搞研究的人离不开文献,可是很多院校未能购卖国内外商业数据库,如PUBMED、ElseVier等,因而检索国外全文文献很复杂。就是一些中文的要是没有给银子,也会难得到原文,方便的得到全文往往成为少数学校的专利。从网络上积累了一些资料,跟据自己平时的积累进行了一些修改,写了这个文章,结果发表在南大BBS上很是得到欢迎,所以决心写的好一些,就进行了几次修改,把内容变的更为详细一些!不过个人的观点和经验有限,要是大家有好的东东一定拿出来分享,与人同乐,真乐也!' e; h+ M y. G3 C- ~% }$ S- J' p+ Q
1、根据作者E-mail地址,向作者索要。, I8 \& X, j9 B, h1 r9 w
这是最有效的方法之一。为了更方便大家向作者索取原文,但一定要简洁!一般都愿意向你提供。如果作者有自己的主页,可以去作者的主页看看。不过一般查找作者的主页倒不容易! 记住你的信箱尽量大一点,否则一些大的文件搞不定! 2 d' N8 Y7 r! G& C+ A. D. ?Dear Mr./Mrs.: ________(Author name) ! c& C5 X1 K& c$ t4 B; YI am a graduate student of Harbin Medical University in China. I major in "________"(您的专业). Recently, I found one of your articles, titled "__________" (Title)in Medline. I found it may help me achieve my goals in this research field. This would make a really positive contribution to my work. I would like to be able to read the full text of this article. The abstract makes the article sound very interesting. I know there is usually a fee required to obtain the full article from Medline; however, as a student, my only income is a small scholarship which is about U S $30.00 per month. I wonder if you would consider sending me the full text by Email. Perhaps you would consider this as an act of friendship between our two countries. 8 V) A+ `5 ?! }& B9 SThank you for your kind consideration of this request. ( u0 k% ~3 C& p/ v9 ]3 FSincerely: ___________(your name) 9 `$ ^" D) A4 D" o! `" Y/ u% Q+ X8 gMy Email address is: ____________________ (your email) ' o/ a$ ?+ L% v0 w7 S- T8 l' }Date:Month/day/year 3 d0 C% z S6 ~7 Z! F7 b+ {6 L 利用搜索引擎:2 `4 L4 V1 M" N6 X
英文采用著名的搜索引擎,如Lycos,HotBot,Yahoo,输入详细的关键词(一定要具有特征性,防止搜索出太多的东西),末尾加PDF可能效果更好些。要是觉得不方便就到www.5566.org进入后点搜索,里面收集了十多个引擎,足够你查的,不过一般百度和google比较好!Lycos也不错。关键词很重要,要掌握一些技巧,否则不是漏检就是眼前是个文件的海洋,捞不到针!9 c7 k6 f. A1 G5 @9 s6 M5 |
下面补充一些重要的学术引擎: 5 G/ U( r+ t- |% i. y, d综合通用; L3 I- N. ]7 Q4 Z# X4 j
英文 ) @, h9 X2 O6 f6 j) k- Y; nAltaVista>(告诉我的)http://www.altavista.com/ ?8 M; X6 V1 ^1 _
LYCOS >http://www.lycos.com 2 ?- d1 h9 L" G1 l( M7 | LYAHOO! >http://www.yahoo.com $ Z6 M- C y/ mEXCITE >http://www.excite.com3 S# K2 p% q3 ? y% S
INFOSEEK >http://www.infoseek.com 4 d# w K3 L5 n5 F/ u8 p; HHOTBOT >http://www.hotbot.com0 _( V* T7 E& V
EVLAST >http://www.evlast.com! x' s9 I7 l! K: v4 E4 ?* L
GALAXY >http://www.galaxy.com - B& S, d0 d4 ~, K. ?' N/ h: \NORTHERNLIGHT >http://www.northernlight.com3 T7 c1 n+ A4 ]: m8 f( j4 t
OPENTEXT >http://pinstripe.opentext.com 0 O8 d1 }7 m$ s- \" B: Z; g1 w中文9 f) U/ W' x+ p% }7 m
Sohu >http://www.sohu.com ) M7 U) E8 x( h% p2 M3 y其他网易 新浪 中文雅虎我就不写了,大家都知道的。 ) Y4 ?7 v% w8 [+ }3 ^: v5 M # \) a9 u; b0 a综合科技 ! y1 l- e/ V+ H* O$ [- {. BScicentral & SciQuest >http://www.sciquest.com , ~; d2 n/ B: _% \) y. ~0 TMartindale’srefrence >http://www-sci.lib.uci.edu/HSG/REF.html) t1 S; N* T" u% E+ F" G
EEVL >http://www.eevl.ac.uk& U- a4 d, \6 c8 `8 V1 q& W, i