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[讨论] Dr. V. Sood




发表于 2007-11-29 23:58:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Dr. V. Sood can attend the discussion about HVDC and FACTS, he is the author of the book "HVDC and FACTS controller"<BR><BR>I post our Emails, anybody can write your own opinion here.<BR><BR><BR><BR>&gt; Dear Dr. Sood,<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am so excited to hear your lecture, and learned a lot from your <BR>&gt; last several slides, which are some update information from the book <BR>&gt; you published 3 years ago.<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;I am one of MSc student in XXX University, research studying in <BR>&gt; power system voltage stability field. Before I came to Canada, I <BR>&gt; graduated from @@@ University and&nbsp;&nbsp;had worked in China <BR>&gt; Hydro 12 years. I am so excited to see all those china power system, <BR>&gt; which I was quite familar in the past. Thank you for taking me back home.<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;I have some comment about the HVDC or EHVDC in China. I&nbsp;&nbsp;have many <BR>&gt; classemates or friends working in the whole Chinese power system, from <BR>&gt; north to south, west to east.There are tons of discussions and <BR>&gt; different opinions on HVDC. The advatages are obvious, but there are <BR>&gt; many drawbacks as well: the technologies of the HVDC are not mature <BR>&gt; enough to estalish so many lines at the same time; some problems of <BR>&gt; electronics are fatal; the power transfer can be achieved only point <BR>&gt; to point without any benefit for some other provinces or cities in <BR>&gt; between of the beginning and ending points; after the power <BR>&gt; trasferring to the load center, we have to build many AC transmission <BR>&gt; lines to transfer power to other places, but for HVAC, we just need <BR>&gt; add some step down transformers.<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;From the transmission line of view, building HVDC to trasnfer power <BR>&gt; can save some first investment money, but from the whole&nbsp;&nbsp;power <BR>&gt; distribution point of view, the HVDC will waste huge money to build <BR>&gt; lower level AV transmission lines.<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;HVDC technology is not as complete as HVAC, which has already been <BR>&gt; used in many applications in every coner of the world. As far as I <BR>&gt; know, HVAC is another hot focus for the Chinese power system research, <BR>&gt; and there will be a large debate between them.<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;I agree they can build some HVDC lines to see whether they are <BR>&gt; running well or not, but I disagree they would like to build so many <BR>&gt; trnasmission lines.<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;If you agree, I will post my comment on one Chinese power system BBS <BR>&gt; to see the opinions from inside China.<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;Thank you for you time.<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;All the best,<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;<BR>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cheng<BR><BR>[<I> 本帖最后由 johncheng 于 2007-11-30 02:45 编辑 </I>]% s3 ^9 @8 ?5 g7 i

5 n- j  b1 {8 E[ 本帖最后由 johncheng 于 2007-12-9 09:51 编辑 ]-%-40020-%-
帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-30 00:01:41 | 显示全部楼层

Email from Dr. V. Sood

Cheng : a) L* T0 z7 k% j% }) j  C0 V
Thank you for your comments. I appreciate the you took time to write.) i7 G& l5 t0 j4 c1 r/ i

" @! w+ u  T- e2 _2 }- B1 PThe debate about AC v DC is not going to end very soon. . K; G# U1 K# o- p& V* W
" b( W# H- a0 j" I; C
DC will not replace AC; it will complement it only. Furthermore, DC is a part of FACTS now. It is not apart from FACTS.
3 Z( k+ i/ R; C3 g/ R6 FDC transmission has clear niche areas (4 of them, as explained in my outline). In all other cases AC will be used. Specially with FACTS.
3 L0 |0 {4 W3 A( D5 |$ T
# H9 [" r+ S5 r9 i" ePlease do post your comments on the Chinese BBS. I will be happy to participate and add to the discussion. I have been invited to visit China so many times, but could not do so in the past due to my committment with Hydro Quebec.. I am now free of this, and I can do this consulting now.5 c: n) n8 F4 Q$ w! d' `8 i2 ]. L
Please let me have your phone contact and we can talk.
: ]3 h0 w9 B0 }4 U: B4 Z7 l% a$ G4 |4 x; b( Z& {- @( q
Regards- L0 L# }4 d5 l" e
Vijay Sood
帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-30 00:04:11 | 显示全部楼层

Second Email from Dr. V. Sood.

