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英文论文,关于小干扰稳定,包括低频振荡以及FACTS的内容8 n2 q6 l8 o5 k5 N
* S) [, ]+ `7 T* R5 q& V0 ~+ S- b/ PGuidelines for power system restoration in the Brazilian system
' r0 q; \# O' y( GGomes, P.; de Lima, A.C.S.; de Padua Guarini, A.;
& D6 F8 H( P7 c" W$ R' fPower Systems, IEEE Transactions on$ r. c5 a0 Q) Q  b' M4 a
Volume 19,  Issue 2,  May 2004 Page(s):1159 - 1164
) {9 ]5 B! m5 j8 b2 b6 C# e9 p0 k9 Z& L9 V
* l1 u+ `4 i% f" x# [
Comparison of PSS, SVC, and STATCOM controllers for damping power system oscillations1 r( r; I& _/ d' r: _/ I; r
Mithulananthan, N.; Canizares, C.A.; Reeve, J.; Rogers, G.J.;
8 F$ ^  w: x: l5 _% h, zPower Systems, IEEE Transactions on
! ?) Y( C. J3 i+ Y  K( U, s) ]* @- IVolume 18,  Issue 2,  May 2003 Page(s):786 - 792 , M, a- H- V# K0 {. z0 m
( c% r0 l4 Z* M& ^' ]3 c

; Z' x) N2 S  G7 Y Optimal Allocation and Design of PSSs for Damping of Low-Frequency Oscillations in Multi-Regional Interconnected Power System7 @0 i& K4 ~. T3 k* g
Chun Liu; Yokoyama, R.; Silva, V.R.;+ Z4 q' w' s) ~
Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition: Asia and Pacific, 2005 IEEE/PES& S' P6 b) l% D4 t0 n2 E
15-18 Aug. 2005 Page(s):1 - 5
1 T( V( _% u1 ]Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TDC.2005.1547143
5 t: S, ]* j6 \! t- c1 T+ W+ R' u/ q; o3 X: [( p
1 p1 n) K! U! ?

9 ~5 {& p' E0 @( l  m
- x% g: K: o% {- C7 d& ]! O Impact of Cascading Circuit Outages On Low Frequency Oscillations of Power Systems
( t/ }" o5 u: A$ D5 `8 a9 SLei Wang;" J* C/ R6 M, t# K
Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition: Asia and Pacific, 2005 IEEE/PES
5 O6 `  [6 p( G% Y3 U" P, v1 ~15-18 Aug. 2005 Page(s):1 - 6 7 {  H6 c& h5 v8 r
: R2 o5 Y2 g5 `

4 U$ G7 s: k" k, _- | / _" y  f5 ]$ v' E- c
; q; P2 e3 a( o( \6 y0 h
Real-time phasor measurement for low frequency oscillation in power system
) g: q# Q) {, w" w4 d0 UYutian Liu; Chi Xiao; Yuanyuan Sun;
- S: [' H5 ?+ WCircuits and Systems, 2005. ISCAS 2005. IEEE International Symposium on" [/ W" m# R! w+ C4 v9 t* }: ]8 }
23-26 May 2005 Page(s):3889 - 3893 Vol. 4 8 y: }# \7 K- Y% m# E5 x

" }$ s* Z% u! H2 C, N . A* @) M8 M: J1 R. I
' H* ^: R0 i/ x. s: O, |% u  p
A practical analysis method of low frequency oscillation for large power systems
! r! z2 k4 A: Z# f; iYing Huang; Zheng Xu; Wulue Pan;' k* ~! b2 p; I. C( \
Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2005. IEEE* y+ O. m2 q. L$ r+ r- d: E7 K
June 12-16, 2005 Page(s):1453 - 1459
" u5 F' Z  w3 u3 {1 ^% p
* m0 w4 E* |+ s7 _& XIterative Prony Method Based Power System Low Frequency Oscillation Mode Analysis and PSS Design
7 e" h) w' ]% @6 u2 M+ ~Hu Guoqiang; He Renmu; Yang Huachun; Wang Peng; Ma Rui;* p' [6 n9 w: C+ Z
Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition: Asia and Pacific, 2005 IEEE/PES; b5 }! ~0 L/ D% ]( A
15-18 Aug. 2005 Page(s):1 - 6
9 C2 `  q  i8 \$ m/ g6 n; d. J  d" j& U+ ~" f* N" |
, D: t4 z! ~9 y, k8 z1 V( g0 e

5 h) U* w. m% h# H  nA Newton-type current injection model of UPFC for studying low-frequency oscillations/ n- ~7 ^% K! @& W
Son, K.M.; Lasseter, R.H.;: o* U2 V6 l* ?  d3 K8 e2 \
Power Delivery, IEEE Transactions on# c  |( M' N% e
Volume 19,  Issue 2,  April 2004 Page(s):694 - 701 . S. k! k. y- h- \& o, R

