; |% xCurrent Current is the flow of electric charge. Its unit of measure is the ampere. 9 f/ B% o9 h/ U, K2 ?, ^* l电流 电流是电荷的流动,以安培为单位。8 P0 M) b/ F4 S
Cycle A cycle is one complete reversal of an alternating current or voltage from zero to a positive maximum to zero again and then from zero to a negative maximum to zero again. The number of cycles per second is the frequency. 7 q. ~! q& b _- S3 v3 Z! n7 Q周期 周期是指交流电流或电压从零到正最大值再到零,然后从零到负最大值再到零这样一个往复的过程;而频率则是指每秒可完成的周期数。- `+ [4 [( S4 ?8 f. I9 d: O, d
Dead Bus Dead Bus refers to the de-energized state of the power connections between outputs of paralleled generator sets. The term bus in this usage can either be rigid solid bus bars or insulated flexible cables. % h7 w) J( j6 R8 O, I% @. Q) {不带电母排 不带电母排是指连接并联发电机组输出之间的电力连接处于不带电状态。这里所指的母排可能是坚硬的实心汇流条,也可能是柔韧的绝缘电缆。. P) e: }( I& k% H6 H9 T H
Delta Connection Delta connection refers to a three phase connection in which the start of each phase is connected to the end of the next phase, forming the triangle-shaped Greek letter Delta. The load lines are connected to the corners of the triangle.; R2 q+ w x0 C I
三角形连接 三角形连接是指在三相连接中,相临两相首尾相连,构成三角形的希腊字母Delta,负荷线连接在三角形的角上。5 t, o4 e7 e6 N, l3 ]# ~
Differential Relay A differential relay is a protective device that is fed by current transformers located at two different series points in the electrical system. The differential relay compares the currents and picks up when there is a difference in the two, which signifies a fault in the zone of protection. These devices are typically used to protect windings in generators or transformers./ H. s4 `( c6 v
差动继电器 作为保护装置,差动继电器由位于系统中两个不同位置的电流互感器提供反馈信息。差动继电器对电流进行比较,如果存在不同则表示受保护区域内有故障存在。这些装置常被用于保护发电机或变压器的线圈。- M' J3 F* Q. _5 Z3 a. A! l2 j0 H
Digital Master Control (DMC) This device is designed to control the power systems in a facility. It is offered as an option on Cummins switchgear. 6 O/ o' A- r/ B' A" `! Z数字主控制器 数字主控制器是用于控制设备电力系统的装置。在康明斯开关柜中数字主控制器是选配件。' g( M- i9 m/ `( z, N' c/ U* r
Direct Current (DC) Direct current is current with no reversals in polarity.& a1 k* C; S: e
直流 直流是指没有正负极性往复变化的电流。 4 w( X: ~9 [2 t! ?Distributed Control System A collection of nodes that interact to control a system whose components are spread out over some distance. Each node has intelligence for operating its own particular component of the system. Different parts of the system communicate status and control information with one another to form a distributed control system. Typically, they communicate on a peer-to-peer level. This is different from a type of system where all control and interaction between components is dictated by one central control. This is a common master/slave arrangement.3 e0 n/ _; A2 e& X. \$ {
分布式控制系统 分布式控制系统是由分布在不同位置但互相作用的节点构成。每个节点具有智能,可以对各自系统操作控制。系统不同部分之间的通信状态和控制信息交流构成了分布式控制系统,这种系统内的通信是点对点方式,有别于所有的控制以及组成部分之间的通信都由一个中央控制器完成的系统。 4 [ E" j5 Y1 O1 ZDistribution Circuit Breaker A distribution circuit breaker is a device used for overload and short current protection of loads connected to a main distribution device. $ _1 X0 i. k1 p
配电线路开关 配电线路开关是给连接在主配电设备上的负荷提供过载和短路保护的装置。 : I% ]" Z# N) f {Droop Load Sharing Droop load sharing is a method of making two or more parallel generator sets share a system kW load. This is accomplished by having each governor control adjusted so that the sets have the same droop (reduction of speed). Typical droop is two cycles in frequency from no load to full load. 4 A1 X/ E6 ^! O) ~# o转速降负荷分配 转速降负荷分配是两台或多台机组负荷分配的一种方法。这通过每台并联机组调速器具备相同的转速降。从空载到满载转速降一般为两赫兹。 " Q u l' C: @- w1 jEfficiency (EFF) Efficiency is the ratio of energy output to energy input, such as the ratio between the electrical energy input to a motor and the mechanical energy output at the shaft of the motor.% s/ R6 g( a8 C; l3 X _4 v
效率 效率是输出能量与输入能量的比率,例如输入到电动机的电能与电机轴承输出的机械能的之间的比率。 n3 @ \, R7 O, B
Emergency System An emergency system is independent power generation equipment that is legally required to feed equipment or systems whose failure may present a life safety hazard to persons or property.; p" t, i7 d" u# A' M) {' R0 G5 {
应急系统 应急系统是指根据相关法规要求,为那些可能会危及生命安全或造成财产重大损失的设备或系统提供电源的独立发电设备。; \9 v* ^2 ]. ~: \ i7 d5 }- h
Energy Energy is manifest in forms such as electricity, heat, light and the capacity to do work. It is convertible from one form to another, such as in a generator set, which converts rotating mechanical energy into electrical energy. Typical units of energy are kW/h, Btu (British thermal unit), Hp/h, ft/lbf, joule and calorie.) B( b4 g, _; m+ g5 K$ k$ s
能量 能量以电能、热能、光能等形式存在,可以做功,也可以从一种形式转换为另一种形式,例如发电机组能把机械能转变为电能。经常用的能量单位有: 千瓦/小时、英国热量单位、马力/小时、焦耳、卡等。5 \2 P' z) p$ c! ~# r" P, H
Fault A fault is any unintended flow of current outside its intended circuit path in an electrical system. % [$ w3 O, R0 L0 M故障 故障是指在电力系统中任何电流跑出正常电路以外的情况。5 s/ J' n1 n7 X1 _( N2 Y
Feeder Circuit Breaker See Distribution Circuit Breaker. , c3 J# l. O U
馈电线路开关 见“配电线路开关”。1 Y. j, h5 E4 k1 \1 ?
