endyco 发表于 2010-12-17 14:25:58


WINOWS 7 旗舰版安装测试,没有任何问题,分享经验

A. bt下载,地址如下:http://www.torrentdownloads.net/download/1651310411/ETAP+7+0+0+with+Serial+Activation+Full+Modules+iso

1. Downloaded ETAP-7 file is on iso format, so burn it on DVD or mount on POWERISO & save the setup on hard disk.
2. Download 石皮解 from "http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2JQLU4YB". THis is 石皮解 for ETAP 6.0. Its works ok for ETAP 7.0 also.
2. Disable connection to internet
3. Disable antivirus software on your computer
4. Run Etap-7 installation from DVD/Harddisk.
5. select install + license manager, just follow the instruction.
6. When finish installation, dont run the software.
8. Open folder LMSETUPSYSTEM32DRIVERS on etap DVD
9. copy all files in the LMSETUPSYSTEM32DRIVERS ----- to ------ C:WindowsSystem32Drivers
10. Extract 123.rar (石皮解, downloaded above) and place the exttracted files(etap6.exe) to ETAP 700 Folder.
11. Goto c:Program FilesOperation Inc. Technology ETAP Licence Manager and open the file ETAPKEY.exe. A window will keep running. Let it be running.
12. Now Go to ETAP 700/Parche/ETAP6.exe" and run etap6.exe. This is the software to bypass license.
this file is under DOS file, so you will see DOS application run. win7用户在此步骤需要“以管理员身份运行此程序”,不然石皮解会失败。
13. After finish installing ETAP6.exe, then Reboot your computer/laptop.
14. Enable again your antivirus
15. Run ETAp 7 application.
16. Will show up window for license , click OK, then software will ask for activation serial
Enter Activation serial :9dp8kD6Ncc#Y8r5FBL+QEn3DHqDBKR<7Nc4/



endyco 发表于 2010-12-17 15:04:38


cumthk 发表于 2010-12-17 15:32:34


wolaikaoyan0 发表于 2010-12-17 16:54:07


wolaikaoyan0 发表于 2010-12-17 20:08:55


lyjymm 发表于 2010-12-20 12:14:19

etap 6.0   7.0 都下了,安装后激活码都无效啊!!!!谁用上了吗?分享下啊!!!

cumthk 发表于 2010-12-20 12:51:01


redplum 发表于 2010-12-20 14:00:33


endyco 发表于 2010-12-22 08:58:42

我现在在用etap7.0.0, windows的系统,好用,无限制,呵呵

maya2005 发表于 2011-1-2 13:26:11

很好用,下载用了26小时,就是装的时候出来个windows installer问题,是自己电脑的原因,按照步骤装好后,很好使,谢谢楼主,亲一个,嘿嘿。
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