' L  E- y3 ^, W# i; F$ j2 X
; B$ {0 H* _+ X3 v
' C+ c6 q. V- E! t, m, X Dynamic tracking of low-frequency oscillations with improved Prony method in wide-area measurement system
, v9 l: Z1 z9 A, z2 _Jinyu Xiao; Xiaorong Xie; Yingduo Han; Jingtao Wu;
! r! \; n: p+ N* w1 Y; _7 N) W! ]/ DPower Engineering Society General Meeting, 2004. IEEE" I- V1 @: j7 ]2 s4 j' q
6-10 June 2004 Page(s):1104 - 1109 Vol.1   j9 }) |; V  f: W+ x; N2 G
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/PES.2004.1373012 ; m8 d! D! h9 G

, S$ n3 w  [! A, {" x# s 0 ?$ z- N5 n& J( F2 l( F* I
Bulk power system low frequency oscillation suppression by FACTS/ESS6 w: s# g4 g4 p9 e% o+ T
Zhang, L.; Liu, Y.;( @  F$ q" i5 D0 K6 c! |0 i5 o
Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 2004. IEEE PES
% M$ y: R4 o! n; }$ o6 G10-13 Oct. 2004 Page(s):219 - 226 vol.1 7 F, s/ Q7 v! L" M1 N! s2 q

1 r+ y# Z4 i  @6 s3 z 4 Z) ^: S# T  W( }$ J5 s

7 e4 F, f9 x! N* ]" k Intelligent control of FACTS for damping power system low frequency oscillations
) z2 m) q+ {, @* ]0 e* nKhan, L.; Rogers, G.J.; Lozano, C.A.;
, ~" c& b% u5 Q5 p5 n' Y$ V  dMultitopic Conference, 2004. Proceedings of INMIC 2004. 8th International
' k9 f% w' G, a( T3 |4 S24-26 Dec. 2004 Page(s):731 - 736   {/ T& B& L) s6 `, L/ |7 w
# H6 T1 r- Y$ @  g% I

+ C' L. `" b9 E) l3 `* i
6 i. O9 `3 X  A' Z: G# M  i Low frequency oscillation analysis in parallel AC/DC system by a novel dynamic model
3 J! P$ p9 g, ?" u7 R7 b) p; BNajafi, H.R.; Robinson, F.; Shoulaie, A.;* F& ^; s: J% N' _2 l: R
Power System Technology, 2004. PowerCon 2004. 2004 International Conference on- A3 ]  U! ?3 ]' d! N) Y9 Q4 ]6 m
Volume 1,  21-24 Nov. 2004 Page(s):294 - 299 Vol.1
: ]! ~* O  n% X: g. c
  |, f' W0 u6 X( N4 f) D, G
: [# }: a5 \. L; X+ B) r3 W A Newton-type current injection model of UPFC for studying low frequency oscillations
. K( r) ^7 @' K+ H/ E5 L' qSon, K.M.; Lasseter, R.H.;2 V, Y* w2 G' G: ~
Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2003, IEEE
. b( Y' O8 h( R' ^4 }+ t# WVolume 4,  13-17 July 2003
6 _* H; a; N0 f# v' _8 s4 M: a
1 G; A& }5 g' N4 w% ~! N
6 R6 m- {' }& m% t* ], a & d& ~4 a( ^% {( J6 h) d/ K
# o8 b6 ~2 G! |! D1 k! t, S
The low frequency oscillation analysis in the induction motor system fed by an inverter+ I2 T. }6 v; T* U% u/ {9 u# w( A! W
Hongmei Li; Tao Yang; Changzhi Sun;
* _( O0 {& L7 e* V( ]( Z1 WElectrical Machines and Systems, 2003. ICEMS 2003. Sixth International Conference on
- l  D4 V7 `( [: p* i: TVolume 2,  9-11 Nov. 2003 Page(s):577 - 580 vol.2 3 Z% w( u4 c3 \
0 @/ D: |+ d. W: d8 _
( Q# h$ L5 N% s+ X

' ^) o. n; b; I: \6 B9 a0 M Allocation of TCSCs for mitigating low-frequency oscillation on a tie-line in an interconnected power systems2 W  F, W1 U7 n$ @' y& I! k
Liu, C.; Ishimaru, M.; Yokoyama, R.; Lee, K.Y.;
" t) a1 C+ _5 Y2 {: g, \6 APower Tech Conference Proceedings, 2003 IEEE Bologna! [2 ^2 v0 S& P% r% @0 {
Volume 2,  23-26 June 2003 Page(s):8 pp. Vol.2 & M, p* T* G3 K& m8 b
! \4 F' D& }) k& A% H' N$ K( T
: b" q  m, o$ i' }& ]6 ]

+ s, e. l+ p1 s- K0 X+ O/ p  IDamping of the low-frequency oscillations of the generator: dynamic interactions and the effectiveness of the controllers
1 b% Z" C6 I8 R+ s  NMilanovic, J.V.;# p; N6 @: \3 e6 J- i( V
Generation, Transmission and Distribution, IEE Proceedings-
" ~0 X: V: a& T2 b; f; ]4 `: wVolume 149,  Issue 6,  Nov. 2002 Page(s):753 - 760 / A3 d0 P* W, ^, B9 L6 M; N+ k* V
# t6 A  A1 _2 M- P