Fiber Optic Cable A technology using glass or plastic threads (fibers) to transmit data. A fiber optic cable is a bundle of either glass or plastic threads capable of transmitting messages modulated into light waves. Typically, fiber optic cable has greater bandwidth allowing them to carry more data than metal wires. Fiber optic cable is lighter and less susceptible to interference than metal wires. Also, data can be transmitted digitally rather being transformed into analog data for transmission as is the case with metal wires when used for computer data transmission. Fiber optics are becoming increasingly more common for use with Local-Area Networks (LANs).0 ?# ?0 ?2 f! x$ G g; ]
光缆 光缆是指使用玻璃或塑料束(光纤)来传输数据。光纤是一束可以用来传递被调制成光波的信息的玻璃或塑料管。与金属电线相比,光缆的特点是带宽更大,质量更轻,可以传导更多数据,抗干扰性能更好,并且数据是以数字形式而不是模拟形式传播。光缆在局域网领域的使用越来越普遍。 7 f& l% }! w& `2 J3 \First Start Sensor A first start sensor is an electronic device within some paralle*** equipment that senses generator set and bus voltage and frequency, and determines whether or not a generator set is the first unit ready to close to the bus following a call to start under "black start" conditions. : } k9 G* Z. u% V) m首启动传感器 首启动传感器是应用于某些并联设备中的电子装置,功能是感知发电机组和母排的电压、频率,判断哪个机组在接到“黑启动”信号后第一个可以合到母排。 5 C7 Z$ k3 x2 q4 b. @ 6 o; B* b# L, E! D0 m$ B+ e* L" ]( i: W A4 q
Frequency Frequency is the number of complete cycles per unit of time of any periodically varying quantity, such as alternating voltage or current. It is usually expressed as (Hz) Hertz or CPS (cycles per second).9 R# |3 b/ m! r; b# q5 m
频率 频率是指周期性变化的事物(如交流电压和电流等)在单位时间内完成的周期数,常用单位是赫兹(Hz)或周期/秒(CPS)。 9 Q- a! I9 i, K+ Z4 ^3 W9 {; P6 UFrequency Adjust Potentiometer A frequency adjust potentiometer is used to manually bring the frequency (speed) of the incoming set to that of the bus for synchronizing purposes. When the generator set is paralleled, operation of this potentiometer will adjust the kW load assumed by the generator set. ; g! D* l& F" m0 U. k3 @频率调整电位器 频率调整电位器是用于手动调整输入机组的频率使之与母排同步。当机组并联后,电位器可以调整为机组输出功率值。6 b2 q7 f$ p ]. A' C
Frequency Regulation Frequency regulation is a measure that states the difference between no-load and full-load frequency as a percentage of full-load frequency. " z/ J: I4 r9 L
频率调整率 频率调整率是指空载和满载之间频率的差别与满载频率的百分比。 / b2 j# \. Y. ~Gateway A device that acts as an interface between two different communication protocols. The Network Gateway Module (NGM) provides a communication protocol that a PC can understand. Other gateway devices may be used to interface between our Lontalk protocol and other systems such as a SCADA or Building Automation System. Typically, a gateway becomes necessary when a SCADA or BAS does not have a driver developed for Lontalk. M+ a. Z. N, R+ @( [ Y7 j1 @
网关 网关是两个不同的通讯协议之间的接口,网关模块(NGM)提供了个人电脑可理解的通讯协议。其他网关设施可能被用作我们的Lontalk 协议和其他系统(如SCADA或楼宇自动化系统)之间的接口装置。当SCADA或楼宇自动化系统没有Lontalk的驱动时,网关就是必不可少的。: y# h3 P# [$ B' a( y9 T
Generator A generator is a machine which converts rotating mechanical energy into electrical energy. 2 k9 s# t: C2 a4 i3 D3 A发电机 发电机是把(旋转)机械能转化为电能的装置。* m# {8 B C- j1 E! d( T# U
Genset Communication Module (GCM) The GCM provides a communication gateway between the Model 3100 PowerCommand Control (PCCI) and the network. The GCM communicates with the PCCI control over a serial data link. The GCM gets data from the PCCI controls such as voltage, current, engine speed, oil temperature, etc. and then sends it out on the network if another network node is bound to it or requesting data. 0 U5 D% p& C- e机组通讯板 机组通讯板(GCM)是 PCC3100 控制器和网络之间的通讯接口。GCM与PCC通过串行数据连接。GCM从PCC得到如电压、电流、发动机转速、油温等,再把它们发送给需要这些信息的网络节点。. w/ |& h- A8 L. r' D' r
Governor A governor is a device on the engine which controls fuel to maintain a constant engine speed under various load conditions. The governor must have provision for adjusting speed (generator frequency) and speed droop (no load to full load).- d+ ^# D4 l3 Q L$ D5 G9 d
