为薇薇 发表于 2015-6-5 10:46:18


Conversion of equivalent Delta to Y circuit impedance of 3-winding transformers

晨曦里的啊不 发表于 2015-6-5 10:47:35

The impedances required in ETAP Transformer Editor are test data (or short-circuit
impedances) given by manufacturer. They are NOT THE EQUIVALENT Delta-circuit
impedances of transformer. These values can be converted to the individual winding
impedances or the equivalent Y-circuit impedances using the following formulas:
Zp = 0.5 (Zps + Zpt – Zst)
Zs = 0.5 (Zps + Zst – Zpt)
Zt = 0.5 (Zpt + Zst – Zps)
To obtain the equivalent Delta-circuit impedances the Y to D-circuit transformation
formula is as follows:
ZPS = (ZpZs + ZpZt + ZsZt)/Zt
ZPT = (ZpZs + ZpZt + ZsZt)/Zs
ZST = (ZpZs + ZpZt + ZsZt)/Zp

lowlcity 发表于 2015-9-12 16:58:10

页: [1]
查看完整版本: 三绕组变压器阻抗折算
