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ATP Started at 16:41:28 onMonday, 04 September 2017 EMTP begins. Send one offollowing alternatives. SPY, file_name, DISK, HELP, GO, KEY, STOP, BOTH, DIR:Ok, output goes to both di sk and screen. Send input datafile name: SPY, file_name, DISK, HELP, GO, KEY, STOP, BOTH, DIR: --- 74 cards of disk file read into card cachecells 1 onward. That was just for nextsubcase. Remainder has N22 = 2 cards. MAXCRD = 30000 Note: Vardim input LISTSIZE.DAT could not beconnected. Use maximum sizes. --- Pass 1. Card = 21. Ready to open $INCLUDE = D:\DOCUME~1\ATPdata\work\ 3.lib ---- Illegal file name. Try again .... Alternatively, there maysimply be no privilege to connect the file. File-reading (but notwriting) privilege is required. ? ? ? Trouble with input data. last card number 21 isin error. 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 $INCLUDE, D:\DOCUME~1\ATPdata\work\3.lib, X0001A, X0001B, X0001C, X0003A$$ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ER ROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ER ROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- You lose, fella. The EMTP logichas detected an error condition, and is now go ing to terminate program execution. The following message summarizes the circumstances leading to this situation. Where an otherw ise-unidentified data card is referred to, or where the "last" card is mentioned, it is the most recently readcard of the input dat a that is meant. The 80-columnimage of this card is generally the last one printed out prior to this terminationmessage. But po ssibly this last-read card has not yet been displayed, so a copy follows: "$INCLUDE,D:\DOCUME~1\ATPdata\work\3.lib, X0001A, X0001B, X0001C, X0003A $$ " KILL codenumber Overlay number Nearb y statement number 79 1 1227 KILL = 79. Sorry. Since interactive EMTP execution (SPY) is notbeing used, correction of the data error that has already been described must await a termination of this simulation. Too bad (interactive co rrection via SPY might have been possible). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ER ROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ER ROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ERROR/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- Temporary error stop in ENTRY STOPTP of "WINDOW". NCHAIN, LASTOV = 29 1 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 678901234567890 ABUFF(1:80) =$INCLUDE,D:\DOCUME~1\ATPdata\work\3.lib, X0001A, X0001B, X0001C, X0003A $$ ATPFinished at 16:41:28 on Monday, 04 September 2017 Total Execution Time was 0.00 cpu seconds Hit any key to close this window. ' K6 |8 X. O0 F' T
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在做输电线路同塔六回仿真时,提示错误 不知道怎么改了,小白一个 有大神知道是哪里出问题了吗?求帮助
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