调速器 调速器是安装在发动机上的一个装置,在不同的负载条件下通过控制燃料量来保持发动机的恒定转速。调速器必须具备转速调整(发电机频率)和降速降调整(零负荷到满负荷)功能。) i% Q; a1 E/ h% u7 ?( o, [& W) T
Grid The utility-owned power distribution system. 3 R2 O2 v" F% A n电网 电网是指电厂的电力输送系统。7 b; g0 h K0 ?3 D M
Ground A ground is a connection, either intentional or accidental, between an electrical circuit and the earth or some conducting body serving in place of the earth. % z& [& p# I3 I6 B7 j
接地 接地是电路与地面或地面上的导体的连接,可以是有意的也可以是意外的。' K7 N- j, u& q* x6 F& @1 v
Ground Fault Protection This function trips (opens) a circuit breaker or sounds an alarm in the event that there is an electrical fault between one or more of the phase conductors and ground (earth). This ground fault protection function may be incorporated into a circuit breaker. ( H; g# X# d4 l, K9 j# H8 S" t
接地故障保护 当一个或多个相导线与地之间出现电气故障时,接地故障保护通过跳脱断路器或报警来示警。这种功能可以一体化设计在断路器上。 ( E6 V' n# Y& ?& i" U6 a9 Z* L: k' u9 P7 i- k7 k! A
+ b/ K9 L2 j2 _ S! IHertz (Hz) The term Hertz is the preferred designation for cycles per second (CPS) and is used to describe frequency. 0 L; x2 k3 M) z赫兹 赫兹是频率单位,也等于周期/秒(CPS)。 3 R. N; ?: M- y2 q k7 PHub A common connection point for devices or nodes in a network or sub-network. Hubs are commonly used to connect segments of a LAN and contain multiple ports. ; B( c3 J2 ] h分支器 分支器是网络或子网络中设备和接点的集线器,包含很多端口,一般应用于连接局域网的分支。 & S' `1 Z7 z8 B- G; VHunting Hunting is a phenomenon that can occur upon load changes in which the frequency or the voltage continues to rise above and fall below the desired value without reaching a steady-state value. It is caused by insufficient damping. 5 f3 e0 f! J6 f/ k游车 游车是一种在负载变化引起的频率、电压高于或低于期望值,无法达到稳定的现象。它是由于阻尼不足而造成的。" l! i* v5 d! u, l5 R
Insulation Insulation is non-conductive material used to prevent leakage of electric current from a conductor. There are several classes of insulation in use for generator construction, each recognized for a maximum continuous-duty temperature. : k/ Z! F m& C1 ?( r8 Z
绝缘 绝缘体就是非导电材料,用来防止导体中电流的泄露。按最高持续耐热度划分,发电设备中使用的绝缘体有多种等级。 # d; Q3 k' \* W) X/ l ]Lagging Power Factor Lagging power factor in AC circuits (a power factor of less than 1.0) is caused by inductive loads, such as motors and transformers, which cause the current to lag behind the voltage. See Power Factor. ; t/ m. p0 m0 X; u- G. S \- G* k Y
滞后功率因数 交流电路中的滞后功率因数(小于1.0)是由感应负荷引起的,例如发动机、变压器,使电流滞后于电压。(参照功率因数)- o, Y* u% t5 o: H9 _
Leading Power Factor Leading power factor in AC circuits (0.0 to -1.0) is caused by capacitive loads or overexcited synchronous motors which cause the current to lead the voltage. See Power Factor. + O/ V6 R- m$ } h/ y5 F
超前功率因数 交流电路中的超前功率因数(0.0 to -1.0)是由电容负荷或者过励的同步电动机引起的,使电流超前于电压。(参照功率因数): n+ ]4 G, Y9 V" s( r4 l( M
Line-To-Line Voltage Line-to-line voltage is the voltage between any two phases of an AC generator. 2 j' Q, ] a+ t4 `5 W8 q& H* B& f线电压 线电压是指交流发电机任何两相间的电压。 / R" g5 x! ~8 v4 k6 H/ F7 _7 P% H+ ]Line-To-Neutral Voltage In a 3-phase, 4-wire, Y-connected generator, line-to-neutral voltage is the voltage between a phase and the common neutral where the three phases are tied together. 6 }; {' w3 m8 a# m
相电压 在三相四线星形连接的发电机中,相电压是指三相连接点与每相之间的电压。 " c$ G: L( U$ ?! jLoad Demand负载需求 Load Demand is a paralle*** system operating mode in which the system monitors the total kW output of the generator sets, and controls the number of operating sets as a function of the total load on the system. The purpose of load demand controls is to reduce fuel consumption and limit problems caused by light load operation of reciprocating diesel generator sets. T6 \3 L% j$ ~( s% R
负载需求是并联系统的一种运行模式,系统监控发电机组总的输出功率,根据系统总负载量决定运行机组的数量。负载需求控制的目的是降低燃料的消耗量,减少往复式柴油发电机组因低负荷造成的故障。' k/ U! @. j3 ~" x
Load Factor The load factor is the ratio of the average load to the generator set power rating. 9 E! |2 f' R% Q$ v( I负荷系数 负荷系数指的是机组的平均负荷与额定功率之间的比率。' J& u* ~6 s+ _3 q) A
Load Shedding Load shedding is the process by which the total load on a paralle*** system is reduced, on overload of the system bus, so that the most critical loads continue to be provided with reliable electrical service.7 c8 t( ~+ O q2 z7 U
