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发表于 2009-9-7 13:28:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 genglinuser 于 2009-9-19 17:15 编辑
, F/ j0 ~4 G. J+ {; \5 v* h1 ~
+ g/ F# r" z2 `- `9 W  ~风电标准汇总0 N" d; k6 y% h
GBT 19568-2004风力发电机组装配和安装规范
7 Q) G; S; U. y* X5 [" c" ]4 M( ]
" X% C' A- g1 R) [) h6 cAssembling and installation regulation for wind turbine generator systems1 W7 C- w# B/ ]; R3 {

/ W) i5 X2 o1 d$ j6 U  M5 j& b& f9 p: a4 WGBT 19115.2-2003离网型户用风光互补发电系统 第2部分:试验方法& e( m* {; ?5 I' e- I# x" x
2 Y! e8 L) l% M- U! ~) H/ q9 a
The off-grid wind-PV hybrid generating electricity of household-use Part 2 Test
& l: G7 `2 F9 w3 X) E/ C2 S4 B; ]& {$ S/ f" E3 c" S% g
GBT 19115.1-2003离网型户用风光互补发电系统 第1部分:技术条件  L2 a7 E3 A$ j$ d! F- B" i
! f" X5 {# E/ P; K7 H3 H
The off-grid wind-PV hybrid generating electricity of household-use Part 1 - u- ^8 @: r5 k: |
- ]7 _, ?# b) h' N; s
GBT 19073-2003风力发电机组 齿轮箱; N! n% e) l% Y4 @
1 n( y0 ^2 R! `" r4 {% [  k1 m
The gearbox of wind turbines
+ `2 ^( L+ R& i: v5 I' p& \5 [. ]
GBT 19072-2003风力发电机组 塔架
& b+ e1 }4 m  T0 e. |/ C" Z- Z4 F5 h, h
The tower of wind turbines generating system 2 S* e# i- A8 `7 Z+ N. d" q

+ z5 J2 u6 P1 p  i0 BGBT 19071.2-2003风力发电机组 异步发电机 第2部分:试验方法. R, f/ c0 `& o3 R1 {2 d, f0 f
# q) f; U) \4 P& q/ L  y
Asynchronous generator of wind turbines generating system Part 2 Test method  ; x. L1 C- Z0 J. e( L# c
3 t8 O6 _0 m' L6 b
GBT 19071.1-2003风力发电机组 异步发电机 第1部分:技术条件; G$ _4 L" K) }+ ]9 i
5 R3 E" d  L! i* ^! N" w
Asynchronous generator of wind turbines generating system Part 1 Technical condition 
( k2 ^7 c' _* K9 R8 s) M9 S) d: H; ^4 w
GBT 19070-2003风力发电机组 控制器 试验方法6 O: J. c: @; m5 s9 S- o4 P
; D+ m8 g1 U, ~  z9 S8 i
The controller of wind turbines generating system - Test method 1 E: P6 U# p6 j4 o" @1 Y' ~
3 R; F2 ^+ [4 I' z3 ?  V
GBT 19069-2003风力发电机组 控制器 技术条件+ P/ |, B* j* U4 y: f4 k" O

$ e$ c  |$ L% \9 P. V9 }4 Q" LThe controller of wind turbines generating system - Technical condition 
: q# y1 a  c) i! L/ B, N6 u+ q; `
GBT 19068.3-2003离网型风力发电机组 第3部分:风洞试验方法3 ^  `( c/ R0 _8 y# m$ w6 M( e8 C

2 \! p1 y+ i% k* s' W$ g! \Off-grid wind turbines generating system - Part 3 Wind tunnel Test method . {: i) M4 J7 p5 N
# R3 \, h' X  ?0 ~  Q. L
GBT 19068.2-2003离网型风力发电机组 第2部分:试验方法
9 P: G9 v3 `! L- ^2 r! l! s3 U' x7 l! E7 Q, Z) u& g
Off-grid wind turbines generating system - Part 2 Test method 3 ?) z7 C/ |" ~, M! x) W

