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Fourier Analysis




发表于 2014-9-4 15:18:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
电子图书名: Fourier Analysis
编者: E Stein, R Shakarchi
内容简介: 该书是美国普林斯顿大学的E Stein教授所著,E Stein教授是菲尔兹奖获得者陶哲轩的老师,本书由浅入深的讲述了傅立叶变换原理。从事信号或谐波分析的学者或研究人员可以参考。。。
所属专业方向: 谐波分析、信号检测等
出版社: Princeton University Press
来源: 网络


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( M( ^$ G- [& D, ^+ s$ M* Uchapter 1. the genesis of fourier analysis
, M0 w+ k4 G" S$ @+ y' `1 the vibrating string $ k% `+ T, h' W  C
1.1 derivation of the wave equation
  E" P8 V; \! Z7 j1.2 solution to the wave equation " Z4 ^6 ^" a9 {6 f# e; H9 E
1.3 example: the plucked string
' [- \; R: _0 e0 `0 x2 the heat equation
! M# D6 `& v+ ]2.1 derivation of the heat equation
9 g8 H* f; \3 m* n- u. I  Z2.2 steady-state heat equation in the disc & v7 v0 C$ i1 t, W4 p: J
3 exercises
7 S3 [) j4 U# l7 c9 X6 f4 c4 problem 7 F1 Q! C4 w& U- y# f
, I: t2 M+ M! _' B6 k/ `. Z: b! n
chapter 2. basic properties of fourier series . j6 ~/ c1 x9 \) [/ w5 r% Z
1 examples and formulation of the problem
1 z; E! h# Y1 u" d7 \% a& {6 S1.1 main definitions and some examples
7 E+ k& O0 W7 |/ P3 {; L* W; S2 uniqueness of fourier series 2 s" x1 N: F: q. Y
3 convolutions - |% J& Q* ?7 b0 V
4 good kernels 5 j( P8 p/ |. T) y. U; a* x
5 cesaro and abel summability: applications to fourierseries 6 J) G6 a/ l& B0 I% j3 u0 ]
.5.1 cesaro means and snmmation # }! O; y$ T$ V9 }8 W0 w
5.2 fejer's theorem ; {8 @" f+ ~8 c% b& j5 E
5.3 abel means and s-ruination 7 l1 f  V. v5 }8 j8 p) N- A" {
5.4 the poisson kernel and dirichlet's problem in the unitdisc 0 o8 E% V1 Q  {6 ^' _
6 exercises 8 j2 f* w3 C  w4 j2 h8 i
7 problems ( v9 s2 T: E+ n+ _