卸载 在超载的系统母排上,并联系统的总负载被降低的过程称为卸载,以确保最关键负载获得可靠的电力供应。 ; I. ]+ w8 f: ~3 x3 b+ ~9 S6 ?Local-Area Network (LAN) A computer network that spans a relatively small area. Most LANs are confined to a single building or group of buildings.+ _4 Q0 }- h" `8 V- l. V
局域网 局域网(LAN)是指覆盖相对较小区域的计算机网络,大多数局域网局限在单一的建筑或建筑群内。1 F) r9 T% z: b: R3 F
Low Voltage AC system operating voltages from 120 to 600 VAC. ; V: ^0 D( a0 ?9 P低压 交流电系统中从120到600 VAC的电压称为低压。1 T5 [. F- t( I2 L: e
Main Breaker A main breaker is a circuit breaker at the input or output of the bus, through which all of the bus power must flow. The generator main breaker is the device, usually mounted on the generator set, that interrupts the genset's power output. Main breakers provide overcurrent protection and a single disconnect point for all power in a switchboard or device. % Y( G) V) N( Y; v. \0 M2 Y! b( d, Z
主开关 主开关是在母排输入或输出端的线路断路器,所有的电流都要从那通过。主开关通常安装在发电机组上,用来切断输出电流。主开关能够提供过电流保护,是配电盘或设备的电源断开点。8 k3 R; x K! C7 e: n
Mains Mains is a term used extensively outside of the United States to describe the normal power service (utility). 8 P' |$ P" c% W6 k* f0 \
市电 市电是美国以外的区域对常规电力服务的广泛称谓。: T% Y( G) B. b; D% o$ r4 j
Master Control A control section in a typical paralle*** system that provides total system metering and the interface point between the paralle*** system and the facility. ) h( V( e! {. w; I
主控制 主控制是典型的并联系统计量控制设备,也是并联系统与用电设施之间的接口。0 S( ~) e `: R1 v) `' i" y1 t
Medium Voltage AC system operating voltages from 601 to 15000 VAC. 0 j, b( t( A B4 \
中压 交流电系统中从601 到15000 VAC的电压称为中压。 , X- Q% j7 F" VModbus “专用名词 ” An industrial networking system that uses RS-232 serial master-slave communications at data transfer rate of up to 19.2 KBPS. 2 i3 J* c1 u/ N! g" K' c3 a. s! b 一种工业网络,它使用RS232主从通讯模式传输数据,最快可达19.2kBPS。 1 S6 G. k+ c4 o* x2 I6 A4 X) [Modbus Plus An industrial networking system that uses token-passing peer-to-peer communications at data transfer rates of one megabit per second (MBPS). The network media is shielded twisted-pair cable. 1 Y6 _- j' x2 M' c* }6 [& U) k 一种工业网络,它使用令牌环点对点通讯模式传输数据,可达一百万位每秒。网络介质使用屏蔽双绞线。0 H8 T0 z! I T: _2 g
Modules Modules are also called nodes or devices. These are devices such as Genset Communication Modules (GCMs), Control Communication Modules (CCMs), and Digital Input/Output Modules (DIMs).* p5 y: s( O5 y) ] S; W
模块 模块也可以称作接点或组件,例如机组通讯模块(GCMs)、控制通讯模块(CCMs)以及数字输入/输出模块(DIMs)。) h4 i7 V1 I, [: d$ _
9 p& \; ~7 E2 r6 x% q 2 M+ i( @* i0 G( {Molded Case Circuit Breaker A molded case circuit breaker automatically interrupts the current flowing through it when the current exceeds the trip rating of the breaker. Molded case refers to the use of molded plastic as the medium of electrical insulation for enclosing the mechanisms, and for separating conducting surfaces from one another and from grounded (earthed) metal parts. Molded case circuit breakers usually contain thermal-magnetic trip units, although larger sizes can be equipped with solid state trip sensors. $ @8 E; ~7 N% ^6 m Z( x9 K" g7 g: y4 W" ]塑壳断路器 塑壳断路器能够自动切断电流在电流超过跳脱设定后。塑壳指的是用塑料绝缘体来作为装置的外壳,用来隔离导体之间以及接地金属部分。塑壳断路器通常含有热磁跳脱单元,而大型号的塑壳断路器会配备固态跳脱传感器。 $ i6 v5 i! P' X& Y& aNEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association : l' m. @: ~0 U7 w* v7 @0 @& F; ]
国家电力制造协会 国家电力制造协会) y! S( @9 b0 Z- F# }
NFPA National Fire Protection Association . I; q7 v. G" Z; b7 b
国家防火协会 国家防火协会6 |( k) `) P& G2 z! R9 C0 N
Network A collection of Nodes that communicate with one another over a common medium.; q& @# M4 o1 H K( U' Y0 j
网络 在共同的介质上互相通讯的接点的集合就是网络。 ) I: G" T5 _7 w* }Network Data A signal that carries messages between nodes. PowerCommand Networks use Manchester Encoding that makes the signal insensitive to polarity. The signal is transformer-coupled to the network data wire at a rate of 78 KBPS. 1 f; {# A1 y+ s3 D3 h, m6 X网络数据 接点之间传送信息的信号就叫做网络数据。PowerCommand 网络利用Manchester编码使信号不受极性影响,信号通过变压器传送到网络数据线的速度是78 KBPS。8 [8 h" P$ v& |9 j, c; _9 `