. A) B- r; U0 p2 p: s+ eGBT 19068.1-2003离网型风力发电机组 第1部分:技术条件
0 Q& E9 h/ N( j7 B+ h, l) j5 @: ~
& c1 n, p( W- OOff-grid wind turbines generating system - Part 1 Technical condition 
" V7 B. {$ {0 C+ \0 l& U
& ^5 S0 z$ B0 W6 fGBT 18710-2002风电场风能资源评估方法
3 }2 Q3 ]# Q, ]. R" G1 n  K, v# ~0 O6 }+ g& O# H; k) \  T
Methodology of wind energy resource ( ~: X$ r% j& T$ N4 s
, U0 p: h& m; P* I* _
GBT 18709-2002风电场风能资源测量方法
2 m$ [* P: _; e( B; Y" F/ z7 E0 m' u) i
Methodology of wind energy resource measurement for wind farm 
& A1 G- C9 ^2 q& b6 n4 T5 d& w, _  b8 A1 [1 f. v) V- c  v9 E9 D
GB 18451.2-2003风力发电机组 功率特性试验. L( i3 f$ }' q. t- h

# S% E1 U1 |! |: N$ }5 t6 sWind turbine generator systems Power performance test
6 X0 I# R& c' o8 o* S: M* j- d+ q/ c- _* H' s) t/ \6 h/ f
GB 18451.1-2001风力发电机组安全要求9 o4 Q4 A" Z& y" V9 o3 c7 }
# }3 ^' Y" U" m7 ~
Wind turbine generator systems Safety requirements / Y7 @9 k( v4 \! T# I( l! A! D

: d) [, J1 r6 I7 v0 Z. TGB 17646-1998小型风力发电机组 安全要求
% D) y2 t9 |* u* r, D4 U7 d! o* j
: g! S! P' O, [6 e* \Safety of small wind turbine 7 N/ ~2 P3 j- r* d4 [

- [* U2 v  _  c" S; D- U1 TGBT 16437-1996小型风力发电机组结构安全要求
7 Q% T: y5 r7 E8 g/ h7 U8 N( |$ H
; o7 \; l7 c0 x( s: j# z5 ~Safety requirements for small wind turbine generator structures 7 `, E, d) f5 l2 s/ \+ f; Y, `, K
: ^% c$ R5 N/ X0 i+ j5 m
GBT 13981-92风力机设计通用要求
$ V4 u3 N! z1 j+ c, u% k9 ]- _% l' P& k' f
Design general requirements for wind energy conversion system
! L" M/ X$ I3 b4 ]
: b" {0 b" H% ZGBT 10760.2-2003离网型风力发电机组用发电机 第2部分:试验方法
" q: Y  `" F3 J) e) r  d2 z. p$ F3 ^5 {# B; R! r# F
The generator of off-grid wind turbine generator systems - Part 2 Test method 
. |( [. R9 n1 |, u8 z' v) I3 ?& |5 b# F* \" C
GBT 10760.1-2003离网型风力发电机组用发电机 第1部分:技术条件
0 k* `1 I( _% a: ?' S, t7 z# s, a3 y
The generator of off-grid wind turbine generator systems - Part 1 Technical condition
* {% ^; t2 e2 G) d  f. r7 B
  _3 ]7 f, o: r, PGB 8116-1987风力发电机组 型式与基本参数
4 U( y$ G2 {7 o9 L8 ?( X) v, O: P
9 }) K/ b- j! S1 a* ^5 WWind-generating sets-Type and basic parameters 7 b. q* @4 i8 A" A" R. o/ A% |) F. b
; K9 S: ~' K, {' v7 e
GBT 2900.53-2001电工术语 风力发电机组
4 c$ A* U& Z; g9 E  o8 [
4 W8 p+ \* e/ l+ o9 d$ k+ KElectro technical terminology - Wind turbine generator systems
1 I1 {- E4 p' B1 V: `
, B9 p& m. @0 C+ ^; m7 PDLT 5067-96风力发电场项目可行性研究报告编制规程8 Q( j  R, Q* m  b

5 |0 M/ L6 G* }. t" i2 iCode on compiling feasibility study report of wind power projects
1 M9 V  p, L$ p7 m7 @* r' O  K" f  D
DLT 797-2001风力发电场检修规程; c4 C6 n" |7 w( Z0 z- u

# B2 V6 b! x$ x% P3 v! s% ECode on maintenance of wind farm- Y$ v; F* w2 c* p1 p/ }5 l  p2 Q
8 }* g1 @" X' m6 U9 I8 r0 I2 m5 g
DLT 666-1999风力发电场运行规程7 \  o0 d- s$ A: G4 J- [0 r, u' X7 e
  ~4 E3 C- |/ o7 y5 i
Code on operation of wind power plant! _- X$ l! B! M! L: Q, n9 R% O/ e

