为薇薇 发表于 2015-6-11 11:35:42


Per IEEE Standard 485, if the operating temperature of a battery (Lead Acid) is different from
that of the library curves used, the temperature correction factor should be applied in calculation
of battery capacity. Table 1 of the IEEE Standard 485 gives a list of correction factors for
different operating temperature values, between –3.9 °C and 51.7 °C, assuming that the battery
characteristic curves are given at 25 °C.
ETAP Battery Sizing program determines the temperature correction factor according to this
1. If the battery characteristic curves used in the calculation are for 25 °C and the battery
operating temperature is between –3.9 °C and 51.7 °C, the correction factor is determined
by the interpolation method based on the values given in table.
2. If the battery characteristic curves used in the calculation are for 25 °C, but the battery
operating temperature is outside the range from –3.9 °C and 51.7 °C, the correction factor
is determined by the following equation,
y = -2.8117*x^3 + 4.1916*x^2 – 2.4941*x + 1.405
3. If the battery characteristic curves used in the calculation are not for 25 °C, the correction
factor given in Table 1 are shifted and then used as described in the above. For example, if
the battery characteristic curves are for 35 °C, the temperature values in Table 1 are
modified by adding 10 °C. Therefore, the correction factor at 35 °C is equal to 1 and the
operating temperature range becomes 6.19 °C and 61.7 °C.
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 关于ETAP中蓄电池温度就证因子的说明