Network Gateway Module A device acting as an interface between a modem or PC and the network wire. The Gateway takes the UTP wire and then provides an RS-232 port for connection to either a modem or PC.( [" U: X) j( G1 {. y! Q
网关模块 网络模块是调制解调器或PC与网络线之间的接口。网关与UTP线相连,并为调制解调器或PC提供了RS-232连接端口。& A( P/ h7 ] }" w
Neutral Current Neutral current is the current that flows in the neutral leg of a paralle*** system. Often, this term is used in reference to circulating currents or cross currents. 1 D0 Q; O$ Y; Z2 L零线电流 零线电流指的是通过并联系统零线的电流,在谈及环流电流或者交叉电流时常会提到这个术语。, A1 x5 m. [3 @3 i; w3 n, C* d
Node A module that can communicate over the network data to other modules. A module contains a Neuron Chip. Certain devices are nodes such as Genset Communication Modules (GCMs) and Control Communication Modules (CCMs). Other devices are not nodes, as they cannot communicate with other devices, but only receive messages. An example is the Network Annunciator Module (NAM). & r/ J [8 X+ O* y7 v! Q* \接点 接点是含有神经元芯片的模块,可以通过网络数据与其他模块通讯。有些模块是接点,例如机组通讯模块(GCMs)和控制器通讯模块(CCMs),而那些只能接受信息,而不能与其它设施实现通讯的模块则不是接点,例如网络示警模块(NAM)。1 H8 v/ z5 a. ]
Nonlinear Load A nonlinear load is a load for which the relationship between voltage and current is not a linear function. Some common nonlinear loads are fluorescent lighting, SCR motor starters and UPS systems. Nonlinear loads cause abnormal conductor heating and voltage distortion. ' d: c \; y& G3 E& P
非线性负载 电压和电流之间是非线性关系的负载称为非性形负载。一些常见的非线性负载有荧光灯、可控硅电动机启动器以及UPS系统。非线性负载能导致反常的导体发热和电压畸变。# a' }1 a- p( y( m9 n0 f
Ohm The ohm is a unit of electrical resistance. One volt will cause a current of one ampere to flow through a resistance of one ohm. . n% o3 Y" O$ {! I3 P4 v+ T欧姆 欧姆是电阻单位。1伏特的电压通过1欧姆的电阻能产生1安培的电流。 " X% h* b5 f2 E7 ] w4 WOne-Line Diagram A one-line diagram is a schematic diagram of a three-phase power distribution system which uses one line to show all three phases. It is understood when using this easy to read drawing that one line represents three. : j: B) q# p' u% O8 M- `单线图 单线图是用一条线来表示三相电力分布系统的示意。, 6 s5 g* E: y; E# T) {$ F& J: {- XOvercrank Overcrank is an alarm function provided with most generator sets that indicate that the generator set has failed to start. # r f, A* a0 g; E盘车失败 盘车失败是机组的预警功能,表示发电机组启动失败,大多数机组都有这种功能。5 g" H5 J; q# p! v
Overshoot Overshoot refers to the amount by which voltage or frequency exceeds the nominal value as the voltage regulator or governor responds to changes in load 9 q0 n" H$ W. W% l/ N- o, ]4 Z超调 超调是指电压调节器或控制器响应负载的变化时,导致电压或频率超出正常值的那部分。" o2 l% B r% k
Paralle*** Breaker A paralle*** breaker is the circuit breaker that connects the generator set to the emergency bus, and across which all the individual generator synchronizing functions occur. * s" g1 j F' F0 k并联开关 并联开关是连接发电机组和应急母排的线路断路器,所有的单个发电机通过它完成同步运行。 1 B9 U( G5 s% [# B3 C+ q1 u5 [Paralle*** Control A paralle*** control contains the electrical equipment provided in a paralle*** system for control of a single generator set. 2 ^0 W% D6 a" R7 @* k4 N) Q3 m0 _并联控制 并联控制是并联系统中用来控制单个发电机组的电气设备。( k( j8 v, }# l- [- W: m
Peak Load Peak load is the highest point in the kilowatt demand curve of a facility. This is used as the basis for the utility company's demand charge. , p9 P+ `$ I: X$ Z9 f峰值功率 峰值功率是用电设备的功率需求曲线中的最大值。; b9 F4 @/ A6 H- U/ L% o1 M; l' u% @
Peer-To-Peer A network operating system where any device on the main network bus can initiate communication. 2 |: q: u3 P# S点对点 点对点是一种网络运行系统,任何设施都可以发起信息交换。 + h! {8 N! m h0 h" {; p8 @$ j3 UPhase Angle Phase angle refers to the relation between two sine waves which do not pass through zero at the same time. Considering one full cycle to be 360 degrees, the phase angle expresses how far apart the two waves are in relation to each other in degrees. ! ]/ K! j, Q! n; m1 l8 d- c) {相角 相角指的是两个不同时经过零点的正弦波之间的关系。一个完整周期为360度,相角就是用度数来表示两个波的距离。! P) T. a6 I; Q+ _