  R# p9 D5 h6 M. f9 U4 r" _( rJBT 10194-2000风力发电机组 风轮叶片6 t  e9 m' d- s- Q9 ~- y

# \. x4 |# _+ Z* ]( sRotor blades - wind turbine generation system
0 i- i' l) p. I1 }" A& O# [7 H0 F
  D1 P$ k6 T/ A9 uJBT 10137-1999提水和发电用小型风力机 试验方法2 f( e* M, ]1 d0 J9 D" R" P

$ E7 i1 ]" t, B: {Wind turbine for water pumping and generating - Test method6 g, w8 O$ N, b! y! ~7 c* m
4 V+ B/ W& o; p# E& y; S' L
JBT 10300-2001风力发电机组 设计要求6 R& g! e# O$ W" k
/ U) J: a1 B- u) C6 F
Wind turbine generation system–design requirement
9 ]3 e. k8 S% F- E1 b5 w- l! P. d3 E5 V4 Z7 l5 ?' E$ C; o2 W( f  J
JBT 9740.4-1999低速风力机 安装规范) ~7 {5 R5 \5 O& W
4 o- J! C+ Q- y7 q
Low speed wind turbine installation rules
$ S& _& w, c8 o9 d1 k$ q
) I: _/ ~1 u7 p* Z3 yJBT 9740.3-1999低速风力机 技术条件  o/ C$ z$ y& H/ K# U
3 M. V' U. w/ F8 A9 ?$ |' A' M& l9 S
Low speed wind turbine - technical condition 3 A7 h$ n* T$ ^6 n

5 c. }3 f1 I# m% K) N; n% M7 L' OJBT 9740.2-1999低速风力机 型式与基本参数' l* V, U- r, E

4 a/ `; v/ O( G) n9 F5 S: B0 U/ mLow speed wind turbine - types and basis parameters
* I. b, K5 }, l, c7 n. T
0 }7 ]  ~& n* cJBT 9740.1-1999低速风力机 系列
2 o+ ]* i1 h  H( g8 A4 |% v. f; F% @7 R; y% x
Low speed wind turbine – series8 e$ t! c% `8 f* Z

: t0 N5 p5 Y5 TJBT 7879-1999风力机械 产品型号编制规则$ p( L4 s7 ~; K; j! m/ N
7 A9 L0 ^/ [: y/ X5 Z
The rule for naming the product of wind energy conversion system
& m8 C$ `4 Z4 ]4 O' ~4 X; [- [! H, G; w
JBT 7878-1995风力机 术语3 R- R2 L/ r6 F! \
! y! h' a* s5 A  ]4 Q, Z
Terminology of wind energy conversion system' K# u5 y1 ^9 Z# u2 m6 D
+ C) g( s9 u: s' U
JBT 7323-1994风力发电机组 试验方法3 ]& U0 b2 c* k) z3 P: @2 r7 F) B
; w, w7 w* W6 x; w  u2 @% }' z
Test method of wind turbine
& K+ d$ l9 Z6 R6 w1 _1 o0 M4 @8 W* x0 n
JBT 7143.2-1993离网型风力发电机组用逆变器 试验方法8 u- _* g1 y; ~# \& h
- ]0 s- Y8 X/ h# l4 h6 `
Test procedure for converter of small wind turbine
2 [2 _5 v5 {0 a7 n' I8 J. j6 R5 _- i
JBT 7143.1-1993离网型风力发电机组用逆变器 技术条件
2 m: B4 [: e/ q# g, P. T" T0 {0 L& w; g8 @* n% b
Technical condition for converter of small wind turbine. m- ^. p- W  [

/ v2 ?5 A' x" g: A6 [JBT 6941-1993风力提水用拉杆泵 技术条件4 X8 g2 j5 o  o

0 j5 x' z" K& y8 d  @Pump of wind pump - Technical condition 
! z# z0 i7 ^" x9 l  I* Z* ?1 T, x4 s4 o2 v$ I( C. \9 \
JBT 6939.2-2003离网型风力发电机组用控制器第2部分:试验方法
: S5 A" K0 O0 G) ]) N) D# m7 D1 B3 H4 M, W9 Y8 N
The controller of off-grid wind turbine - Part 2:Test procedure4 }8 w/ h  k) ]6 n
. A% f% f- y9 m+ a# ~/ @* @
JBT 6939.1-2003离网型风力发电机组用控制器第1部分:技术条件
2 O, A/ x/ w2 W# \2 ?
6 {- r  _0 k0 l0 u- U0 |The controller of off-grid wind turbine - Part 1:Technical condition$ e  _& W; I0 s: |2 `0 y' z5 P/ ]
# |! ?- H5 u/ T( h* X
IEC WT 012001规程和方法 - 风力发电机组一致性试验和认证系统0 O: P! e( @3 X' r0 t, l; u; o. m