4 D* Z+ l2 m. X: c1 F
/ E$ }" w- r$ {Low frequency oscillations damping by STATCOM with a fuzzy supplementary controller/ H% p. c" W+ w, P, K
Sun Qu; Chen Chen;+ g( e- V8 |* P7 Y
Power System Technology, 2002. Proceedings. PowerCon 2002. International Conference on
& k# z- {) I9 l2 e# y7 OVolume 1,  13-17 Oct. 2002 Page(s):67 - 70 vol.1 9 s, t  g5 w8 s- b! Z

& I) T; K8 K& a3 j : `- n3 V- A) Y

3 O4 Y, @1 T6 \  z( G$ o; j4 H The effect of load models on unstable low-frequency oscillation damping in Taipower system experience w/wo power system stabilizers# }: c6 E+ ?0 ?9 T
Wen-Shiow Kao;4 D5 f& `) w% L- G& L6 c
Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on& P  _- i# A4 E! X. c! O. J0 R* d
Volume 16,  Issue 3,  Aug. 2001 Page(s):463 - 472 $ `* k$ A/ F  u  B) o: x9 A- Y

2 b  U& V7 |" d / C' M- T8 {6 x+ C4 x, ?6 }4 \
5 S9 P# a* V6 `% i
Low frequency oscillations in a TCSC system
  G3 x6 g; e% j7 i( ]& CChakravarthy, S.K.;  J+ O' I/ v% l! }6 }! Q
Power Engineering Review, IEEE
5 x! z! D, ?& H# W4 XVolume 19,  Issue 4,  April 1999 Page(s):55 - 57
+ ^; Q" }$ s4 d
- Q/ R0 {1 r5 L3 y0 u" J) q' X + k+ @* c% d- S  T" ?; D3 n" r

3 i$ |/ U, ^+ Z  }Dissipativity as a unifying control design framework for suppression of low frequency oscillations in power systems7 W" A$ `! k' ]" P+ ^8 ?( {
Stankovic, A.M.; Stefanov, P.C.; Tadmor, G.; Sobajic, D.J.;0 w" Q+ }! r, X% l3 h3 n8 l  z( G
Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on% Z- G6 Q% n7 H$ ^: s
Volume 14,  Issue 1,  Feb. 1999 Page(s):192 - 199 & j  ^3 y- n( R) u+ p
  Z9 D; L/ N$ V' }2 v8 i, t) o  M

  o' N' c& o. P7 S, J0 z; o7 H1 x& l2 l
The study on the VSC control of TCSC for damping power system low frequency oscillation
' I/ ^% d  H. M4 _- NLv Fangcheng; Li Gengyin; Zhang Jiancheng; Chen Zhiye; Yang Yihan;8 F; Q9 n7 C1 w. y1 M3 o
Power System Technology, 1998. Proceedings. POWERCON '98. 1998 International Conference on9 i+ }! d6 b* x* h2 X% r% w1 t
Volume 1,  18-21 Aug. 1998 Page(s):349 - 352 vol.1 8 D; q) Y3 C( t3 @5 f& D) V4 _

5 Y. P/ P5 F: m, J# N- i8 ^3 @" b 4 E" \3 |' O/ ]+ ^. X$ m
" i; x: F, l& M5 G  L. j
Effects of noise on the adaptive damping of low-frequency oscillations in power systems
5 v- v8 g4 X% `, O6 x7 g& WFatehi, F.; Pierre, D.A.; Smith, J.R.;
0 y- n! q# X( l% z- ^& h% YDecision and Control, 1993., Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Conference on
- |- J: v+ s9 {" s; A1 U15-17 Dec. 1993 Page(s):2358 - 2363 vol.3
" L, m, N0 t  l# F0 X ' a1 D6 _0 ~4 u% P( {

5 j, C) j" X3 T: t* D$ a2 L. G0 z7 Q+ x( O: j0 X. ^  H
Transformer-induced low-frequency oscillations in the series-resonant converter
4 H, L/ j9 G% b4 x  j  f" fKlesser, H.W.; Klaassens, J.B.;
, _# T$ I0 t1 w" ~. J. |; jPower Electronics, IEEE Transactions on; o5 u+ b4 ]; e. C
Volume 6,  Issue 3,  July 1991 Page(s):326 - 337 ( O3 ~. x9 I: p( R5 K
7 K+ s  n* D1 Q2 y1 Z

% t9 t( K: B, j# D( k  t/ T2 X IEEE1.rar (5.22 MB, 下载次数: 7)
2 m4 t+ b5 A$ u( @ IEEE2.rar (8.96 MB, 下载次数: 3) 2 j/ x) U: `) I, q1 z5 O2 b% X
9 o) k8 C0 }% Y# [+ X( p/ a  H
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