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!!!! MIT 课程 电磁场与电磁能




发表于 2008-4-21 10:19:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Haus H. A.和J. R. Melcher 的 电磁场与电磁能Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, c. 1989. ISBN:013249020X  [( l* {' ^: j& t( P4 `$ y

% A% r$ y3 q3 `) H3 `, T) _/ L0 A$ J! v" A/ g, `
- ^! J- F4 [# I# X0 v1 C0 e4 P2 S1 J5 `
3 k4 q- D) I4 X/ C, w# Z
# |' s2 L0 q  Z# z' u第2章:自由空间中的麦克斯韦微分定律
; d- n- L8 J2 e" y
) D1 W) p- l& V+ J第3章:准静电和准静磁简介
, i' d8 k: v3 b' j0 @) U: F7 [/ w" d% S- {3 V8 l9 v1 d
第4章:准静电场:叠加积分观点 $ V2 O! }& v: v8 q, S3 r; o
, M7 p8 w8 E: P: h  z8 e
第5章:来自边值观点的准静电场 + ]4 }& J( M5 `: J. k& l. l

9 {3 i# O7 C) R! @9 c第6章:极化: k0 c/ X% y3 a# K% ^
5 f1 _/ V+ a/ q8 k0 n
# T5 j) Y0 e) h% R9 N
5 {2 Z5 p9 {& W4 i# _' e: o第8章:准静磁场:叠加积分和边值观点
7 l' z' }! d" A6 O" g5 O0 j7 U: w4 [- ~
第9章:磁化' s% }  s' n2 ]6 j/ J
; `  o1 ?  C  v! v+ G+ F/ r
# C5 e: x0 o0 h' E' \
6 ^  o3 R, y+ D, J, q第11章:能量、能流和力  w* V7 V* E; {6 h8 V

" ^1 X7 p9 p. X! R8 k第12章:动态电场:叠加积分观点 (PDF - 1.1 MB)
8 n4 S2 X4 C0 C1 ?* x( w- q: u# W
: a+ u7 A- w/ H% I2 o% `; r第13章:动态场:边值观点# y1 j  [8 s$ A8 c

8 V$ ^: A; G2 D8 |2 F5 |第14章:一维波动力学 . {- @2 q- ?# G( n& \, ~
$ d. J, t' N* W; d$ Q0 R2 h
第15章:电磁场概述& {0 I; _2 v" f, j# s

' V, ?9 V# d$ `+ b: d( p附录1# A& f% @: n! j7 o, r/ c
: Z& g# O6 n" |8 b: n1 L3 z

Electromagnetic Theory.rar

10.42 MB, 下载次数: 11, 下载积分: 威望 -2 点, 学分 -5 点

帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-23 17:18:07 | 显示全部楼层
Eletromagnetic Flowmeters emf
5 G) ~0 }& Z1 `* U7 f! IOf the 20th century, 50-60’s, with the development of electronic technology and the rapid development of a new type of flow meters. According to the electromagnetic flowmeter is Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction into the conductive liquid is used to measure the volume flow meter. Due to its unique advantages, has been widely used in various industrial processes conductive liquid flow measurement, including a variety of acid, alkali, salt and other corrosive media; various slurry flow measurement, it has developed a unique application areas. In structure, the electromagnetic flowmeter by the electromagnetic flow sensor and converter is composed of two parts. Sensors installed in the industrial process pipeline, Its role is flowing into the pipeline to the liquid flow volume values linear induced to transform into EMFs, and the transmission line through this signal to the converter. Translators from sensors installed in the not-too-distant places, it will be sent by flow sensor signal amplification and and converted signal is proportional to the flow signal output standards, to conduct show that the cumulative adjustment and control
帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
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