. [! s. H7 a& Z0 J2 ?chapter 3. convergence of fourier series
# h7 ^( A2 T1 Z  A7 N6 r1 z) X- C1 mean-square convergence of fourier series
) ?9 R) G: c- x; P, ~$ f6 X3 ^1.1 vector spaces and inner products 5 y8 i" w3 K, l. S0 S2 B, V% v, |
1.2 proof of mean-square convergence % u: k% @7 _- u
2 return to pointwise convergence
' b; S) M! U$ {& A* l3 |4 @2.1 a local result
+ @, n8 B# W4 |( |* p! T- q, }( J2.2 a continuous function with diverging fourierseries + P! Q. _5 U1 E- L5 r; S2 K
3 exercises 2 \3 W/ w7 a( ?. z
4 problems " ~; q( l" f: ~* h
. w  N5 P( Y! o3 ]
chapter 4. some applications of fourier series " \2 J4 q  ^  r- E, S/ k# _6 l
1 the isoperimetric inequality 3 S% U( T1 }! q/ s
2 weyl's equidistribution theorem ! R- Z5 Z2 q! L. J8 {) |0 L% X" W3 k9 C
3 a continuous but nowhere differentiable function
1 J7 t( z, \! D, s4 a4 the heat equation on the circle
/ E: n5 t  `! j0 z: M) z5 exercises
& W# |2 {* o* o* }- o) M6 problems
4 j( p* ^1 x! h1 p
* j- M4 E' u- H% E3 H2 @chapter 5. the fourier transform on r
& r4 O+ g( a% X% K: p1 elementary theory of the fourier transform 3 p8 B, q/ H0 h6 S- G
1.1 integration of functions on the real line + U+ U7 b9 {$ L7 C3 J
1.2 definition of the fourier transform / }# T* b1 X6 }: A8 @  R6 {
1.3 the schwartz space
  R+ F, w8 i; r1.4 the fourier transform on 3 , V5 h- r5 g, j" H* X  N
1.5 the fourier inversion + F  E- [# r$ c" x
1.6 the plancherel formula
- P# ?7 e4 F" d9 {1.7 extension to functions of moderate decrease : P7 K- |# s1 b, Y, ]& P
1.8 the weierstrass approximation theorem
) @" w0 G: ~0 F& `2 applications to some partial differential equations
3 ~# u# ]" S) T" R3 e9 a  r2.1 the time-dependent heat equation on the real line
# V0 Z3 ^% h! h9 X4 i8 p( h2.2 the steady-state heat equation in the upperhalf-plane - U0 ?: M7 v+ H! Y+ r% L8 m4 @. {2 k
3 the poisson summation formula
, {+ x1 g( Q( n* A& ]3.1 theta and zeta functions
) o( Q( j- E* i8 d3.2 heat kernels / H. C4 ], z5 w! x, `/ R
3.3 poisson kernels % B0 B( Z. q  x; H; \
4 the heisenberg uncertainty principle 7 d1 ~9 H9 n& K
5 exercises
0 q9 r5 R' n, H3 u$ f: K6 problems ! w  Z, B' c, x) c
( I4 @$ S" \9 f, m6 n$ D
chapter 6. the fourier transform on ra . J2 w1 n/ v8 I7 `7 C9 f
1 preliminaries
4 `- U: w& i2 Q6 _3 {* c+ a1.1 symmetries
- A  E; F+ x6 \! K1.2 integration on ra ; h0 p" s* J) _4 U9 a) C6 w
2 elementary theory of the fourier transform
4 `* x2 x3 @+ Q4 T3 the wave equation in rd ×r " }0 _/ s" x8 K/ ~; H( r" n$ r
3.1 solution in terms of fourier transforms
! K/ Y4 [9 x4 R% f/ B$ j8 r3 f3.2 the wave equation in r3× r
2 Y  B6 d3 M/ r! o: e3.3 the wave equation in r2 × r: descent
4 z2 v; T6 g9 _& Q! S4 radial symmetry and bessel functions ' e! l7 C1 ^$ P3 }: S
5 the radon transform and some of its applications
" Q5 H4 G$ c9 X4 S5.1 the x-ray transform in r2 ( [! R8 ]+ ?+ ?" j+ v7 X! ?
5.2 the radon transform in r3 - O  }! _0 Z* H' U7 ]- C
5.3 a note about plane waves
9 b& W5 U! ?$ \; Z) w) U" ?" B4 U6 exercises   f4 j5 E1 Q+ |% Z( q
7 problems : v" B" R$ H2 L" I: ~
9 b8 g3 n! C/ }6 C. h2 ~
chapter 7. finite fourier analysis
% e) D. c* E0 j/ D8 s  q* x4 ^0 P  L% T1 fourier analysis on z(n) / t5 z8 |* r9 R% A/ p
1.1 the group z(n)
7 o, \4 L" P% @6 }% U/ C" R1.2 fourier inversion theorem and plancherel identity onz(n)
2 s' |" u! S" u1.3 the fast fourier transform / d9 g; y4 x( @3 E0 c' y: J
2 fourier analysis on finite abelian groups - e% b  K/ f' n! p4 V! Q0 @) x0 s
2.1 abelian groups 7 K- J: I& N% B: h! V" M
2.2 characters
3 }' N/ E$ I* k# K# E  o8 S2 v2.3 the orthogonality relations   t7 H7 J9 v* w9 D# T- A
2.4 characters as a total family ; ~- k  O) L7 M2 A  z
2.5 fourier inversion and plancherel formula ! g2 o  H$ K7 B
3 exercises
' I( m* S* m2 F1 d( c$ ^4 problems
5 z  D) s: _0 k0 g9 K. Q( \
) e: k% ^( P# z9 P* Hchapter 8. dirichlet's theorem ( C8 a5 A; _5 Z" [0 U3 Y) q. ?
1 a little elementary number theory   C8 {9 w. h- c' W$ y
1.1 the fundamental theorem of arithmetic
. N8 I* Y! Y7 Y/ P1.2 the infinitude of primes
3 ]& P5 B/ \3 }9 ^& z" Z3 U2 dirichlet's theorem   |7 }  k4 ^, ^9 O3 Y( E3 w9 L( g+ z
2.1 fourier analysis, dirichlet characters, and reduc-tion ofthe theorem 9 E. p5 K# t* |3 U6 w; y
2.2 dirichlet l-functions 4 o6 n6 s4 m5 d% c
3 proof of the theorem & D9 A& Q  b2 ~; R+ Q
3.1 logarithms 7 o1 [1 ^2 u: M9 r
3.2 l-functions
7 Z, q3 y, M$ w/ H( a. e3.3 non-vanishing of the l-function . x# Z$ B7 j, D4 b
4 exercises 6 i. u: x3 _  ~7 w. i2 R, r# m: r
5 problems ; K, D: j- H  C. u  R5 ]4 x
appendix: integration 5 J, f) h" s2 i2 r( M
1 definition of the riemann integral
4 q  u& E7 Q8 d6 k1.1 basic properties 8 w" l* q& _. S% k
1.2 sets of measure zero and discontinuities of inte-grablefunctions
3 t! U3 D% c8 Q2 multiple integrals ( M4 W* W- Y4 f, S  s: [+ ?1 c
2.1 the riemann integral in rd ! @8 s7 r1 f4 \. o
2.2 repeated integrals   j! y5 T7 T5 w3 j
2.3 the change of variables formula
$ Y# j1 W! ^$ p; ?" B: @7 j2.4 spherical coordinates
4 \% K, i5 y- @: e. w2 ~3 improper integrals. integration over rd
9 P1 ]; {3 G' @3 T3.1 integration of functions of moderate decrease
. b" {& [9 T, S- ^3.2 repeated integrals ) c) _* K6 `7 H
3.3 spherical coordinates   z. n* R0 [# L$ R6 `' C$ U
notes and references $ \- `* x' c& x  M6 k
" A, a+ H  X2 Rsymbol glossary


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