Phase Rotation Phase rotation (or phase sequence) describes the order (A-B-C, R-S-T, or U-V-W) of the phase voltages at the output terminals of a three-phase generator. The generator phase rotation must match the facility phase rotation. This must be checked prior to operation of the electrical loads in a facility with an on-site generator. " W) ^/ G/ d5 j1 O' \1 J+ g
相序 相序表示的是三相发电机输出终端相电压的顺序。在用电负载运转之前必须检查确保发电机的相序与用电设施的相序一致。$ t! [+ ^" N% t0 @, @
Port The external connector on a device at which the network cable or medium is attached.7 h9 R3 p! ~8 F$ r
接口 设备的外接口,用于连接网络线或者其它介质。 . ]" k* c n: v' {% D6 ZPower Factor Power factor is the cosine of the angle between the active power (kW) and apparent power (kVA) in a circuit. 9 V. B% O- S& \* N; A' ]
功率因数 功率因数是电路中有功功率(kW)和视在功率(kVA)之间夹角的余弦值。 & b( a1 Q* e Y+ {- w" ~7 r 3 q; t: ?# b. T: f( M# L
Prime Power Prime Power describes an application where the generator set(s) must supply power on a continuous basis and for long periods of time between shutdowns. No utility service is present in typical prime power applications. 7 e; b! b | T) `常载 常载是指发电机组可长时间和连续的运行。通常在没有市电供应,发电机组作为首要电源的场合使用。" y1 M6 B; u% y J2 m* T
Priority Control Priority control is the process by which the total loads on the bus is limited to the most critical loads in the system until adequate generation capacity is available to serve all loads. - t* ^2 t6 I; G5 o8 q Z7 ~5 j
优先级控制 优先级控制是指当总负载电力需求大于发电机组的输出时,首先要满足最关键负载的电力需求。 - \% w4 O! D8 {$ y& |6 jProtocol A set of rules used mutually by two or more devices to communicate. Also, known as the "language" used in a network. 9 e- _1 J0 T* A7 H协议 两个或多个设施共同遵守的一些通讯规则,在网络中常称为“语言”。 1 ]- k% v4 c2 z! O5 U' @Radio Interference Radio interference refers to the interference with radio reception caused by a generator set.. T1 \9 _# _' w* E4 h
无线电干扰 无线电干扰是指发电机组对无线电信号接收造成的干扰。 4 k7 [ F7 V- z3 o) }7 v2 K2 k; xReactive Power Reactive power is power that flows back and forth between the inductive windings of the generator and the inductive windings of motors, transformers, etc., which are part of the electrical load. This power does no useful work in the electrical load nor does it present load to the engine. It does apply load to the generator and limits the capacity of the generator. 5 H; z3 i# j9 |, s( I6 J
无功功率 无功功率是指电流在发电机、电动机、变压器等的感应线圈之间往复流动,这也构成了电力负载的一部分。它并没做有用功,而且也不是发动机的负载,但是作为发电机负载,限制了发电机的容量。; ^7 j: A5 c/ _+ |! [! [
Reverse Power Relay A reverse power relay is a relay with a wattmeter movement that senses the direction of power flow. In paralleled sets, a flow of reverse power (i.e., power flow into set) will actuate the reverse power relay and disconnect the set from the system. If one set stops and reverse power protection is not provided, the set still running will drive the set that has stopped. The generator on the set that has stopped will act as a motor. / ]: E* c( d3 t5 F. Q逆功率继电器 逆功率继电器是指带瓦特计的继电器,用来感知电流的方向。在并联机组中,反方向电流(例如流回发电机组的电流)会启动逆功率继电器,把该机组与系统断开。如果一台发电机组没有运转,并且没有逆功率继电器保护,运转的机组就会驱动这个机组,这台机组上的发电机则变成电动机运行。 4 k& C2 x# A& l$ j7 N: ?$ O: gRouter A device for passing network messages over another media and sometimes protocol. Our network router is programmed as a "repeater" to create another channel on the main network bus. Each channel can have a 4,600 ft. network bus and is capable of having 44 nodes. The PowerCommand Network can have up to twenty (20) channels.2 `. h" J: l& I X- R
路由器 路由器是把网络信息通过另外一种介质(有时是协议)传送出去的装置。我们的网络路由器被设定为“转发器”,在主网络上创建另外一个信道。每个信道有4,600 ft网络母排,可容纳44个接点。 PowerCommand 网络最多可有20个信道。 % i( \$ q U* s4 b5 R! v+ MSCR Silicon Controlled Rectifier -- a three-electrode solid-state device which permits current to flow in one direction only, and does this only when a suitable potential is applied to the third electrode, called the gate. : `# J% b7 d9 N
可控硅整流器 可控硅整流器——三电极固态元件,只有当匹配的电压作用于第三电极(选通电极)时,才能够保证电流朝一个方向流动。 6 W* l% A& C1 S) n/ [, DShort Circuit A short circuit is generally an unintended electrical connection between current carrying parts. i. g& ^3 }# C; [6 T2 Q3 o
