yizhangsjtu 发表于 2007-6-16 12:13:39

RTDS Software

The RTDS® Simulator employs an advanced and easy to use graphical user interface - the RSCAD Software Suite. This software is the user’s main interface with the RTDS hardware. The software is comprised of several modules designed to allow the user to perform all of the necessary steps to prepare and run a simulation and to analyze simulation output. All modules provide graphical representation and mouse driven operation by click, drag, pull down menus, or push button action creating a working environment familiar to the power system engineer.

RTDS Simulation has two main software elements:

1. Graphical User Interface
RSCAD provides the ability to set up simulations, control, and modify system parameters during a simulation, data acquisition, and result analysis. The modules of RSCAD Software Suite include: FileManager, Draft, Tline, Cable, RunTime and MultiPlot.

    * Details about the RSCAD Software Suite

2. Library of Power and Control System Component Models and Compilers
The RTDS software also includes a multitude of power and control system component models, which can be used to create simulation cases. These models have been designed and tested by our research team at RTDS Technologies and have been validated and refined by our clients during their daily work with the Simulator.

    * List of available Power System Models

    * List of available Control System Models

The Power and Control System Software is an integral part of RSCAD for RTDS®. RSCAD allows the user to select a pictorial representation of the power system or control system components from the library in order to build the desired circuit. Once the system has been drawn and the parameters entered, the appropriate compiler automatically generates the low-level code necessary to perform the simulation using the RTDS Simulator. Therefore, this software determines the function of each processor card for each simulation.

shinning 发表于 2009-5-21 18:18:54

good !
thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!

jenny820210 发表于 2009-6-19 09:24:37

I am working on RTDS recently
thank you for sharing this O(∩_∩)O~

dawnchorus 发表于 2009-6-19 23:40:37

感觉像是pscad配上几个芯片以实现实时性 没啥特别的

ceprizhou 发表于 2009-8-4 14:47:19


hustopen 发表于 2009-9-21 12:35:46


zju_xxf 发表于 2010-2-3 00:13:57

回复 4# dawnchorus


dawnchorus 发表于 2010-2-3 12:34:10

回复 7# zju_xxf
事实上 本质就是这样的

zju_xxf 发表于 2010-2-24 00:57:27

回复 8# dawnchorus


neduwxx 发表于 2010-6-3 15:00:48

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