$ g7 M8 P& O, g8 f3 p. {Here are my coordinates5 w( w6 J' o  b* b% c# K  Z

1 |: i' M  ~1 I6 Y: |+ P2 |Vijay K. Sood, Ph.D., FIEEE, FEIC, ing.6 W0 R5 ^9 q# z. P
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science) k1 z0 J& F! P
; U* w2 E+ n" y0 F, Y/ c2000 Simcoe Street North
4 W' ]7 k! o$ V  M, g$ e. i% [Oshawa, ON  L1H 7K4& o$ F3 h; p) E7 J

) W: y3 K- }" V) ?[ 本帖最后由 johncheng 于 2007-12-9 09:52 编辑 ]
帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-30 00:20:33 | 显示全部楼层

my Email to Dr. V. Sood

Dear Dr. Sood,  a3 d0 m2 t% O& R' E/ L
7 j9 z) j, R# F# ~3 K
Thank you for your time, and I am so excited to receive Email from such a the world level expert.
" i2 ?; u& H9 N1 L+ B4 R# s: L5 r' D! a& l1 g
I already post our Emails on one popular Chinese power system BBS, so I hope we will have some commemts soon, because your book &quot;HVDC and FACTS controller&quot; is very well known among all the Chinese student and engeers.
9 ^5 H! X% M# k4 p! H+ W* ]* N. ^
We already have some debates about HVDC or EHVDC in this BBS, but most of comments were written in Chnese, which might be difficult for you to understand. I began the new topic in English; hopefully, some Chinese engeers can write down their opinions here.% a+ M0 I: R) `) c- P4 V/ {4 w
4 C: [5 W: i/ |& ?! Z; H* `0 v  E
I read only few books about HVDC in the past, so I hope I will learn a lot here., s/ J8 P- R. w" Y+ y

/ c  \& P; _% kAll the best,
; A" t' }6 n& A/ o# {+ K) h
% d) A1 B( ^, Q0 J2 Q7 bJohn
帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



发表于 2007-11-30 00:49:17 | 显示全部楼层

I remember we have some debates long time

I remember we have some debates long time ago, please put that link here to continue the discussion
帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
  • TA的每日心情
    2019-6-30 00:00
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    发表于 2007-11-30 11:49:37 | 显示全部楼层

    Excellent topic

    I think the EHVDC is a mature technology. Not like what you said "the technologies of the HVDC are not mature". The UHVDC is not a mature technology, aslo the CCC-HVDC and CSCC-HVDC are not.
    " C9 V( I7 R3 X; y* J! D  i* M# M6 ^1 l% W4 e6 r2 U! P# H
    China now has grasp the point technology of HVDC. Nowadays, BDCC can finish the SYSTEM DESIGH independently. However there are also some technologies we must learn and some key equipments we must buy from SIENMENSE and ABB.- z5 l3 I  _  _6 N" E  b: e. T; C1 U& J
    ; C% P, o9 b7 \" V: i
    I don't agree with planning and building so many UHVDC links before we have enough operation experience. Recently I know that the project of "Ningxia East to Shandong" is modified to 660kV/3kA/4000MW.! R! f$ {2 {& H& e, Z6 _) G

    & @% X/ g4 S, P8 o9 j0 I' L, x. eI am so glad to read your poster, can you give your E-mail?
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
  • TA的每日心情
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    发表于 2007-11-30 11:58:12 | 显示全部楼层
    Also I don't agree with the opinion of Dr. Sood " CCC-HVDC will be developed a lot and widely used between the year from 2000 to 2020. and VSC-HVDC will be widely used after 2020."9 U& W+ s6 k% x
    " V5 M+ [, }1 H
    Does anyone agree with me?
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



    发表于 2007-11-30 12:44:29 | 显示全部楼层

    Good comment!

