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Doubly fed induction generator uising back-to-back PWM converters and its app...

  • TA的每日心情
    2016-3-16 13:28
  • 签到天数: 4 天

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    连续签到:1 天
    发表于 2016-3-16 13:49:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    标题: Doubly fed induction generator uising back-to-back PWM converters and its application to variablespeed wind-energy generation
    所属专业方向: PS DFIG
    摘要: The paper describes the engineering and
    design of a doubly fed induction generator
    (DFIG), using back-to-back PWM voltage-source
    converters in the rotor circuit. A vector-control
    scheme for the supply-side PWM converter
    results in independent control of active and
    reactive power drawn from the supply, while
    ensuring sinusoidal supply currents. Vector
    control of the rotor-connected converter provides
    for wide speed-range operation; the vector scheme
    is embedded in control loops which enable
    optimal speed tracking for maximum energy
    capture from the wind. An experimental rig,
    which represents a 1 . 5kW variable speed windenergy generation system is described, and
    experimental results are given that illustrate the
    excellent performance characteristics of the
    system. The paper considers a grid-connected
    system; a further paper will describe a stand-alone
    List of symbols
    V, = RMS stator voltage
    V, = RMS rotor voltage
    ml, m2= stator and rotor converter modulation depths
    E = DC link voltage
    s = slip
    n = stator ~ rotor turns ratio
    L, R = inductance and resistance of supply side inductors
    v,, vb, v, = 3-phase supply voltages
    vd, vq, v,, vp= 2-axis supply voltages
    val, v b l , vbl = 3-phase stator converter terminal voltages
    vdl,vql = 2-axis stator converter terminal voltages
    i,, ib, i,= 3-phase stator converter input currents
    id, i, = 2-axis stator converter input currents
    0IEE, 1996
    ZEE Proceedings online no. 19960288
    Paper received 27th July 1995
    The authors are with the DeDartment of Electrical & Electronic Enpineering, The University of NotGnghm, University Park, Nottinghm- NG7
    2RD, UK
    a,, a,,aAl,= supply, rotor, slip angular frequency
    P, Q = active and reactive power
    e,, 8, = supply voltage, stator flux vector position
    io,, io, = stator and rotor converter DC-link currents
    C = DC-lirtk capacitance
    F(s),F(z)= plant-transfer functions
    G(z)= controller-transfer function
    5 = damping factor
    h = flux linkage
    L,, L,, L,, Lo = machine inductances per phase
    R,, R, = machine resistances per phase
    0 = leakage factor
    i,, = stator magnetising current
    P = pole pairs
    K,, K,, K,, K, = controller gains
    a,, a,, a,, a,, = controller parameters
    P,, P,,, P,,, = mechanical, optimum, maximum power
    Cp,h, p, r = turbine power coefficient, tip speed ratio


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    [发帖际遇]: luisim 发帖时在路边捡到威望2 点,偷偷放进了口袋. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜
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