; {! k1 J2 e/ R2 p* xSystem for Conformity Testing and Certification of Wind Turbines - Rules and Procedures) ^1 J( @! Z* y3 y, Z+ n& j% ]' \

2 {9 u/ A1 a2 l7 a0 ]2 G& P4 [IEC 61400-25风电场监控通讯. X! ]2 V/ @, Y: y
: f( q9 @! N$ v9 X5 r. R5 b% a
Communications for monitoring and control of wind power Plant
4 s; u) V- F7 l& S
- `& b! z, M* Y1 t6 b/ j+ \+ s9 [IEC 61400-24风力发电机组防雷( V: S7 x  B: }; p7 d$ o+ `

% U/ m0 ^5 d2 lLightning protection for wind turbine systems
& E! H: n4 M" f) B
5 i2 z( ?! W% e0 iIEC 61400-23 风力发电机组叶片满量程试验% A/ U5 X0 O5 ~3 F

" Z; C( O# X/ gFull-Scale Structural Testing of Wind Turbine Blades3 Z; D; `1 Q) w+ V1 _$ x
* p2 ?8 v- P+ D; z0 ]
IEC 61400-22 风力发电机组认证" o* Z: C- a' ]  N. o4 C, I/ L$ Z$ @5 s
! s6 @  u# j% S( V/ J
Wind Turbines Certification
9 x3 M5 H- E- y0 l$ w" l3 @, }
& k9 M3 m+ x, }6 p  PIEC 61400-21 并网风力发电机组功率质量特性测试与评价
7 |, y7 f. c5 Z( i. D* R* ~* H1 `8 d- O% O: \7 O
Measurement and Assessment of Power Quality Characteristics of Grid Connected Wind Turbines
2 ?" z: d4 I% h& c4 D/ b; y9 M' i- y8 ]4 t7 S& j+ i" c
IEC 61400-13 机械载荷测试
* G0 Q+ x: R+ S! w( S
3 v! O; @; z8 z- y' P% a# J0 }Measurement of Mechanical Loads5 s& F+ d; s) g  Y$ n
0 n6 f0 `, n- G9 j' i+ c
IEC 61400-12 风力发电机组 第12部分:风力发电机功率特性试验
' q. a( i: W" `& X7 u; |& Y1 y! [. Z5 X( y/ @7 ~4 E" L
Wind Turbine Power Performance Measurement Techniques
  @) x; N6 V% @; x
6 t5 ?5 f9 H) I4 F; B+ }6 PIEC 61400-11 风力发电机噪音测试8 S8 B# Z" o+ y
; }+ Z1 L% [# P
Acoustic Noise Measurement Techniques,
. g: M7 p5 i8 E  E2 @+ x+ \& g8 O4 O2 h  S( H# P: b
IEC 61400-2 风力发电机组 第2部分:小型风力发电机的安全+ ^3 i4 q  r( i; E& y  q
6 i- h4 n% h3 O: \& b9 z
Safety Requirements for Small Wind Turbine Generators
* C* A2 p3 [) s! `2 ^
% i9 S& [. q; j; `1 R+ D0 E4 LIEC 61400-1 风力发电机组 第1部分:安全要求4 `# g3 E" E, w' s5 C3 G+ `3 s

1 ]" L2 G9 w7 j4 kSafety Requirements
6 o7 Q* i* `/ d. Y5 W( m( o8 C% U" e* @5 A6 Z
ASTM E 1240-88风能转换系统性能的测试方法: c' J* u1 E7 m8 x$ _! D' B

9 U* h, ?0 _+ u- l* R3 O) XStandard Test Method for Performance Testing of Wind Energy Conversion System 0 |1 Y: c% [9 q& y& a
1 [/ y: R* n4 N7 j. w
ASMEANSI PTC 42-1988风力机性能试验规程
- W4 h1 k, e6 S% K5 L3 _7 M
. Q0 I$ ~/ l4 ?7 fWind Turbine Performance Test# d6 o# i# E$ W; B: J

) u, {- ?4 {! M4 H% I9 KANSIIEEE 1021-1988小型风能转换系统与公用电网互联的推荐规范4 y4 M) D8 s) U/ p* D
8 T! \8 n: C$ R; Q2 |( ]
Recommended Practice for Utility Interconnection of Small Wind Energy Conversion
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