短路 短路通常是指带电流的组件之间意外的电路连接。 # J! w. z! ]6 u+ |3 HShunt Trip Shunt trip is a feature added to a circuit breaker or fusible switch to permit the remote opening of the breaker or switch by an electrical signal. + q2 P4 f) d. q9 D! Y: {- H分励脱扣 分励脱扣是线路断路器或可熔电闸的一个特性,可通过远程信号来进行分断或转换。 ( f7 U8 z% P; u0 ^Soft Loading Soft loading refers to the ramping of load onto or off of a generator in a gradual fashion for the purpose of minimizing voltage and frequency transients on the system. 2 G& T1 R t9 @" ]# W [" b8 X软加载 软加载是指在给发电机组增加或减少负载时要逐渐进行,以减少电压和频率对系统的瞬变影响。, F; w5 F. @; [
Sound Level Meter A sound level meter measures sound pressure level. It has several frequency-weighted decibel (dB) scales (A, B, C) to cover different portions of the range of measured loudness. Sound level meters indicate RMS sound, unless the measurements are qualified as instantaneous or peak sound level. 1 J( G5 @0 G) x @! z
声级表 声级表是用来测量声压级别的,它根据声音的频率分为几个分贝级(A, B, C)。声级表表征的是均方根声音,除非是适合瞬间或峰值的度量。( B [; V& j+ l _/ V- \
Sound Pressure Level (SPL) Sound pressure level is a measurement of the pressure fluctuations of a sound wave as it propagates through the air. Because of the wide range of pressures to which the ear responds, a logarithmic scale is used and is expressed as a ratio of the measured pressure referenced to a pressure of 2x10-5 N/m2 (20 m Pa) which is the threshold of human hearing at 1000 Hz. The measure is expressed in decibels (dB). The Bel unit is named after Alexander Graham Bell., z g( l3 l; O1 N( p
声压级别 声压级别是表示在空气中传播的声波的起伏压。由于耳朵能感知的声压范围很大,所以采用其对数值,并以2x10-5 N/m2 (20 m Pa)的比率表示,这是人类在1000 Hz所能听到的极限,单位是分贝(dB)。贝尔(十分贝)是以亚历山大•格雷姆•贝尔的名字命名的。0 ^% H1 \3 b7 _ g& Y! \# L( L
Standby System A standby system is an independent power system that allows operation of a facility in the event of normal power failure. " ?; T# M3 N/ V2 b
备用系统 备用系统是一个独立的电力供应系统,当常规电力供应失败时,备用系统就会运行。0 o, l% i! O) }; b( R
Star Connection See Wye Connection. 7 e; v4 S+ L$ }& z
星形连接 参见Y形连接。6 S0 e. Y: k# B2 T" [ w* [
Starting Current The initial value of current drawn by a motor when it is started from standstill. 0 @+ ?" V8 _% @/ e. r: d启动电流 当发动机从停止状态启动时带来的初始电流值就是启动电流。 0 K# O" r4 [8 }( f) ESurge Surge is the sudden rise in voltage in a system, usually caused by load disconnect. ' u8 I% Q. I$ G$ A1 v0 x突变 突变是指系统中电压突然升高,通常是由于负载断开而引起的。 1 p! V7 f( h/ K" wSurge Suppressor Surge suppressors are devices capable of conducting high transient voltages. They are used for protecting other devices that could be destroyed by the transient voltages.; e3 p3 j% T% q, i. q/ F' D
突变抑制器 突变抑制器是能够抑制瞬间高电压的设施,用来保护其他设备免受瞬间电压的破坏。% Y; y8 U5 C* |3 a9 A
Sync Check Relay A sync check relay is an electrical device that monitors the phase relationship between two voltage sources and provides a signal when the voltage sources are within specific preset parameters. D5 [! }5 c: Q9 ^( }同步检查继电器 同步检查继电器是监测两个电压源之间的相位关系的电气设备,如果电压源间的关系在预定的参数范围内,它就会发出相应信号。, x6 I9 [. L1 ~: x* f* R# T; U
9 E. F- H+ V+ S# a! k 4 e( V, U! d! ]8 u" kSynchronizer A synchronizer is an electronic device that monitors the phase relationship between two voltage sources and provides a connection signal to an engine governor, to force the generator set to synchronize to the system bus. $ `0 J. B1 R [" x- l2 _6 d( x9 `同步器 同步器是用来监测两个电压源之间的相位关系的电子设备,它向发动机调速器发出信号,以促使发电机组与系统母排能够同步。/ F+ Y5 v- o' K; G2 q
Synchronous Generator A synchronous generator is an AC generator having a DC exciter. Synchronous generators are used as stand-alone generators for emergency power and can also be paralleled with other synchronous generators and the utility system.) n0 r" C+ Z: {: g2 g$ o0 I
同步发电机 同步发动机是配有直流励磁机的同步交流发电机。同步发动机能作为独立的紧急电源,也可以与其他同步发电机或市电并联。 ) N# e" ~* x" s) k% pTerminator A resistive load placed at the end of a cable to prevent data signals from reflecting back into the data path. + }+ Y+ G1 h9 V# ^* {& [8 R" [终结器 终结器就是置于电缆终端的一个电阻负荷,用来防止数据信号又反射回到线路中去。* j5 T; U& H* n