    ! a0 x0 H9 R) E: j* R6 Q* Y3 l4 a
    + a  b: u) a- e. f* A! N2 b( ][ 本帖最后由 peter 于 2007-11-30 12:53 编辑 ]
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】



     楼主| 发表于 2007-11-30 12:55:50 | 显示全部楼层


    原帖由 phdb 于 2007-11-30 11:58 发表
    ! {" R+ u4 N2 o% ^. }Also I don't agree with the opinion of Dr. Sood " CCC-HVDC will be developed a lot and widely used between the year from 2000 to 2020. and VSC-HVDC will be widely used after 2020."
    % f, T7 h; \  j( o9 X8 x" k* b* J& H. N5 y, M' L7 m
    Does anyone agre ...
    2 E& `: Z6 R+ z
    Thank you for your time.
    4 a7 n) ?* ^" h* s% l1 X( ^2 J
    ! k) N# x! d2 ?. T5 w8 R) n
    % ^( n# Z# W7 M6 c9 O% n- q
    , f) A3 _( Z  [& L( `2 TBut I am not quite familar with HVDC topic, because my research topic is UVLS.$ }$ I. A; Y7 s8 M
    % w: {# n- u$ D4 u7 g& J
    I already forwarded your comments to Dr. Sood; hopefully, we can have his response soon.
    & Q+ S9 X( ~* S7 K( `* D( A# V  d6 A0 M) ~: B

    * O1 S0 J) n0 b  _* t"Dear Dr. Sood,
    . z+ v( {. U9 g. n" x
    2 K+ A+ g6 L% yI am glag to report you that we already received the first conments on the BBS, which was posted by a phd student inside China.
    $ Y9 J, B1 ~6 R) _1 I3 b6 ^3 z
    'Excellent topic
    : |7 O, ^1 d& [; D9 dI think the EHVDC is a mature technology. Not like what you said "the technologies of the HVDC are not mature". The UHVDC is not a mature technology, aslo the CCC-HVDC and CSCC-HVDC are not.,
    ) u( c' d) v( N6 e+ {7 ^7 D1 y2 K# j' f! j# Z( B% z+ J! |
    China now has grasp the point technology of HVDC. Nowadays, BDCC can finish the SYSTEM DESIGH independently. However there are also some technologies we must learn and some key equipments we must buy from SIENMENSE and ABB  t& u2 v9 R$ e  Y( w8 \+ p
    I don't agree with planning and building so many UHVDC links before we have enough operation experience. Recently I know that the project of "Ningxia East to Shandong" is modified to 660kV/3kA/4000MW.'
    4 o$ c  \/ h& T& f+ i; w0 l9 j- u7 {! {2 u
    'Also I don't agree with the opinion of Dr. Sood " CCC-HVDC will be developed a lot and widely used between the year from 2000 to 2020. and VSC-HVDC will be widely used after 2020.3 @( l  P, f; G1 h( k
    Does anyone agree with me?'5 J1 r2 r* h+ _0 p- I6 V# q- c
    ! }5 E8 l) M/ ~. L

    9 P# x: g$ v0 X" @; a1 PIf you have some words to say, you can Email me or commemt on the BBS directly." H2 Q8 x8 d) W/ |" z5 F

    9 ]$ J8 K1 G  n% h* @5 J$ _Thank you for your time.8 M# I" H2 E, I

    1 n  M8 x* w# |3 E2 l7 AJohn
    0 @6 y0 B, Y4 e. F: q# _' E
    - g* L4 W) c' B; y) T/ k; W  _; tPS: if possible, can you send me your PPT file or some other files to me, then I can post on BBS."5 z! F9 w# T8 o
    7 m" t5 N+ m1 t! W
    [ 本帖最后由 johncheng 于 2007-12-9 09:54 编辑 ]
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
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    发表于 2007-11-30 15:17:40 | 显示全部楼层
    Thanks johncheng!6 v6 W& F/ k( x0 i0 z  i% e

    $ }7 W9 ^: {* k* IYes, China is now planning to build about 15 UHVDC projects until 2020. You can find these plans  in the internet. And Jiangsu province belonging to State Grid and Guangdong province belonging to South Grid  will be two multi-infeed system. Especially in Shanghai, the received end is electrically approximal. The interaction of HVDC is a troublesome problem. I think we should put much attention on these problems and give practical methods to meet the safety requirements of our power system.6 G" B) P# z- o- _  I! V8 C
    ; K6 f2 V, E7 e  M, r+ V2 N' l% n
    I suggest that you can find some materials to understand the reason why China will planning so many UHVDC. There are some reports about the reason. But I don't have them.
    帖文化:【文明发帖 和谐互动】 社区精神:【创新、交流、互助、共享】
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