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PowerWorld Simulator 22 Educational/Evaluation Version

发布者: wolaikaoyan0 | 发布时间: 2022-4-23 16:42| 查看数: 814| 评论数: 0|帖子模式

软件/程序名称: PowerWorld Simulator 22 Educational/Evaluation Version
软件/程序大小: 50M
软件/程序语言: 英语
运行平台: windows 7/8.X/10 
功能简介: PowerWorld Simulator Educational/Evaluation Version
授权方式: 试用版
研究/处理: 原版


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本帖最后由 wolaikaoyan0 于 2023-4-23 17:57 编辑
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You have attempted to exceed the maximum number of buses allowed in the PowerWorld Simulator Educational/Evaluation Version.  Since this version is intended only for studying small educational systems and for demonstrating PowerWorld Simulator, it is limited to systems with 13 buses maximum (versus 100,000 for the full version).
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GMT+8, 2024-4-25 02:02

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