Transfer Switch A transfer switch is an electrical device for switching loads between alternate power sources. An automatic transfer switch monitors the condition of the sources and connects the load to the alternate source if the preferred source fails.1 y: u( I, C y& j% e
转换开关 转换开关是能够把负载在备用电源和常规电源之间进行转换的电气设施。自动转换开关能够进行监控,如果首选电源供应失败,就自动把负载连接到备用电源。 , O1 p5 B& r9 s; L9 w0 w3 ^1 O3 TUndershoot Undershoot refers to the amount by which voltage or frequency drops below the nominal value as the voltage regulator or governor responds to changes in load. 5 r" U& Z1 a6 r下超调 下超调指电压调整器或控制器在应对负荷变化时,电压或频率低于额定的量。; ~7 A" C, w/ u b& [! C3 a/ Y) ~
Utility The utility is a commercial power source that supplies electrical power to specific facilities from a large central power plant.! F+ ]& v5 u5 ?5 P/ _1 E) e
市电 市电是商业电源,从大型中央电站向各设施供电。 ! E0 J2 j' a* UVoltage Control The voltage control is a rheostat that sets the operating point of the voltage regulator and therefore controls the output voltage of the generator set, within its design limits.# I3 B! k1 {. u, ^3 Z) J7 w
电压控制 电压控制是设定电压调整器的运行点从而在设计范围内控制发电机组的输出电压的变阻器。 1 ^2 n6 r- l/ N" DVoltage Dip Voltage dip is the dip in voltage that results when a load is added, occurring before the regulator can correct it, or resulting from the functioning of the voltage regulator to unload an overloaded engine-generator. . w4 l+ r; E6 w; Q9 M# p3 H6 {电压暂降 电压暂降是在负荷增加而调整器还未能进行校正时、或电压调整器正在为过载的发动机卸载时出现的电压下降。 & V7 A: |+ S. o( s: s9 ?& HVoltage Regulation Voltage regulation is a measure that states the difference between maximum and minimum steady-state voltage as a percentage of nominal voltage. C$ e% P1 {) M2 _) I/ R& Y电压调整率 电压调整率描述的是最大和最小稳态电压差与额定电压之间的百分比。 7 }0 L4 ~6 Y! R+ }& JWatt-Hour Meter A watt-hour meter records the total power output at a specific point in a system. Typical recording increment is in kW-hours.* T' G9 Y! V1 `6 C
电度表 电度表记录系统中某一点的总电力输出,通常以千瓦时为记录单位。 8 }0 ]- u: u$ `6 `, n" F0 \" IWye Connections A Wye connection is the same as a star connection. It is a method of interconnecting the phases of a three-phase system to form a configuration resemb*** the letter Y. A fourth (neutral) wire can be connected at the center point. ) D: Q) w$ E% B, m8 u$ O
Y连接 Y连接就是星形连接,也就是把三相系统中的相按照字母Y的形状连接起来,还可以在中心点接上第四根(中性)线。 0 P* Y& k6 w! hZero Sequence Zero sequence is a method of ground fault detection that utilizes a sensor (CT) that encircles all the phase conductors as well as the neutral conductors. The sensor will produce an output proportional to the imbalance of ground fault current in the circuit. This output is then measured by a relay to initiate circuit breaker tripping or ground fault alarm. + F/ G8 [2 p7 S: h x) l零序 零序是一种接地故障检测方法,它使用一个传感器(CT)来把所有相导体和中性导体连接在一起,传感器会按照线路中接地故障电流的不平衡程度等比例地产生输出,再由一台继电器来测量这一输出,并断开断路器或释放接地故障警报。. B$ S$ k5 w5 ?
/ J( U4 C) X4 F2 A! _
N2 k( F7 G4 t9 k' j5 a
馈线是配电网中的一个术语,它可以指与任意配网节点相连接的支路,可以是馈入支路,也可以是馈出支路。但因为配电网的典型拓扑是辐射型,所以大多馈线中的能量流动是单向的。但为提高供电可靠性,配网结构变化很复杂,功率的传输也并非绝对是一个方向。所以粗略地说,配电网中的支路都可称之为馈线。 9 l. [/ d5 T" V5 |0 j. M+ \ # q% m7 U/ Y5 T+ x& M 5 f; {& k) G& D" P7 R
1 、变电站 $ i" n) I/ M2 J; l! n* Z& r- j- c, D& m! @" K# `
在电力部门将电能传输到用户的过程中,要经过降压后才能输送到用户处,而降压和控制电能量输送大都在变电站内完成。目前变电站按电压等级分为: 500 千伏变电站、 220 千伏变电站、 110 千伏变电站、 35 千伏变电站、 10 千伏变电站。电压等级表示该变电站变压器的等级,变电站所属计量点的最高电压为电压等级所标示的电压。 % b9 n6 x( ?& W
& R% J6 z- i0 |5 M1 R/ n1 p2 o
2 、线路 * h3 j* K8 N' o" D
4 z: G6 k0 z6 h电能量传输的硬件线路,电能量通过线路供给用户或下一级变电站,线路按电压等级分为 500 千伏线路、 220 千伏线路、 110 千伏线路、 35 千伏线路、 10 千伏线路 6 千伏线路。 0 W- U8 J" M9 D0 Q8 ^) S. U( u2 l2 h0 \
硬件线路中电能量的走向在两个方向上都有可能,计量这种线路的电度表有可能为多块机械表或一块多功能数字表(能够计量正反向电量),这样在一条线路上挂不定个数的电度表在计算上不好处理,那么本系统中将实际线路中计量正反向电量和反向电量的表计分开处理,即:一条线路中最多挂两块机械表(多功能数字表一块当四块处理),这样实际中的一条线路在本系统中成为两条线路分别计量正反向电量。 - r0 D) P; J' |& D9 `, M. e& n1 {: V. v3 S
3 、电度表 # ~ P, `) k) o5 f: C' l
- f+ H1 f z+ E# l/ `, i! l% ^, Z用于计量用户用电量的计量设备。分为机械表和多功能数字表,机械表一块表只能计量一种电量,要计量正反向有无功电量需四块电度表,数字表可同时计量正向有功、正向无功、反向有功、反向无功四种电量,故在本系统中只要电力部门计量反向电量数字表即当成四块电度表处理,不计量反向电量则当量两块表处理。 4 s; }* {4 u/ p3 ^) T